WebService::DataDog - Interface to DataDog's REST API.


Version 0.3.1


This module allows you to interact with DataDog, a service that will "Capture metrics and events, then graph, filter, and search to see what's happening and how systems interact." This module encapsulates all the communications with the REST API provided by DataDog to offer a Perl interface to metrics, dashboards, events, alerts, etc.

Requests that write data require reporting access and require an API key. Requests that read data require full access and additionally require an application key.

use WebService::DataDog;

# Create an object to communicate with DataDog
my $datadog = WebService::DataDog->new(
	api_key         => 'your_api_key_here',
	application_key => 'your_application_key',

# For metrics functions, first build a metrics object
my $metric = $datadog->build('Metric');

# To post metrics (past or present)
# NOTE: only use 'value' OR 'data_points', but not both.
	name        => $metric_name,
	type        => $metric_type,  # Optional - gauge|counter. Default=gauge.
	value       => $metric_value, # For posting a single data point, time 'now'
	data_points => $data_points,  # 1+ data points, with timestamps
	host        => $hostname,     # Optional - host that produced the metric
	tags        => $tag_list,     # Optional - tags associated with the metric

# For dashboard functions, first build a dashboard object
my $dashboard = $datadog->build('Dashboard');

# Create a new dashboard
my $dashboard_id = $dashboard->create(
	title       => $dash_title,
	description => $dash_description,
	graphs      => $graphs,

# Delete a user-created dashboard that you don't need anymore
$dashboard->delete_dashboard( id => $dash_id );

# To make any changes to an existing user-created dashboard:
# Specify dash_id and any combination of title, description, graphs
	id          => $dash_id,
	title       => $dash_title,
	description => $dash_description,
	graphs      => $graphs,

# For event functions, first build an event object
my $event = $datadog->build('Event');

# To search the event stream
my $event_list = $event->search(
	start     => $start_time,
	end       => $end_time, # Optional - default 'now'
	priority  => $priority, # Optional - low|normal
	sources   => $sources,  # Optional - list of sources. Ex: Datadog, Github, Pingdom, Webmetrics
	tags      => $tag_list, # Optional - list of tags associated with the event

# Find all events in the last 48 hours.
my $event_list = $event->search(
	start => time() - ( 48 * 60 * 60 ),

# To get all details of a specific event
my $event_data = $event->get_event( id => $event_id );

# To post a new event to the event stream
	title            => $event_title,
	text             => $event_text,  # Body/Description of the event.
	date_happened    => $timestamp,   # Optional, default "now"
	priority         => $priority,    # Optional. normal|low
	related_event_id => $event_id,    # Optional, id of aggregate event
	tags             => $tag_list,    # Optional - tags to apply to event (easy to search by)
	alert_type       => $alert_type,  # Optional. error|warning|info|success
	aggregation_key  => $agg_key,     # Optional. Arbitrary string to use for aggregation.
	source_type_name => $source_type, # Optional. nagios|hudson|jenkins|user|my apps|feed|chef|puppet|git|bitbucket|fabric|capistrano

# Submit a user event, with timestamp of `now`.
	title            => 'Test event',
	text             => 'Testing posting to event stream',
	source_type_name => 'user',



Create a new DataDog object that will be used as the interface with DataDog's API

use WebService::DataDog;

# Create an object to communicate with DataDog
my $datadog = WebService::DataDog->new(
	api_key         => 'your_api_key_here',
	application_key => 'your_application_key',
	verbose         => 1,

Creates a new object to communicate with DataDog.



Create a WebService::DataDog::* object with the correct connection parameters.

# Use the factory to get a WebService::DataDog::* object with
# the correct DataDog connection parameters.
my $metric = $datadog->build( 'Metric' );


  • The submodule name, such as Metric for WebService::DataDog::Metric.


Get or set the 'verbose' property.

my $verbose = $self->verbose();
$self->verbose( 1 );


By default, only basic tests that do not require a connection to DataDog's platform are run in t/.

To run the developer tests, you will need to do the following:

You can now create a file named in your own directory, with the following content:

package DataDogConfig;

sub new
		api_key         => 'your_api_key',
		application_key => 'your_application_key',
		verbose         => 0, # Enable this for debugging output


You will then be able to run all the tests included in this distribution, after adding the path to to your library paths.




Jennifer Pinkham, <jpinkham at>.


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-WebService-DataDog at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc WebService::DataDog

You can also look for information at:


Thanks to ThinkGeek (<>) and its corporate overlords at Geeknet (<>), for footing the bill while I write code for them!

Special thanks for architecture advice from fellow ThinkGeek CPAN author Guillaume Aubert as well as fellow ThinkGeek CPAN author Kate Kirby


Copyright 2013 Jennifer Pinkham.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License.

See for more information.