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echo Create
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 CreateDomain DomainName TestSDB
echo List
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 ListDomains
echo Key1
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 PutAttributes ItemName Key1 DomainName TestSDB Attributes [ { Name Att1 Value Val1 } { Name Att2 Value Val2 } ]
echo Key2
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 PutAttributes ItemName Key2 DomainName TestSDB Attributes [ { Name Att1 Value Val3 } { Name Att2 Value Val4 } ]
echo Key3
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 PutAttributes ItemName Key3 DomainName TestSDB Attributes [ { Name Att1 Value Val5 } { Name Att2 Value Val4 } ]
echo Key4
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 PutAttributes ItemName Key4 DomainName TestSDB Attributes [ { Name Att1 Value Val7 } { Name Att2 Value Val4 } ]
echo GetAttributes1
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 GetAttributes AttributeName Att1 DomainName TestSDB ItemName Key1
echo GetAttributes2
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 GetAttributes ItemName Key1 DomainName TestSDB
echo BatchPut
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 BatchPutAttributes Items [ { Name B1 Attributes [ { Name Att1 Value Att1Val1 } ] } ] DomainName TestSDB
echo BatchDelete
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 BatchDeleteAttributes DomainName TestSDB Items [ { Name B1 Attributes [ { Name Att1 } ] } ]
echo Select
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 Select SelectExpression "select Att1 from TestSDB"
echo Metadata
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 DomainMetadata DomainName TestSDB
echo Delete
bin/paws SDB --region eu-west-1 DeleteDomain DomainName TestSDB