Angerwhale changes

0.061 19 September 2007
       - make tests skip_all if a keyserver isn't available
       - use a more reliable keyserver for testing against
       - don't use cpansign; too many test failures
       - properly escape article URIs in XML feeds

0.06  18 September 2007
       - ** fixed the big memory leak ** (article at
       - Change archives location from /Year/Month/Date to
         /archives/Year/Month/Date (category archive location,
         i.e. /categories/Angerwhale/2007/01/01, is unchanged)
       - cleanup lots of controller code (use Chained)
       - fix cache memory leak
       - fix the last unicode problem (tag args not decoded)
       - canonicalize tags properly; tags display as lowercase only 
       - make UserStore more tolerant of transient keyserver errors
       - add a post confirmation message linking to the comment's feed
       - remove extra final line from POD blocks
       - show "logged in as" message after successful login
       - attribute comments to logged-in users correctly
       - internal: Use "default" *only* for 404 page

0.05  27 May 2007
       - Eliminate prototype in favor of mochikit
       - fix bug in POD formatter that messed up indentation between
         paragraphs in the same block of code (zamolxes++)
       - eliminate a warning about wide characters
       - unicode tags work again
       - PAR deployment improvements (rafl++)
       - clean up 404 handling
       - ensure all categories are displayed
       - various bugfixes and general improvements

0.04  11 Apr 2007
       - Expose JSON feeds in the UI
       - change JSON feed API (no items element; items are in an array)
       - add resource file for easier hacking
       - make css / jemplates / javascript included on each page configable
       - make links clickable in plaintext formatter
       - add config option for date format (date_format)
       - cleanup caching code
       - add ability to gzip cached response (autodetected)
       - add generic backend to support database storage, etc.
       - add configurable filters to be run on each comment
       - fix 404s when clicking date links (i.e. http://blog/2007/01/01)
       - make styles configurable
       - add many tests and improve developer documentation

0.03  14 Feb 2007
       - add JSON feeds (feeds/*/json instead of feeds/*/yaml, etc.)
       - more formatters; SBC, Markdown, and Textile
       - CAPTCHA to prevent spam
       - refactoring (Articles/Comments/etc. no longer dependent on Model)
       - ships with default blog dir, with a welcome post
       - move "logged in as" to the client, to increase cache hits
       - move sidebar feeds to the client (for freshness, yum)

0.02  09 Feb 2007
        - initial release

0.01  Sun Mar 19 21:33:03 2006
        - initial revision, generated by Catalyst