version - Perl extension for Version Objects
use version;
$version = new version "12.2.1"; # must be quoted!
print $version; # 12.2.1
print $version->numify; # 12.002001
if ( $version > 12.2 ) # true
$vstring = new version qw(v1.2); # must be quoted!
print $vstring; # 1.2
$betaver = new version "1.2_3"; # must be quoted!
print $betaver; # 1.2_3
$perlver = new version "5.005_03"; # must be quoted!
print $perlver; # 5.5.30
Overloaded version objects for all versions of Perl. This module implments all of the features of version objects which will be part of Perl 5.10.0 except automatic v-string handling. See "Quoting".
What IS a version
For the purposes of this module, a version "number" is a sequence of positive integral values separated by decimal points and optionally a single underscore. This corresponds to what Perl itself uses for a version, as well as extending the "version as number" that is discussed in the various editions of the Camel book.
However, in order to be compatible with earlier Perl version styles, any use of versions of the form 5.006001 will be translated as 5.6.1, In other words a version with a single decimal place will be parsed as implicitely having three places between subversion.
Any value passed to the new() operator will be parsed only so far as it contains a numeric, decimal, or underscore character. So, for example:
$v1 = new version "99 and 94/100 percent pure"; # $v1 == 99.0
$v2 = new version "something"; # $v2 == "" and $v2->numify == 0
NOTE: it is strongly recommended that version objects only be created with numeric values based on the different types of versions in this documentation, see "Types of Versions Objects". That way, there is no confusion about what constitutes the version.
Object Methods
Overloading has been used with version objects to provide a natural interface for their use. All mathematical operations are forbidden, since they don't make any sense for versions. For the subsequent examples, the following two objects will be used:
$ver = new version "1.2.3"; # see "Quoting" below
$beta = new version "1.2_3"; # see "Beta versions" below
Stringification - Any time a version object is used as a string, a stringified representation is returned in reduced form (no extraneous zeros):
print $ver->stringify; # prints 1.2.3 print $ver; # same thing
Numification - although all mathematical operations on version objects are forbidden by default, it is possible to retrieve a number which roughly corresponds to the version object through the use of the $obj->numify method. For formatting purposes, when displaying a number which corresponds a version object, all sub versions are assumed to have three decimal places. So for example:
print $ver->numify; # prints 1.002003
Comparison operators - Both cmp and <=> operators perform the same comparison between terms (upgrading to a version object automatically). Perl automatically generates all of the other comparison operators based on those two. For example, the following relations hold:
As Number As String Truth Value --------- ------------ ----------- $ver > 1.0 $ver gt "1.0" true $ver < 2.5 $ver lt true $ver != 1.3 $ver ne "1.3" true $ver == 1.2 $ver eq "1.2" false $ver == 1.2.3 $ver eq "1.2.3" see discussion below $ver == v1.2.3 $ver eq "v1.2.3" ditto
In versions of Perl prior to the 5.9.0 development releases, it is not permitted to use bare v-strings in either form, due to the nature of Perl's parsing operation. After that version (and in the stable 5.10.0 release), v-strings can be used with version objects without problem, see "Quoting" for more discussion of this topic. In the case of the last two lines of the table above, only the string comparison will be true; the numerical comparison will test false. However, you can do this:
$ver == "1.2.3" or $ver = "v.1.2.3" # both true
even though you are doing a "numeric" comparison with a "string" value. It is probably best to chose either the numeric notation or the string notation and stick with it, to reduce confusion. See also "Quoting".
Because of the nature of the Perl parsing and tokenizing routines, you should always quote the parameter to the new() operator/method. The exact notation is vitally important to correctly determine the version that is requested. You don't have to quote the version parameter, but you should be aware of what Perl is likely to do in those cases.
If you use a mathematic formula that resolves to a floating point number, you are dependent on Perl's conversion routines to yield the version you expect. You are pretty safe by dividing by a power of 10, for example, but other operations are not likely to be what you intend. For example:
$VERSION = new version (qw$Revision: 1.4)[1]/10;
print $VERSION; # yields 0.14
$V2 = new version 100/9; # Integer overflow in decimal number
print $V2; # yields 11_1285418553
You can use a bare number, if you only have a major and minor version, since this should never in practice yield a floating point notation error. For example:
$VERSION = new version 10.2; # almost certainly ok
$VERSION = new version "10.2"; # guaranteed ok
Perl 5.9.0 and beyond will be able to automatically quote v-strings (which may become the recommended notation), but that is not possible in earlier versions of Perl. In other words:
$version = new version "v2.5.4"; # legal in all versions of Perl
$newvers = new version v2.5.4; # legal only in Perl > 5.9.0
Types of Versions Objects
There are three basic types of Version Objects:
Ordinary versions - These are the versions that normal modules will use. Can contain as many subversions as required. In particular, those using RCS/CVS can use one of the following:
$VERSION = new version (qw$Revision: 2.2 $)[1]; # all Perls $VERSION = new version qw$Revision: 2.2 $[1]; # Perl >= 5.6.0
and the current RCS Revision for that file will be inserted automatically. If the file has been moved to a branch, the Revision will have three or more elements; otherwise, it will have only two. This allows you to automatically increment your module version by using the Revision number from the primary file in a distribution, see "VERSION_FROM" in ExtUtils::MakeMaker.
Beta versions - For module authors using CPAN, the convention has been to note unstable releases with an underscore in the version string, see CPAN. Beta releases will test as being newer than the more recent stable release, and less than the next stable release. For example:
$betaver = new version "12.3_1"; # must quote
obeys the relationship
12.3 < $betaver < 12.4
As a matter of fact, if is also true that
12.3.0 < $betaver < 12.3.1
where the subversion is identical but the beta release is less than the non-beta release.
Perl-style versions - an exceptional case is versions that were only used by Perl releases prior to 5.6.0. If a version string contains an underscore immediately followed by a zero followed by a non-zero number, the version is processed according to the rules described in "Improved Perl version numbering system" in perldelta released with Perl 5.6.0. As an example:
$perlver = new version "5.005_03";
is interpreted, not as a beta release, but as the version 5.5.30, NOTE that the major and minor versions are unchanged but the subversion is multiplied by 10, since the above was implicitely read as 5.005.030. There are modules currently on CPAN which may fall under of this rule, so module authors are urged to pay close attention to what version they are specifying.
In addition to the version objects, this modules also replaces the core UNIVERSAL::VERSION function with one that uses version objects for its comparisons. So, for example, with all existing versions of Perl, something like the following pseudocode would fail:
package vertest;
$VERSION = 0.45;
package main;
use vertest 0.5;
even though those versions are meant to be read as 0.045 and 0.005 respectively. The UNIVERSAL::VERSION replacement function included with this module changes that behavior so that it will not fail.
None by default.
John Peacock <>
4 POD Errors
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 84:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 128:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'
- Around line 165:
'=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 214:
You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'