ObjStore - Perl Extension For ObjectStore OODBMS


Enjoy perl? Sick of SQL? Up for trying something new?


ObjectStore is the market leader in object-oriented databases (NASDAQ: ODIS). They use a unique Cache-Forward Architecture to make persistent data available in literally the most efficient manner possible.

Prior to this joining of forces

  • ObjectStore was too radical a design decision for many applications

  • Perl5 did not have a simple way of storing complex data persistently

Now there is an easy way to build database applications (especially if you are concerned about preserving your ideals of encapsulation).


  • ObjectStore OODBMS (see - evaluations are available!)

  • Perl 5.004_04 (or perl 5.005, once released)

  • Tree::Fat & Test perl extensions

  • ExtUtils::ExCxx (only needed on Digital UNIX, HP (5.x), OS/2 (3.x), or MS Windows NT/95; send email)


One way to get started is to win the tutorial. See ObjStore::Tutorial or, if you just can't wait, run the following code and start molding it right now:

Quick Start!

 #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

 use ObjStore;
 use ObjStore::Config;   #for TMP_DBDIR

 my $db = ObjStore::open(TMP_DBDIR."/myjunk", 'update', 0666);

 begin 'update', sub {

   # $junk can be any arbitrary non-circular structure up to 2GB in size
   my $junk = { 
                 pork => [1,2,3],
                 chicken => [1,2,3],
                 wheat => [1,2,3],
                 trials => 0,

   $db->root("junk", sub { $junk });  #store it, if it's not there already
   my $pjunk = $db->root("junk");     #fetch it
   $pjunk->{trials} ++;               #update something

   ObjStore::peek($db);               #dump to stdout


  • ospeek

    Prints out databases in a style similar to Data::Dumper.

  • posh & qtposh

    Like sh/csh, except that you can change directory into your database and walk around the data from the inside. You can also invoke methods on your objects or write custom reports (in perl, of course :-). (Also similar to isql/wisql.)

  • osperlserver

    Provides remote method invokation, database job scheduling, and server-object collaboration services. Completely generic.


It's just like normal perl, except that you can create data that doesn't go away when your program exits. This more permenant data lives in files or raw disk partitions that are divided into databases. And databases are comprised of...


Segments dynamically resize from very small to very big. You should split your data into lots segments when it makes sense. Segments improve locality and can be a unit of locking or caching.

When you create a database object you must specify the segment in which it is to be allocated. All objects use the form '$class-new($near, ...)'>. You may pass any persistent object (or database, or segment) in place of $near and the new object will be created appropriately!


The following code snippet creates a persistent hash reference with an expected cardinality of ten elements.

my $h7 = ObjStore::HV->new($store, 10);

An array representation is used for low cardinalities. Arrays do not scale well, but they do afford a pleasingly compact representation. ObjectStore's os_Dictionary is transparently used for large cardinalities [MAYCHANGE].

Persistent data structures can be built with the normal perl construction:

$h7->{foo} = { 'fwaz'=> { 1=>'blort', 'snorf'=>3 }, b=>'ouph' };

Or the equally effective, but unbearibly tedious:

my $h1 = $dict->{foo} ||= ObjStore::HV->new($dict);
my $h2 = $h1->{fwaz} ||= ObjStore::HV->new($h1);

Perl saves us again! (Relief.)


The following code snippet creates a persistent array reference with an expected cardinality of ten elements.

my $a7 = ObjStore::AV->new($store, 10);

Complete array support is available, but you must must have at least perl 5.004_57. If you don't, none of the usually array operations are supported except fetch and store. At least the following works:

$a7->[1] = [1,2,3,[4,5],6];


You can generate a reference to any persistent object with the method new_ref($segment, $type). Since reference do not update refcnts, refs are a safe way to refer across databases. They can also be allocated transiently.

$r->open($how);              # attempts to open the focus' database
$yes = $r->deleted;          # is the focus deleted?
$f = $r->focus;              # returns the focus of the ref
$str = $r->dump;             # the ref as a string

Be aware that references can return garbage if they are not open. You will need to open them explicitly (see ObjStore::Ref::POSH_ENTER). Currently, there are actually two types of references supported. They correspond to os_reference and os_reference_protected. The type passed to new_ref should be either 'unsafe' or 'safe' respectively. For example,

$r = $o->new_ref('transient', 'unsafe');

creates an os_reference. Care must to taken that these hard reference do not point to objects that have already been deleted. SEGV or garbled data can result.

