Revision history for Geo-ICAO
High-level changelog
0.1x region development
0.0x initial releases & infrastructure
Low-level changelog
0.12 Fri Aug 10 15:24:18 CEST 2007
- fixed bug in region2code: wrong hash used
- added tests for region
0.11 Fri Aug 10 14:38:30 CEST 2007
- cleaned "Maritime Southeast Asia" name
- new subs region2code(), code2region()
0.10 Fri Aug 10 10:26:05 CEST 2007
- export is in place
- dropped prereq Readonly (since hashes are less easy to handle with perl 5.6)
- new test for kwalitee
0.02 Thu Aug 9 14:23:19 CEST 2007
- protect country codes to quiet perl 5.6 warnings
0.01 Wed Aug 8 19:13:52 CEST 2007
- initial release
- region & countries definition
- all_region_names() / all_region_codes()