Simple rule based validation package for scalar values
This documentation refers to version 0.500 of Scalar::Validation
use Scalar::Validation qw(:all);
my $int_1 = validate int_1 => Int => 123;
my $float_1 = validate float_1 => Float => 3.1415927;
my $para_1 = par parameter_1 => -Range => [1,5] => Int => shift;
my $int_2 = validate (int_2 => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], 123);
my $int_3 = validate (int_3 => -Or => [Int => 'CodeRef'], 123);
my $code_ref = validate (code_ref => -Or => [Int => 'CodeRef'], sub { 123; });
my $enum_abc = validate (parameter => -Enum => {a => 1, b => 1, c => 1}, 'c');
my $int_4 = validate (int_4 => -Optional => Int => undef);
my $int_5 = validate (int_5 => -Optional => -And => [Scalar => Int => 0] => undef);
my $int_6 = validate (int_6 => -Optional => -Or => [Int => CodeRef => 0] => undef);
my $enum_2 = validate (enum_2 => -Optional => -Enum => {a => 1, b => 1, c => 1} => undef);
my $range_1 = validate (range_1 => -Optional => -Range => [1,5] => Int => undef);
Just checks, never dies:
is_valid(valid_1 => Int => 123); # is valid, returns 1;
is_valid(valid_2 => Int => 1.23); # is not valid, returns 0;
is_valid(valid_3 => Int => 'a'); # is not valid, returns 0;
is_valid(valid_4 => Int => undef); # is not valid, returns 0;
Free defined rules or wheres only (also for validate(...))
# be careful, doesn't check that $_ is an integer!
is_valid (free_where_greater_zero => sub { $_ && $_ > 0} => 2); # is valid, returns 1
is_valid (free_rule_greater_zero => { -as => Int =>
-where => sub { $_ && $_ > 0},
-message => sub { "$_ is not > 0" },
=> 2); # is valid, returns 1
my $my_rule = { -as => Int => -where => sub { $_ && $_ > 0} => -message => sub { "$_ is not > 0" };
is_valid (free_rule_greater_zero => $my_rule => 2); # is valid, returns 1
This class implements a fast and flexible validation for scalars. It is implemented functional to get speed and some problems using global rules for all ;).
Dies by error message
validate (parameter => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], {} );
validate (parameter => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], [] );
validate (parameter => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], sub { 'abc'; });
Just check without die
print is_valid(parameter => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], 123) ." => 123 is int\n";
print is_valid(parameter => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], {} ) ." => {} is no scalar\n";
print is_valid(parameter => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], [] ) ." => [] is no scalar\n";
print is_valid(parameter => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], sub { 'abc'; }) ." => sub { 'abc'; } is no scalar\n";
Get validation messages
Message store has to be localized. The only safe way to deal with recursive calls and die! So use a block like this to store messages
my @messages;
local ($Scalar::Validation::message_store) = [];
my $result = is_valid(parameter => -And => [Scalar => 'Int'], {} );
@messages = @{validation_messages()} unless $result;
As parameter check for indexed arguments
It can be also used a parameter check for unnamed and named parameters, see
sub create_some_polynom {
my $max_potenz = par maximum_potenz => -Range => [1,5] => Int => shift;
parameters_end \@_;
# --- run sub -------------------------------------------------
my $polynom = '';
map { $polynom .= " + ".int (100*rand())."*x^".($max_potenz-$_); } (0..$max_potenz);
return $polynom;
sub create_some_polynom_named {
my %pars = convert_to_named_params \@_;
my $max_potenz = npar -maximum_potenz => -Range => [1,5] => Int => \%pars;
parameters_end \%pars;
# --- run sub -------------------------------------------------
my $polynom = '';
map { $polynom .= " + ".int (100*rand())."*x^".($max_potenz-$_); } (0..$max_potenz);
return $polynom;
print create_some_polynom(1)."\n";
print create_some_polynom(2)."\n";
print create_some_polynom(3)."\n";
print create_some_polynom(4)."\n";
print create_some_polynom(5)."\n";
print create_some_polynom_named(-maximum_potenz => 4);
Dies by error message
print create_some_polynom(5.5)."\n";
print create_some_polynom(6)."\n";
print create_some_polynom(6, 1)."\n";
You can and should create your own rules, i.e.
declare_rule (
Positive => -as => Int => # Parent rule is optional
-where => sub { $_ >= 0 },
-message => sub { "value '$_' is not a positive integer" },
rule_known(Unknown => 1); # returns 0 (false)
rule_known(Positive => 1); # returns 1 (true)
Create Own Validation Module
You should not use Scalar::Validation direct in your code.
Better is creating an own module My::Validation, that adds the rules you need and only exports the subs the developers in your project should use:
use My::Validation;
my $v_my_type = validate v_int => my_type => new MyType();
More Examples
Have a look into Validation.t to see what else is possible
Copyright (c) 2014 by Ralf Peine, Germany. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.