Kwiki::RecentChangesRSS - Kwiki RSS Plugin
Provides an RSS 2.0 feed of your recent changes.
Kwiki 0.33
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
cd ~/where/your/kwiki/is/located
vi plugins
Add this line to the plugins file:
kwiki -update
Then glance over the settings in config/rss.yaml and the documentation below. Add your settings to config.yaml.
You should always run 'kwiki -update' after upgrading Kwiki::RecentChangesRSS, as typically there are new configuration options that need to be installed in config/rss.yaml.
In config.yaml, following are necessary for proper functioning:
- rss_link
The URL of the site this feed applies to. Don't include the default "script_name" set in your config.yaml or config/config.yaml.
For example, if your URL looks like
then use
- rss_depth
The number of days you go back in time for recent changes. Defaults to 7 days.
- rss_icon
Included in this distribution is a sample icon, xml.png. To use it, put
rss_icon: xml.png
in your config.yaml file. If you have a better one, just put it in the top of your Kwiki directory.
- rss_display_page
This plugin defaults to a terse RSS 2.0 feed, where news reader will simply display the page title and who last edited it. If you want to see the entire page, the following into your config.yaml file:
rss_display_page: 1
The <channel> block of the feed requires the following elements to be defined:
- rss_title
The title of your website.
- rss_description
Short descriptive text describing this feed or website.
The following are optional for RSS 2.0:
- rss_language
An RFC 1766 language code, such as en-US.
- rss_rating
A PICS rating, if necessary. See
- rss_copyright
Your copyright line.
- rss_docs
The URL to a document describing the RSS 2.0 protocol, currently:
- rss_managingEditor
Email address of the person responsible for the editorial content.
- rss_webMaster
Email address of the person responsible for technical issues regarding the RSS feed.
- rss_category
A category designation for this feed. Can be any short text or word.
- rss_generator
A string indicating what program generated this feed. Currently 'Kwiki::RecentChangesRSS/XML::RSS'.
- rss_cloud
Not implemented. Specifies a HTTP-POST, XML-RPC or SOAP interface to get notification of updates to this feed.
- rss_ttl
Not implemented. Specifies a time to live value in minutes to determine how long you should cache this feed before updating.
- rss_image
URL of a GIF, JPEG or PNG image to be displayed with the channel.
- rss_rating
Not implemented. The PICS rating for the wiki.
- rss_textInput
Not implemented. Allows you to define a simple form for input.
- rss_skipHours
Not implemented. Speficies the hours in which this feed should not be used.
- rss_skipDays
Not implemented. Speficies the days of the week in which this feed should not be used.
This is a modified a private version of Kwiki::RecentChanges by Brian Ingerson. To fix [cpan #7524] bug, used website link method used by Brian's own version of Kwiki::RecentChangesRSS (developed independently of this module).
Joon on #kwiki for noticing that the description should be wrapped in CDATA.
David Jones for catching that <img> wasn't XHTML compliant.
James Peregrino, <>
Copyright (c) 2004. James Peregrino. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.