Revision history for Perl extension Language::Befunge.

0.37 Wed Apr 24 08:54:00 CEST 2002
        - New mechanism of libraries loading: loading instances of
          extension instead of a plain module.
        - doc/library.pod modified to reflect this.

0.36 Mon Apr 22 20:44:10 CEST 2002
        - jqbf98 now understands the -v flag (verbose)
        - New examples,
        - now has two methods spush_vec and spop_vec.
          modified to take advantage of those methods.
        - now has a method spush_args to push (and convert)
          arguments on the stack.
        - comes with a storage facility to allow library to
          fetch and store whatever data they want. This is highly
          experimental and the interface may change in future

0.35 Tue Apr 16 17:20:29 CEST 2002
        - LaheySpace::labels_lookup() now also returns the velocity
          that found the label.
        - Minor pod update.

0.34 Tue Apr 16 15:00:27 CEST 2002
        - Minor bug fix in I discovered it by chance,
          since it's a tiny little bug that did not seem to break
        - LaheySpace now has a labels_lookup() method, that allow to
          search for labels inside comments. This will be used in
          Inline::Befunge and maybe some extensions will use this
          non-standard mechanism.
        - Minor update to doc/library.pod

0.33 Mon Apr 15 17:21:23 CEST 2002
        - Fancy stuff added in order to support Inline::Befunge (does
          not change the default behavior)
        - One more debug message

0.32 Mon Apr 15 12:01:53 CEST 2002
        - POD fixing in doc/library.pod

0.31 Mon Apr 15 09:41:21 CEST 2002
        - Smarter way of handling parameters.
        - jqbf98 interpreter now handles parameters.

0.30 Sun Apr 14 15:53:19 CEST 2002
        - now has an Object Oriented interface.
        - rewriting tests to take the new interface into account.

0.20 Sat Apr 13 13:08:17 CEST 2002
        - modified to understand libraries semantics:
          parens (to load/unload) and capital letters.
        - IP modified in order to accept the libraries semantics.
        - New directory lib/ where to put libraries.
        - New libraries FOO and HELO
        - New test 22lib -> test libraries semantics.
        - Pod completed in
        - Tutorial (doc/library.pod) on how to build new extensions.
        - all instructions implemented in instr.txt

0.12 Fri Apr 12 18:51:04 CEST 2002
        - Shipped with some examples.
        - Shipped with the Funge-98 specs.

0.11 Fri Apr 12 18:33:09 CEST 2002
        - Bug fix in the way spaces are handled in strings.
        - Bug fix in numeric input.
        - Bug fix in ascii input.
        - New script jqbf98, a standalone interpreter.
        - Rewrite of Makefile.PL to install this file.

0.10 Fri Apr 12 15:04:10 CEST 2002
        - More POD documentation.
        - Bug fix in instruction t.
        - More debug messages.
        - New test 21concur.t -> tests concurrent Funge.

0.09 Fri Apr 12 12:05:03 CEST 2002
        - Bug fix in y instruction (flags).
        - Bug fix in y instruction (size of TOSS).
        - 20th field of y instruction returns ENV sorted by keys.
        - More debug messages in
        - New test 20system.t -> tests exec and info retrieval

0.08 Thu Apr 11 19:34:38 CEST 2002
        - Fixed some bad API calls in
        - Bug fix in
        - More debug messages in
        - Minor bug fix in output file for text flag.
        - New test 19storg.t -> tests storage
        - 10stdio.t extended to test input and output file.

0.07 Thu Apr 11 17:49:03 CEST 2002
        - Fixed a bug in and
        - Fixed some bad API calls in
        - More debug messages.
        - New test 18sos.t -> tests stack stack manipulation
        - instr.txt rewritten.

0.06 Thu Apr 11 15:06:50 CEST 2002
        - Pod cleaning in
        - Some bug fixes in
        - New test 16string.t -> tests string thingies
        - New test 17stack.t  -> tests stack stuff
0.05 Thu Apr 11 14:25:10 CEST 2002
        - Completed 14flow.t
        - New test 15decis.t -> tests decision making

0.04 Thu Apr 11 12:04:30 CEST 2002
        - store_code includes magic to display the correct filename in
          error msgs.
        - instr.txt explained.
        - Bug fixes for control flow instructions.
        - New test 13dir.t  -> tests direction changing
        - New test 14flow.t -> tests flow control

0.03  Thu Apr 11 09:59:28 CEST 2002
        - Bug fix with string-mode.
        - Debug facilities.
        - New test 02befunge.t -> tests the exported functions
        - New test 10stdio.t   -> tests ,. and space
        - New test 11nums.t    -> tests 0-9a-f
        - New test 12maths.t   -> tests +-*/%
        - New file inst.txt with the instruction and their current
          status (tested with a X).

0.02  Wed Apr 10 14:22:31 CEST 2002
        - New function store_code.
        - Language::Befunge synopsis extended.

0.01  Wed Apr 10 14:01:20 CEST 2002
	- Original version.
        - Every instruction is implemented, but _not_ tested.
        - Module LaheySpace written and tested.
        - Module IP written and tested.