

Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined complexType LocationGroups from the namespace

Represents a criterion containing a function that when evaluated specifies how to target based on the type of the location. These ???location groups??? are custom, dynamic bundles of locations (for instance "High income areas in California" or "Airports in France"). <p>Examples:</p> For income demographic targeting, we need to specify the income tier and the geo which it targets. Areas in California that are in the top national income tier can be represented by: <pre><code> Function function = new Function(); function.setLhsOperand(Arrays.asList( (Operand) new IncomeOperand(IncomeTier.TIER_1)); function.setOperator(Operator.AND); function.setRhsOperand(Arrays.asList( (Operand) new GeoTargetOperand(Lists.newArrayList(new CriterionId(21137L)))); </code></pre> For place of interest targeting, we need to specify the place of interest category and the geo which it targets. Airports in France can be represented by: <pre><code> Function function = new Function(); function.setLhsOperand(Arrays.asList( (Operand) new PlacesOfInterestOperand(PlacesOfInterestOperand.Category.AIRPORT)); function.setOperator(Operator.AND); function.setRhsOperand(Arrays.asList( (Operand) new GeoTargetOperand(Lists.newArrayList(new CriterionId(2250L)))); </code></pre> <span class="constraint AdxEnabled">This is disabled for AdX when it is contained within Operators: ADD, SET.</span>


The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY methods:

  • matchingFunction



Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():


Generated by SOAP::WSDL