Data::JavaScript::LiteObject - lightweight data dumping to JavaScript
use Data::JavaScript:LiteObject;
%A = (protein => 'bacon',
condiments => 'mayonaise',
produce => [qw(lettuce tomato)]);
%B = (protein => 'peanut butter',
condiments => 'jelly');
@lunch = (\%A, \%B);
%lunch = (BLT=>\%A, PBnJ=>\%B);
jsodump(protoName => "sandwich",
dataRef => \%lunch
attributes => [qw(condiments protein produce)]);
This module was inspired by Data::JavaScript, which while incredibly versatile, seems rather brute force and inelegant for certain forms of data. Specifically a series of objects of the same class, which it seems is a likely use for this kind of feature. So this module was created to provide a lightweight means of producing configurable, clean and compact output.
LiteObject is used to format and output loh, hoh, lohol, and hohol. One function, jsodump, is exported. jsodump accepts a list of named parameters; two of these are required and the rest are optional.
Required parameters
The name to be used for the prototype object function.
A reference to an array of hashes(loh) or hash of hashes(hoh) to dump.
Optional parameters
A reference to an array containing a list of the object attributes (hash keys). This is useful if every object is not guaranteed to posses a value for each attribute. It could also be used to exclude data from being dumped.
A scalar, if true output is one attribute per line. The default; false; is one object per line.
A scalar, if true output is numbered every 5 lines. The value provided should be the number of lines printed before this output. For example if a CGI script included:
print q(<html> <head> <title>Pthbb!!</title> <script language=javascript>);> jsodump(protoName => "sandwich", dataRef => \@lunch, lineIN => 4);
The client would see:
<html> <head> <title>Pthbb!!</title> <script language=javascript> // 5 function sandwich (condiment, produce, protein) { this.condiment = condiment; this.produce = produce; this.protein = protein; } BLT = new sandwich('mayonaise', new Array('lettuce','tomato'), 'bacon' ); PBnJ = new sandwich('jelly', '', 'peanut butter' ); // 10
making it easier to read and/or debug.
A reference to a scalar. jsodump will set the scalar's value to the number of the last line of numbered output produced when lineIN is specified. Thus you may pass the scalar to a subsequent call to jsodump as the value of lineIn for continuous numbering. For example:
jsodump(protoName => "sandwich", dataRef => \@lunch, lineIN => 4, lineOUT => \$.); jsodump(protoName => "sandwich", dataRef => \%lunch, lineIN => $.);
A scalar, if true the parameters value is used as the name of an array to be output which will contain a list of all the dumped object. This allows data-ignorant client side code which need only traverse the named array.
jsodump(protoName => "sandwich", dataRef => \@lunch, listObjects=> "sandwiches");
would append the following to the output
sandwiches = new Array('BLT', 'PBnJ');
Nothing that am I aware of.
Data::JavaScript, Data::Dumper
Jerrad Pierce,