Revision history for Time-Fuzzy

High-level changelog

0.2x  fuziness factor: multiple implementations
0.1x  actual fuzzy implementation
0.0x  initial releases

Low-level changelog

0.20 Fri Aug 10 18:10:32 CEST 2007
 - fuzzy() uses current time by default, but now in the local timezone
 - new sub _fuzzy_low() returning time without too much fuzzyness
 - old fuzzy() moved to _fuzzy_medium()
 - fuzzy() now acts depending on the $FUZZINESS factor


0.11 Fri Aug 10 16:24:15 CEST 2007
 - fuzzy() now accepts a DateTime param
 - added tests for fuzzy()

0.10 Fri Aug 10 14:07:06 CEST 2007
 - fuzzy() now return an actual fuzzy time depending on current time

0.01 Fri Aug 10 12:29:26 CEST 2007
 - initial release