Changes for version 1.04 - 2000-11-30

  • Decided to fix a bug where if you supplied -d and an absolute path for -f, you got what you deserved. But after eating my own dogfood; there is now a Webmin module that uses this ;-) Tastes great! Totally useless!; I found it was rather annoying.
  • Fixed -w, it is now much smarter and wraps whole words where applicable en lieu of letters. It is still conceivable that it the output may overrun the requested outputwidth. If you run into this *LET ME KNOW* (text w/formatting, font), please. So I can determine if it's worth opening that can of worms.
  • Seems I can't quite get this right... I bumped the VERSION to 1.03 in but was left at 1.02. Also neglected to increment the VERSION. And I left the timestamp off of the 1.03 entry below.
  • Documented -help, added usage statement
  • Added smush mode -F has been fixed and is now smush mode -0


FIGlet in perl, akin to banner
FIGlet in perl, akin to banner


a perl module to provide FIGlet abilities, akin to banner