Revision history for POE-Component-Client-MPD

High-level changelog

0.3.x  postbacks, helper classes
0.2.x  pococm-commands
0.1.x  pococm-conn cleaning + features, pococm-message
0.0.x  imported stuff from audio::mpd + porting to poe

Low-level changelog

0.3.0 Sun May 13 14:03:50 CEST 2007
 - new helper classes: pococm-time, pococm-status, pococm-stats
 - pococm now supports postbacks, for post-treatments
 - new events handled:
    . stats()


0.2.0 Sun May 13 12:30:58 CEST 2007
 - new module handling general commands: pococm-commands
 - new events handled:
    . output_enable()
    . output_disable()
 - serious pod cleaning
 - improved test framework


0.1.2 Sat May 12 19:30:11 CEST 2007
 - pococm-conn implements all cookings ($AS_ITEMS, $AS_KV)
 - pococm-conn now spawns an error if:
    . connection can't be made
    . remote server isn't mpd
 - added tests for pococm-conn
 - new item available: pococmi-playlist

0.1.1 Sat May 12 13:53:55 CEST 2007
 - pococm-request renamed in pococm-message
 - messages now use dot (.) instead of colon (:)
 - splitted ServerInput in pococm-conn
 - pococm-conn implements $STRIP_FIRST cooking

0.1.0 Thu May 10 20:53:30 CEST 2007
 - new helper class: pococm-request
 - migrated api to use it to pass data around


0.0.3 Thu May 10 19:11:56 CEST 2007
 - added test framework taken from audio::mpd
 - updated this framework to be poe-aware
 - first functional test: coll:all_files

0.0.2 Wed May  9 18:14:12 CEST 2007
 - missing prereq readonly
 - tests for pococm-item

0.0.1 Tue May  8 18:00:57 CEST 2007
 - first version based on audio::mpd, ported to poe.
 - connection to mpd done by pococ-tcp.
 - first commands implemented: coll:all_files, pl:add, pl:delete.
 - test client available: bin/
 - almost no tests. :-(