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# This file was automatically generated by Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker v6.023.
use strict;
use 5.006;
my %WriteMakefileArgs = (
"ABSTRACT" => "Simple, flexible system to implement workflows",
"AUTHOR" => "Chris Winters <chris\>",
"ExtUtils::MakeMaker" => 0
"DISTNAME" => "Workflow",
"LICENSE" => "perl",
"MIN_PERL_VERSION" => "5.006",
"NAME" => "Workflow",
"PREREQ_PM" => {
"Carp" => 0,
"Class::Accessor" => "0.18",
"Class::Factory" => "1.00",
"DBI" => 0,
"Data::Dumper" => 0,
"Data::UUID" => 0,
"DateTime" => "0.15",
"DateTime::Format::Strptime" => "1.00",
"Exception::Class" => "1.10",
"File::Slurp" => 0,
"Log::Log4perl" => "0.34",
"Safe" => 0,
"XML::Simple" => "2.00"
"DBD::Mock" => "0.10",
"File::Spec" => 0,
"IO::Handle" => 0,
"IPC::Open3" => 0,
"List::MoreUtils" => 0,
"Mock::MonkeyPatch" => 0,
"Pod::Coverage::TrustPod" => 0,
"Test::Exception" => 0,
"Test::Kwalitee" => "1.21",
"Test::More" => "0.88",
"Test::Pod" => "1.41",
"Test::Pod::Coverage" => "1.08"
"VERSION" => "1.58",
"test" => {
"TESTS" => "t/*.t"
my %FallbackPrereqs = (
"Carp" => 0,
"Class::Accessor" => "0.18",
"Class::Factory" => "1.00",
"DBD::Mock" => "0.10",
"DBI" => 0,
"Data::Dumper" => 0,
"Data::UUID" => 0,
"DateTime" => "0.15",
"DateTime::Format::Strptime" => "1.00",
"Exception::Class" => "1.10",
"File::Slurp" => 0,
"File::Spec" => 0,
"IO::Handle" => 0,
"IPC::Open3" => 0,
"List::MoreUtils" => 0,
"Log::Log4perl" => "0.34",
"Mock::MonkeyPatch" => 0,
"Pod::Coverage::TrustPod" => 0,
"Safe" => 0,
"Test::Exception" => 0,
"Test::Kwalitee" => "1.21",
"Test::More" => "0.88",
"Test::Pod" => "1.41",
"Test::Pod::Coverage" => "1.08",
"XML::Simple" => "2.00"
unless ( eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.63_03) } ) {
delete $WriteMakefileArgs{TEST_REQUIRES};
delete $WriteMakefileArgs{BUILD_REQUIRES};
$WriteMakefileArgs{PREREQ_PM} = \%FallbackPrereqs;
delete $WriteMakefileArgs{CONFIGURE_REQUIRES}
unless eval { ExtUtils::MakeMaker->VERSION(6.52) };