It is great to see you would want to improve Game::Risk.

** Prerequisites

Here's what you need (among other prereqs):
    - Tk
    - POE
    - Dist::ZillaDist
    - Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::JQUELIN

** Getting started

Once those prereqs installed, one can do:
    $ dzil test                         # to run the tests
    $ dzil run ./bin/prisk              # to run the game from local checkout
    $ dzil run bash                     # to examine what built dist will look like

** Code layout:

Each window has its own module in 


but it is moving slowly in lib/Games/Risk/Tk once they are sanitized.

Translation files are in 

    lib/LocaleData/<language code>/LC_MESSAGES/Games-Risk.po

So for example the French translation is in


The file holding the strings is here:
