SVN::Notify::Mirror - Keep a mirrored working copy of a repository path


Use svnnotify in post-commit:

svnnotify --repos-path "$1" --revision "$2" \
 --handler Mirror --to "/path/to/www/htdocs" \
 [--svn-binary /full/path/to/svn] \
 [[--ssh-host remote_host] [--ssh-user remote_user] \
 [--ssh-tunnel] \
 [--ssh-identity /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa]]

or better yet, use SVN::Notify::Config for a more sophisticated setup:

#!/usr/bin/perl -MSVN::Notify::Config=$0
--- #YAML:1.0
  PATH: "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin"
  handler: Mirror
  to: "/path/to/www/htdocs"
  handler: Mirror
  to: "/path/to/remote/www/htdocs"
  ssh-host: "remote_host"
  ssh-user: "remote_user"
  ssh-tunnel: ""
  ssh-identity: "/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa"


Keep a directory in sync with a portion of a Subversion repository. Typically used to keep a development web server in sync with the changes made to the repository. This directory can either be on the same box as the repository itself, or it can be remote (via SSH connection).


Depending on whether the target is a "Local Mirror" or a "Remote Mirror", there are different options available. All options are available either as a commandline option to svnnotify or as a hash key in SVN::Notify::Config (see their respective documentation for more details).

Working Copy on Mirror

Because 'svn export' is not able to be consistently updated, the sync'd directory must be a full working copy, and if you are running Apache, you should add lines like the following to your Apache configuration file:

# Disallow browsing of Subversion working copy
# administrative directories.
<DirectoryMatch "^/.*/\.svn/">
 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all

The files in the working copy must be writeable (preferrably owned) by the user identity executing the hook script (this is the user identity that is running Apache or svnserve respectively).

Local Mirror

Used for directories local to the repository itself (NFS or other network mounted drives count). The only required options are:

  • handler = Mirror

    Specifies that this module is called to process the Notify event.

  • to = /path/to/working/copy

    Specified which directory should be updated.

Remote Mirror

Used for directories not located on the same machine as the repository itself. Typically, this might be a production web server located in a DMZ, so special consideration must be paid to security concerns. In particular, the remote mirror server may not be able to directly access the repository box.

NOTE: be sure and consult "Remote Mirror Pre-requisites" before configuring your post-commit hook.

  • ssh-host

    This value is required and must be the hostname or IP address of the remote host (where the mirror directories reside).

  • ssh-user

    This value is optional and specifies the remote username that owns the working copy mirror.

  • ssh-identity

    This value may be optional and should be the full path to the local identity file being used to authenticate with the remote host. If you are setting the ssh-user to be something other than the local user name, you will typically also have to set the ssh-identity.

  • ssh-tunnel

    If the remote server does not have direct access to the repository server, it is possible to use the tunneling capabilities of SSH to provide temporary access to the repository. This works even if repository is located internally, and the remote server is located outside of a firewall or on a DMZ.

    The value passed as the ssh-tunnel should be the IP address to which the local repository service is bound (whether that is Apache or svnserve). This will tunnel port 3690 from the repository box to localhost:3690 on the remote box. This must also be the way that the original working copy was checked out.

    For example, see "Remote Mirror Pre-requisites" and after step #6, perform the following additional steps:

    # su - localuser
    $ ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa remote_user@remote_host -R3690:
    $ cd /path/to/mirror/working/copy
    $ svn co svn:// .

    where is the IP address hosting the repository service. Replace svn:// with http:// if you are running Apache instead of svnserve.

Remote Mirror Pre-requisites

Before you can configure a remote mirror, you need to produce an SSH identity file to use:

1. Log in as repository user

Give the user identity being used to execute the hook scripts (the user running Apache or svnserve) a shell and log in as that user, e.g. su - svn;

2. Create SSH identity files on repository machine

Run ssh-keygen and create an identity file (without a password).

3. Log in as remote user

Perform the same steps as #1, but this time on the remote machine. This username doesn't have to be the same as in step #1, but it must be a user with full write access to the mirror working copy.

4. Create SSH identity files on remote machine

It is usually more efficient to go ahead and use ssh-keygen to create the .ssh folder in the home directory of the remote user.

5. Copy the public key from local to remote

Copy the .ssh/ (or if you created an RSA key) to the remote server and add it to the .ssh/authorized_keys for the remote user. See the SSH documentation for instructions on how to configure

6. Confirm configuration

As the repository user, confirm that you can sucessfully connect to the remote account, e.g.:

# su - local_user
$ ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa remote_user@remote_host

This is actually a good time to either check out the working copy or to confirm that the remote account has rights to update the working copy mirror. If the remote server does not have direct network access to the repository server, you can use the tunnel facility of SSH (see ssh-tunnel above) to provide access (e.g. through a firewall).

Once you have set up the various accounts, you are ready to set your options.


John Peacock <>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.


SVN::Notify, SVN::Notify::Config

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 232:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'

Around line 289:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'