Fortunately, it is always safe to use hard references when they are used to merely to avoid circular references within a single database.

my $o = ObjStore::HV->new($db);
$$o{SELF} = $o->new_ref($o,'hard');

Then the reference in the hash slot 'SELF' can be used by any part of the data structure to point back to the top-level. Databases a somewhat similar. Since every object has a database_of method, you might say that every member of a database has an implicit reference to the top-level of the database.


All containers have a method, new_cursor($near), that creates a persistent cursor for the given container. The following methods are available.

$cs->focus();                 # returns the cursor's collection
$cs->moveto($pos);            # seek to the nth element
($k,$v) = $cs->at;            # returns the current element
($k,$v) = $cs->each(1);       # returns the next element
  • First-class cursors for arrays & hashes are incomplete and under construction. If you can avoid them, do so! (Array cursors might be depreciated entirely.)

  • Array cursors return (index,value) pairs. Hash cursors return (key,value) pairs. All cursors return the empty list () when no more elements are available.

  • For hashes & arrays, you should not assume the order of iteration will follow any particular pattern (but it probably will).

  • If you change membership of a collection while you're iterating through it, something could break, so don't.


SQL has this fantastic facility called indices. ObjStore does too!

my $nx = ObjStore::Index->new($near);
$nx->configure(unique => 1, path=>"name");

$nx->add({name=> 'Square'}, {name=> 'Round'}, {name=> 'Triangular'});

my $c = $nx->new_cursor;
warn $c->at()->{name}; # Triangular

Index cursors are a lot more powerful than hash or array cursors. Here are the available methods:

my $pos = $c->pos();            
my @keys = $c->keys();
my $v = $c->at();
my $v = $c->each($delta);

Where the following invariants hold:

$c->moveto($c->pos() + $delta) is $c->step($delta)
$c->each($delta) is { $c->step($delta); $c->at(); }

Be aware that index cursors may only be used by one thread at a time. Therefore, it is not particularly useful to store pre-created cursors in a database. Just create them transiently when needed.

Certain representations for indices (trees) are very sensitive to the proper order of the records that they contain. To eliminate the possibility of indices becoming out-of-sync with actual data, keys are marked read-only as they are added to the index. This insures that the indexed records will stay in the right order.

For example:

my $category = { name => 'Bath Toy' };
my $row = { name => 'Rubber Ducky', category => $category };

$index->configure(path => 'category/name, name', excl => 1);

$row->{category}{name} = 'Beach Toy';  #READONLY exception
$row->{name} = "Rubber Doggie";        #READONLY exception
$row->{owner} = $bob;                  #ok

The first key is the category's name. The second key is the row's name. This is one more detail to be aware of. There are two types of index read-only modes: exclusive and shared. Exclusive mode is simple. This is the default. In exclusive mode, you can only index a key once. If this is not sufficient, shared mode can be used. In shared mode, multiple indices can index the same keys. However, all shared keys remain read-only until the record is removed from all shared indices. Shared indices also impose a slight performance penalty compared to exclusive indices.

To repeat, the use of read-only flags only pertains to tree-based index representations. Other representations (a heap perhaps) may not have this constraint.

(Another scheme for keeping indices up-to-date is to use os_backptr. This scheme is not supported because it has considerable memory overhead (12-bytes per record!) and provides little benefit beyond the read-only scheme.)

Indices should not be used unless other data structures prove inadequate. Some indices cannot be allocated transiently. Hashes and arrays are easier in most cases. Indices are best suited to very large datasets that must be searchable in a variety of ways. If you can just iterate through every record, indices probably aren't worth the trouble.

And Access Paths (Oh My!)

If you cross your eyes, you can imagine an array of references or cursors as an access path. Two simple implementations are provided for manipulating access paths:

ObjStore::Path::Ref            # access path composed of refs
ObjStore::Path::Cursor         # EXPERIMENTAL

See the source code for details.


The best design is to be flexible!

ospeek [-all] [-addr] [-refcnt] [-raw] <database>

While there is no formalized schema for a perl database, the ospeek utility generates a sample of data content and structure. ospeek never outputs more than a short summary, without regard to the size of your database.

