Net::Dogstatsd - Perl client to Datadog's dogstatsd metrics collector.
Version 1.0.1
This module allows you to send multiple types of metrics to the Datadog service via dogstatsd, a local daemon installed by Datadog agent package.
use Net::Dogstatsd;
# Create an object to communicate with Dogstatsd, using default server/port settings.
my $dogstatsd = Net::Dogstatsd->new(
host => 'localhost', #optional. Default =
port => '8125', #optional. Default = 8125
verbose => 0, #optional. Default = 0
# Set, and print, the 'verbose' option value.
print "In verbose mode." if $dogstatsd->verbose();
# Before we can start sending metrics, we have to get or create a socket to dogstatsd
my $socket = $dogstatsd->get_socket();
# Counter metrics can be incremented or decremented
# By default, they will be incremented or decremented by 1, unless the optional
# 'value' parameter is passed
name => 'test_metric.sample_counter',
value => $increment_value, #optional; default = 1
tags => [ 'env:production', db ], #optional
name => $metric_name,
value => $decrement_value, #optional; default = 1
tags => [ 'env:devel', web ], #optional
# Gauge metrics can be used for capturing value of something over time
# Example: Gas gauge, inventory level, free memory
name => 'test_metric.inventory_level',
value => $gauge_value, #required - must be a number
tags => [ 'warehouse:us' ], #optional
# Histogram metrics measure the statistical distribution of a set of values.
# Provides min/max/avg as well as 75th, 85th, 95th and 99th percentiles.
# NOTE: do not use this for timers. Use timer() instead.
name => $metric_name,
value => $value,
tags => [ 'tag1', 'tag2:value', 'tag3' ], #optional
# Timers are a special type of histogram.
name => $metric_name,
value => $metric_value,
unit => $metric_unit, # 'ms' (milliseconds) or 's|sec' (seconds)
tags => [ 'tag1', 'tag2:value', 'tag3' ], #optional
# Set metrics are special counters that can track unique elements in a group.
# Example: the number of unique visitors currently on a website
name => 'unique.site_visitors',
value => $account_id,
tags => [ 'referer:Google' ], #optional
Create a new Net::Dogstatsd object that will be used to interact with dogstatsd.
use Net::Dogstatsd;
my $dogstatsd = Net::Dogstatsd->new(
host => 'localhost', #optional. Default =
port => '8125', #optional. Default = 8125
verbose => 1, #optional. Default = 0
Get or set the 'verbose' property.
my $verbose = $dogstatsd->verbose();
$dogstatsd->verbose( 1 );
Create a new socket, if one does not already exist.
my $socket = $dogstatsd->get_socket();
Increment a counter metric. Include optional 'value' argument to increment by >1. Include optional arrayref of tags/tag-values.
name => $metric_name,
value => $increment_value, #optional; default = 1
name => $metric_name,
value => $increment_value, #optional; default = 1
tags => [ tag1, tag2:value, tag3 ],
Decrement a counter metric. Include optional 'value' argument to decrement by >1. Include optional arrayref of tags/tag-values.
name => $metric_name,
value => $decrement_value, #optional; default = 1
name => $metric_name,
value => $decrement_value, #optional; default = 1
tags => [ tag1, tag2:value, tag3 ],
Send a 'gauge' metric. ex: gas gauge value, inventory stock level Value must be positive number. Include optional arrayref of tags/tag-values.
name => $metric_name,
value => $gauge_value,
name => $metric_name,
value => $gauge_value,
tags => [ 'tag1', 'tag2:value', 'tag3' ],
Send a 'histogram' metric. Provides min/max/avg as well as 75th, 85th, 95th and 99th percentiles. NOTE: do not use this for timers. Use timer() instead. Include optional arrayref of tags/tag-values.
name => $metric_name,
value => $value,
name => $metric_name,
value => $value,
tags => [ 'tag1', 'tag2:value', 'tag3' ],
Send a 'timer' metric. Provides min/max/avg as well as 75th, 85th, 95th and 99th percentiles. Ex: time to run a database query. Include optional arrayref of tags/tag-values.
name => $metric_name,
value => $metric_value,
unit => $metric_unit, # 'ms' (milliseconds) or 's|sec' (seconds)
name => $metric_name,
value => $metric_value,
unit => $metric_unit, # 'ms' (milliseconds) or 's|sec' (seconds)
tags => [ 'tag1', 'tag2:value', 'tag3' ],
Send a 'sets' metric. Used to count the number of unique elements in a group. Ex: unique site visitors. Include optional arrayref of tags/tag-values.
name => 'unique.site_visitors',
value => $account_id,
name => 'unique.site_visitors',
value => $account_id,
tags => [ 'tag1', 'tag2:value', 'tag3' ],
action => [ increment | decrement ],
$self->_error_checks( %args );
Common error checking for all metric types.
Send metric to stats server.
By default, only basic tests that do not require a connection to Datadog's platform are run in t/.
To run the developer tests, you will need to do the following:
Sign up to become a Datadog customer ( if you are not already), at Free trial accounts are available.
Install and configure Datadog agent software (requires python 2.6)
Jennifer Pinkham, <jpinkham at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to the GitHub Issue Tracker at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Net::Dogstatsd
You can also look for information at:
Bugs: GitHub Issue Tracker
AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
CPAN Ratings
I originally developed this project for ThinkGeek ( Thanks for allowing me to open-source it!
Copyright 2013 Jennifer Pinkham.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see