Revision history for Dist::Zilla::Plugin::CompileTests
1.092460 2009-09-03 15:25:21 UTC
- using less magical load test (as kentnl reported)
1.092370 Tue Aug 25 16:57:16 2009
- using plain File::Find which is core (rjbs)
- moving to autoversion: 1.yydddn
0.1.3 Tue Aug 11 15:58:19 CEST 2009
- automatically add File::Find::Rule to prereqs (fix #48602)
0.1.2 Fri Aug 7 10:26:31 2009
- skip script tests if test::script isn't installed
0.1.1 Thu Aug 6 15:43:34 2009
- fix manifest
0.1.0 Thu Aug 6 15:34:26 2009
- original release
- basic compilation tests