Revision history for Language::Befunge::Debugger.

High-level changelog

0.3.x    more runtime possibilities
0.2.x    revamped interface
0.1.x    adding really needed capabilities
0.0.x    initial work, with basic capabilities

Low-level changelog

0.3.6 Fri Jun  5 17:01:58 CEST 2009
 - adapt to latest LB api change
 - new button fast forward, (continue with no delay)

0.3.5 Fri Jun 13 14:29:14 CEST 2008
 - ported to new LB 4.x api

0.3.4 Mon Nov 26 13:05:49 CET 2007
 - more robust code in LBD::Breakpoints
 - kwalitee/cpants release

0.3.3 Wed Nov 21 19:36:50 CET 2007
 - breakpoints removal allowed
 - sorting breakpoints in breakpoints window

0.3.2 Tue Nov 20 17:50:27 CET 2007
 - can set breakpoint on row, column or exact position

0.3.1 Mon Nov 19 18:17:10 CET 2007
 - possibility to reload file
 - gui now provides a menu for those who prefer
 - spawn() method returns poe session id for those who want to use it
   (dunno what they would want to do, but anyway...)
 - showing breakpoints window (even if can't set breakpoints)

0.3.0 Fri Nov  9 19:03:44 CET 2007
 - possibility to resume run instead of stepping


0.2.2 Fri Nov  9 17:41:18 CET 2007
 - color first ip created before starting execution

0.2.1 Fri Nov  9 12:50:34 CET 2007
 - file opening now works
 - prompting for file if no argument

0.2.0 Wed Nov  7 18:03:34 CET 2007
 - dropping buttons for a toolbar 
 - adding a tick counter, with indication of current ip being processed
 - removing terminated ips
 - using whole color range to pick a random one


0.1.1 Wed Nov  7 00:20:21 CET 2007
 - allocating one color per ip
 - displaying one summary label per ip

0.1.0 Tue Nov  6 19:19:24 CET 2007
 - introducing color decay for better followup of the trail


0.0.1 Mon Nov  5 18:19:58 CET 2007
 - original version
 - basic window with loading and step by step