You can also get the same thing from within perl:


Wait! No Schema?! How Can This Scale? Wont I get lost in a morass of disorganization?

How can a relational database scale?! When you write down a central schema, you are violating the principle of encapsulation. This is dumb. While relational databases might have been a revelation when they were conceived, why create artificial dependencies in your class heirarchy when it is entirely avoidable?

The Theory of Lazy Evolution

When you practice lazy evolution, you avoid changing data layouts in favor of making queries smarter.

Since data usually out-bulks code, this is the correct trade. And since there isn't a artificial split between the implementation language and some goofy database language, schema evolution is reduced to the same problem as source code compatibility. (Database are essentially just a rich API.)

Now, I'm not saying that data layouts never have to change. When thinking about data, the first thing to consider is how to partition your data into manageable chunks. Fortunately, databases interoperate and can be used simultaniously. Therefore, it is entirely unnecessary to store all data in one database. By splitting your data into logical chunks, you should be able to minimize the impact of structural changes. (This is the same problem as designing good APIs and adding new features while maintaining backward compatibility, yes?)

The way you split up your database generally depends on three things:


    The less data you have, the faster you can access it. Aim for a perfect awareness of nothing.


    It is usually good design to create a separate database for each group of real-time writers. Readers of real-time data can open databases in mvcc mode and writers will never encounter lock contention (which can cause major performance degradation).


    Loosely coupled data can easily (and should) be split into multiple databases. The most exciting data is tightly coupled; keep this data close together.

A few additional considerations can be found in the ObjectStore documentation, but that's about it. Don't over-complicate things; this isn't a relational database remember? The power and simplicity is hard to describe because there's just not much to it. (Just the absolute minimum to satisfy every requirement. :-)

(For extra integrity verification, see the iscorrupt method.)

RDBMS Emulation

Un-structured perl databases are probably under-constrained for most applications. Fortunately, RDBMS style tables have been adapted, adopted, and included with this package. While they are a little different from traditional tables, with a few doses of Prozac relational developers should feel right at home. See ObjStore::Index and ObjStore::Table3.


Fortunately, you will probably not need to use most of the API. It is exhibited here mainly to make it seem like this extension has a difficult and steep learning curve (it doesn't). In general, the API mostly mirrors the C++ API. Refer to the ObjectStore documentation for exact symantics.

The API for ::UNIVERSAL is probably of most interest to ex-C++ developers. If you are just getting started, skip to the next section.


  • $db = ObjStore::open($pathname, $read_only, $mode);

    Also see ObjStore::HV::Database & ObjStore::Table3::Database.

  • $name = ObjStore::release_name()

  • $major = ObjStore::release_major()

  • $minor = ObjStore::release_minor()

  • $maintenance = ObjStore::release_maintenance()

  • $yes = ObjStore::network_servers_available();

  • $num = ObjStore::return_all_pages();

  • $size = ObjStore::get_page_size();

  • @Servers = ObjStore::get_all_servers();

  • $in_abort = ObjStore::abort_in_progress();

  • $num = ObjStore::get_n_databases();


  • $name = $s->get_host_name();

  • $is_broken = $s->connection_is_broken();

  • $s->disconnect();

  • $s->reconnect();

  • @Databases = $s->get_databases();


See ObjStore::HV::Database, ObjStore::Table3::Database

  • $open_mode = $db->is_open();

  • $s = $db->create_segment($comment);

  • $value = $db->root($root_name => sub{ $new_value });

    This is the recommended API for roots. If the given root is not found, creates a new one. Returns the root's current value.

    In general, you should try to avoid using roots. Roots have an unnatural API for perl: hashes can nest but roots cannot. Roots are like a necessary but annoying accounting detail. It is much better practice to use or inherit ObjStore::HV::Database or ObjStore::ServerDB.

  • $s = $db->get_segment($segment_number);

    Note that this method (correctly) never returns an error. The only way to know which segments are actually created in a database is to iterate through get_all_segments.

  • @Segments = $db->get_all_segments();

  • $db->close();

  • $db->destroy();

  • $db->get_default_segment_size();

  • $db->get_sector_size();

  • $db->size();

  • $db->size_in_sectors();

  • $ctime = $db->time_created();

  • $can_write = $db->is_writable();

  • $db->set_fetch_policy(policy[, blocksize]);

    Policy can be one of segment, page, or stream.

