Created: 2000-01-28
Maintainer: Jonas Smedegaard (JONASS) <>
v0.0.11 2024-08-22
[ Test Suite ]
disambiguate empty code blocks to not confuse perl < 5.26
Slaven Rezić++
tighten to require Feature::Compat::Class v0.07
Slaven Rezić++
v0.0.10 2024-08-21
[ Test Suite ]
update test Software-License.t and tighten to require 0.104006
update test Software-License.t, and tighten to require
Regexp::Pattern::License 3.11.0
Gregor Hermann++
Roland Rosenfeld++
v0.0.9 2023-07-04
[ Bug Fixes ]
tighten runtime-requirement for List::Util
v0.0.8 2023-07-04
[ Bug Fixes ]
really use List::Util (not List::SomeUtils), everywhere
[ Packaging ]
revert to run perltidy (not perltidier) with tidyall
v0.0.7 2023-07-03
[ Bug Fixes ]
stepwise detect prepended version, with Regexp::Pattern::License v3.11.0
stepwise detect version_only, with Regexp::Pattern::License v3.11.0
[ Test Suite ]
tighten tests to cover non-optional trailing 'license' since
Regexp::Pattern::License v3.11.0
update author tests to cover Regexp::Pattern::License v3.11.0
[ Other ]
declare dummy method with empty signature in one line, hopefully
pleasing perl v5.20-v5.24
simplify code; use List::Util (not List::SomeUtils)
sort LICENSES by amount of contained licenses, then key length, then
sort NAMES objects by key length before alphabetically
store resolved shortname and caption in objects (not internal id)
tighten positioning and reporting of stepwise detected version
tiny optimization in version number mangling
tiny optimization: check if named match is defined (not if true)
track confirmed fulltext or grant as object (not boolean)
track detected fulltext license as object (not just positional range)
track detected license grant as object (not just positional range)
used named capture for local patterns
v0.0.6 2023-06-03
[ Test Suite ]
use Feature::Compat::Class after core features, to support newer perl
Graham Knop++
Jitka Plesníková++
[ Packaging ]
require perl v5.20, needed for subroutine signatures
[ Other ]
add internal note method to generalize trait hinting
add internal tag methods to generalize coverage tracking
code cleanup, by extending tag methods
drop obsolete custom BSD and CC double-detection avoidance
use subroutine signatures
v0.0.5 2023-05-30
[ Test Suite ]
Use Test::Script to ensure correct perl invokes script in tests.
petr Pisar++
v0.0.4 2023-01-18
[ Test Suite ]
tighten to test-recommend Software::LicenseUtils 0.104002
v0.0.3 2023-01-17
[ Test Suite ]
update test Software-License.t: check license ISC since
Software::License 0.104002
update test Software-License.t: list licenses without fallback as
undefined (not empty string)
update test Software-License.t: resolve plan from hash %LICENSE
update test Software-License.t: uncruft license EUPL-1.1, apparently
needed in some (test) scenarios
v0.0.2 2023-01-15
[ Test Suite ]
fix plan count to work on older perls
[ Packaging ]
stop test-require Test::Command::Simple
use correct URI for git repository
use secure https protocol for bug-database URI
[ Other ]
load namespace::clean before class definitions
v0.0.1 2023-01-14
[ Packaging ]
Initial CPAN release (before that part of App::Licensecheck since 2016,
Debian devscripts since 2007, and KDE SDK since 2000).