Changes for version 0.99

  • Avoid warnings from sman-update for nonexistant dirs in manpath Be more careful about configuration files and temp files
  • Changes for win32 under cygwin Typo fixes and rewordings in docs, more TODO changes Little changes to sman-defaults.conf Added dependencies to Makefile.PL POD error in fixed as per cpants Tests added to test POD and POD coverage


Perl tool for searching man pages
Perl tool to index man pages (part of sman package)


Perl tool for searching man pages
Automatically choose the 'best' man command
Find and read config files for the Sman tool
writes and reads sman's sman.index.version file
'Virtual base class' for converted manpages cache
Cache converted manpages in a DB_File
Cache converted manpages in a Cache::FileCache
Convert manpages to XML for sman-update and sman
Find manpage files for indexing by sman-update
Sman backend to build an sman index with swish-e
Utility functions for Sman
configuration file for sman and sman-update