  • $db->set_lock_whole_segment(policy);

    Policy can be one of as_used, read, or write.

  • @Roots = $db->get_all_roots();

  • $root = $db->create_root($root_name);

  • $root = $db->find_root($root_name);

  • $db->destroy_root($root_name);

    Destroys the root with the given name if it exists.


  • $root->get_name();

  • $root->get_value();

  • $root->set_value($new_value);

  • $root->destroy();


ObjectStore transactions and exceptions are seemlessly integrated into perl. ObjectStore exceptions cause a die in perl just as perl exceptions cause a transaction abort.

begin 'update', sub {
    $top = $db->root('top');
    $top->{abc} = 3;
    die "Oops!  abc should not change!";       # aborts the transaction

There are three types of transactions: read, update, and abort_only. The default is read. Read transaction are blindingly fast.

    begin 'read', sub {
	my $var = $db->root('top');
	$var->{abc} = 7;	# write to $var triggers die(...)

(In a read transaction, you are not allowed to modify persistent data.)

  • $T = ObjStore::Transaction::get_current();

  • $type = $T->get_type();

  • $pop = $T->get_parent();

  • $T->prepare_to_commit();

  • $yes = $T->is_prepare_to_commit_invoked();

  • $yes = $T->is_prepare_to_commit_completed();


  • ObjStore::set_max_retries($oops);

  • ObjStore::fatal_exceptions($yes);

  • my $oops = ObjStore::get_max_retries();

  • my $yes = ObjStore::is_lock_contention();

  • my $type = ObjStore::get_lock_status($ref);

  • my $tm = ObjStore::lock_timeout($rw);

    $rw should be either 'read' or 'write'. Return value of 1 == 1 second. Undef indicates that there is no timeout.

  • ObjStore::lock_timeout($rw, $tm);

    Set lock timeouts.

Dynamic transactions are also available. See ObjStore::Process.


  • $s->set_comment($comment);

  • $s->destroy();

  • $size = $s->size();

  • $yes = $s->is_empty();

  • $yes = $s->is_deleted();

  • $num = $s->get_number();

  • $comment = $s->get_comment();

  • $s->lock_into_cache();

  • $s->unlock_from_cache();

  • $s->set_fetch_policy($policy[, $size]);

    Policy can be one of segment, page, or stream.

  • $s->set_lock_whole_segment($policy);

    Policy can be one of as_used, read, or write.


Instant, effortless event dispatching for network distributed objects.

  • ObjStore::subscribe(...);

  • ObjStore::unsubscribe(...);

  • set_queue_size($size);

  • ($size, $pending, $overflow) = queue_status();

  • $fd = _get_fd();

  • $n = receive([$timeout]);

  • Receive();

  • $db = $n->get_database;

  • $p = $n->focus;

  • $why = $n->why;


All persistent objects inherit from ObjStore::UNIVERSAL.

  • overload

    Stringify, boolean coersion, and equality tests.

  • os_class

    Reports the natural persistent class of the object. All persistent objects must have this class in their @ISA tree.

  • rep_class

    Reports the representation's class.

  • bless

    bless stores the current @ISA tree and the VERSION of every member of the @ISA tree. (In addition to the usual meaning of bless.)

  • $o-isa($baseclass)>

    Whether the $baseclass was part of the @ISA tree (at the moment of blessing). (UNIVERSAL::can remains un-modified.)

  • $o-versionof($baseclass)>

    Returns the version of the $baseclass (at the moment of blessing).

  • $o-subscribe()> and $o-unsubscribe()>

    These might not be available per-object. Only per-segment or per-database.

  • $o-notify($why, $when)>

    Sends a notification to subscribers. When can be either 'now' or 'commit'. The $when parameter might be required. Also being considered is a means to bunch notifications together for batch send.

  • $errs = $o->iscorrupt($verbosity_level)

    Application specific integrity checking can be achieved by providing an _iscorrupt method.

  • $o-is_evolved>

    By default, checks version numbers of every class in the old @ISA tree. Your $o->evolve() method should bring stuff up-to-date. You may be able to simply re-bless the object to accomplish the evolve.

  • Of

    database_of and segment_of are always available as methods.

  • posh

    posh behavior can be customized by adding special methods. See the section on posh.

To make everything seem apparently consistent, ObjStore::Database (while not really being a storable object) is lavishly special-cased to support most (maybe all!) of the above features.


Performance Check List

The word tuning implies too high a brain-level requirement. Getting performance out of ObjectStore is not rocket science. On the other hand, you shouldn't think that perl will ever go as fast as optimized C++. That's what DLL schemas are for. [Add a URL to the example here]


    Transactions, especially update transactions, involve a good deal of setup/cleanup. The more you do per transaction the better.


    Update transaction commit time is proportional to the amount of data written AND to the number of pages with modifications. Examine your data-flow and data-dependencies.


    Is your data partitioned into a reasonable number of segments?


    Run your program on the same machine as the ObjectStore server.


    You get 90% of your performance because you can fit your whole working data set into RAM. If you are doing a good job, your un-indexed database should be more compact that it's un-compressed ASCII dump. (See the "Internal" in ObjStore section on data representation.)


    If you have an MP machine, you can do reads/updates in parallel (even without multi-threading).


    Use Devel::*Prof or a similar tools to analyze your program. Make your client-side cache bigger/smaller.


    Try using the perl compiler. See


    Object Design claims that caching and locking parameters also impact performance. (See os_segment::set_lock_whole_segment and os_database::set_fetch_policy.)


    Memory is faster than databases. If you don't need all the guarentees of data integrity, then pure RAM is as fast as it gets.

Transactions Redux


    Transactions are always executed within an implicit eval. By default, ObjectStore exceptions are fatal (by demand of my co-workers). If you do not want your program to become suicidal when an ObjectStore exception occurs, you should declare that you want control over your own reflexive behavior:


    This is global to the whole process. If you want control, however, then you must accept responsibility: after a transaction you absolutely must remember to check the value of $@ to see if anything went wrong.

    begin(sub {
    die if $@;    # Don't forget to remember!

    Is it recommended that any perl extensions explicitly check for errors, just in case exceptions are not automatically re-thrown.


    Nested transactions are supported with all the restrictions of the C++ interface. You can nest reads within reads or updates within updates, but not reads within updates (nor updates within reads). If you need to do a read but you don't care if the parent transaction is an update or not, you can leave the mode unspecified.

    sub do_extra_push_ups_in_a_transaction {
      begin sub {
        # Unspecified mode assumes 'read' or the same mode as the parent.

    Built-in automatic deadlock retry is not supported. It is not supported not because it is doesn't work but because it doesn't make much sense in perl. Since deadlock retry is so easy to implement yourself, you probably should.

Stargate Mechanics

Here is how to create hashes and arrays pre-sized to exactly the right number of slots:

ObjStore::HV->new($near, { key => 'value' });  # 1 slot
ObjStore::AV->new($near, [1..3]);              # 3 slots

Or you can interface the stargate directly:

my $persistent_junk = ObjStore::translate($near, [1,2,3,{fat=>'dog'}]);

If you want to design your own stargate, you may inspect the default stargate in for inspiration. (Not recommended. :-)

How Can I Rescue Persistent Objects From Oblivion?

All data stored in ObjectStore is reference counted. This is a fantastically efficient way to manage memory (for most applications). It has very good locality and low overhead. However, as soon as an object's refcnt reaches zero, it is permenantly deleted from the database. You only get one chance to save the object: the NOREFS method is invoked just prior to deletion. You must create a new persistent reference to it or kiss the object goodbye.

Note that the DESTROY method is still invoked every time an object becomes unreachable from the current scope. However, contrary to transient objects this method does not preview persistent object destruction. (Hacking DESTROY such that it can be used as NOREFS is desirable, but would require changes to the core perl code-base. This change is under consideration.)

Also see ObjStore::Mortician!


posh is your interactive window into databases.

It is designed treat your data in an application specific manner. Customize by providing your own implementation for these methods:

  • $o-help();>

  • $o->POSH_PEEK($peeker, $o_name);

  • $o->POSH_CD($path);

  • $o->POSH_ENTER();

There are lots of good examples throughout the standard ObjStore:: libraries.


Fantastically efficient records:

use base 'ObjStore::AVHV';
use fields qw(f1 f2 f3);


See ObjStore::AVHV XXX


When you use a database, ObjStore tries to require each class that doesn't seem loaded. This means that you can write generic data processing programs that load the appropriate libraries to manipulate data in application specific ways.

To disable class autoloading behavior call this function before you open any databases:


This mechanism is orthogonal to the AUTOLOAD mechanism for autoloading functions.

Where's the Hard Part?

I don't know. I haven't found it yet!



    The overwhelming top priority is to make this extension work seemlessly, obviously, and effortlessly. Really, the only difference between lisp and perl is ease of use. No detail will be overlooked, all must conform to effortless styistic perfection.


    Support for any other interesting ObjectStore APIs.


    Support for bit vectors (Bit::Vector) and matrices (PDL)?

How Does CORBA Fit In?

CORBA standardizes remote method invokation (RMI). ObjectStore greatly reduces the need for remote method invokation and also provides a simple but effective RMI mechanism (see ObjStore::Notification and ObjStore::ServerDB). The two technologies address different problems, but here is a rough comparison:

GENERALLY            CORBA                     ObjectStore
-------------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
flow                 you follow the data       the data comes to you
network              important                 what network?
flexibility          brittle                   up to you
object-oriented      yes                       up to you
data copying         2-4 times                 0-2 times
binary portability   yes                       partially
reference counted    no (does not store data)  yes
multivendor          yes                       not yet

MESSAGING            CORBA                     ObjectStore
--------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------
overflow possible?   no?                       yes
a/syncronous         both?                     async only

Why Is Perl a Better Fit For Databases Than SQL, C++, or Java?

  struct CXX_or_Java_style {
	char *name;
	char *title;
	double size;

When you write a structure declaration in C++ or Java you are declaring field-names, field-types, and field-order. Programs almost always require a re-compile to change such rigid declarations. This is fine for small applications but becomes cumbersome quickly. It is too hard to change (brittle). An SQL-style language is needed. When you create a table in SQL you are declaring only field-names and field-types.

create table SQL_style
(name varchar(80),
 title varchar(80),
 size double)

This is more flexible, but SQL gives you far less expressive power than C++ or Java. Applications end up being written in C++ or Java, while their data is stored with SQL. Managing the syncronization between the two languages creates enormous extra complexity. So much so that there are lots of software companies that exist solely to address this headache. (You'd think they'd try to cure the problem instead of addressing the symptom!) Perl is better, because it transparently spans all the requirements in a single language.

my $h1 = { name => undef, title => undef, size => 'perl' };

Only the field-names are specified. This declaration is actually even more flexible than SQL because the field-types are left dynamic. But not only is perl more flexible, it's also fast. When you need the speed, you can implement specific objects or subsystems directly in C++.

Why Is Perl Easier Than Other Programming Languages?

I have no idea!

Summary (LONG)

  • SQL

    All perl databases use the same flexible schema that can be examined and updated with generic tools. This is the key advantage of SQL, now available in perl. In addition, Perl / ObjectStore is blatantly faster than SQL / C++. (Not to mention that perl is a fun programming language while SQL is at best a clunky query language and C++ is at best an engineering language.)

  • C++

    Special purpose data types can be coded in C++ and dynamically linked into perl. Since C++ will always be able to beat Java benchmarks, this gives perl an edge in the long run. Perl is to C/C++ as C/C++ is to assembly language.

  • JAVA

    Java has the buzz, but:

    • Just like C++, the lack of a universal generic schema limits use to single applications. Without some sort of tie mechanism, I can't imagine how this could be remedied. (Even with tie, it might already be too late. Java was not conceived to evolve quite as rapidly as is perl. Imagine that: "designed to evolve"!)

    • All Java databases must serialize data to store and retrieve it. Until Java supports memory-mapped persistent allocation, database operations will always be sluggish compared to C++. Not even god-like compiler technology can completely cure poor language design.

    • Perl integrates with Java and the SwingSet / AWT API. (Of course, this is a moot point if you can use Qt -

Summary (SHORT)

Perl can store data

  • optimized for flexibility and/or for speed

  • in transient memory and persistent memory

without violating the principle of encapsulation or obstructing general ease of use.


bless and begin by default. Most other static methods can also be exported.




Copyright © 1997-1998 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved.

This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see

The Perl / ObjectStore extension is available via any CPAN mirror site:

Portions of the collection code were snapped from splash, Jim Morris's delightful C++ library .


ObjStore::Tutorial, ObjStore::Table3, examples in the t/ directory, ObjStore::Internals, Event, PerlQt, and The SQL Reference Manual (just kidding :-)

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