Ham::Device::FT817COMM - Library to control the Yaesu FT817 Ham Radio
Version 0.9.0_13
use HAM::Device::FT817COMM;
Constructor and Port Configurations
my $FT817 = new Ham::Device::FT817COMM (
serialport => '/dev/ttyUSB0',
baud => '38400',
lockfile => '/var/lock/ft817'
my $port = $FT817->{'serialport'};
my $baud = $FT817->{'baud'};
my $lockfile = $FT817->{'lockfile'};
my $version = $FT817->moduleVersion;
Lock File
In the event you abruptly end the software or loose connectivity via ssh. When attempting to reconnect you will see the following error.
Can't open serial port /dev/ttyUSB0: File exists
The lock file can be remove simply by
rm /var/lock/ft817
The instance of the device and options are created with the constructor and port configurations shown above. The variable which is an instance of the device may be named at that point. In this case $FT817. The serialport must be a valid port and not locked. You must consider that your login must have permission to access the port either being added to the group or giving the user suffucient privilages. The baudrate 'baud' must match the baudrate of the radio CAT RATE which is menu item 14.
Finally lockfile is recommended to ensure that no other software may access the port at the same time. The lockfile is removed as part of the invocation of the destructor method.
1. Using Return Data From a Module
This allows for complete control of the rig through the sub routines all done through the cat interface
$output = 'rigname'->'command'('value');
an example is a follows
$output = $FT817->catLock('ON');
Using this method, the output which is collected in the varible $output is designed to be minimal for use in applications that provide an already formatted output.
For example:
$output = $FT817->catLock('ON');
print "$output";
Would simply return F0 if the command failed and 00 if the command was sucessfull. The outputs vary from module to module, depending on the function
2. Using setVerbose()
The module already has pre-formatted outputs for each subroutine. Using the same example in a different form and setting setVerbose(1) we have the following
The output would be, for example:
Set Lock (ENABLE) Sucessfull.
Other verbose outputs exist to catch errors.
The output would be:
Set Lock (blabla) Failed. Option:blabla invalid.
An example of both is shown below for the command getHome()
As return data: Y
As verbose(1) : At Home Frequency
We see that return data will be suitable for a program which needs just a boolean value.
3. Build a sub-routine into a condition
Another use can be to use a subrouting as a value in a condition statment to test
if (($FT817->gethome()) eq 'Y') {
warn "I guess we're home";
Call all of the modules, one at a time and look at the outputs, from which you can decide how the data can be used. At this time I have completed a command line front end for this module that makes testing all of the functionality easy.
FT817COMM has a built in robust debugger that makes available to the user all transactions between the software and the rig. Where verbose gave the outputs to user initiated subroutines, the debugger does very much the same but with internal functions not designed to be called directly in the userspace. That being said, you should never directly call these system functions or you will quickly turn your 817 into a paperweight or door stop. You have been warned.
Feel free to use the debugger to get an idea as to how the module and the radio communicate.
$FT817->setDebug(1); # Turns on the debugger
The first output of which is:
Two distinct type of transactions happen with the debugger, they are:
CAT commands : Commands which use the Yaesu CAT protocol
EPROMM commands: Commands which read and write to the EEPROM
With the command: catgetMode() we get the regular output expected, with verbose(1)
Mode is FM
However with the setDebug(1) we will see the following output to the same command:
[FT817]@/dev/ttyUSB0$ get mode
(sendCat:DEBUG) - DATA OUT ------> 00 00 00 00 03
(sendCat:DEBUG) - BUILT PACKET --> 0000000003
(sendCat:DEBUG) - DATA IN <------- 1471200008
Mode is FM
The sendcat:debug shows the request of 00 00 00 00 0x03 sent to the rig, and the rig returning 1471200008. What were looking at is the last two digits 08 which is parsed from the block of data. 08 is mode FM. FT817COMM does all of the parsing and conversion for you.
As you might have guessed, the first 8 digits are the current frequency, which in this case is 147.120 MHZ. The catgetFrequency() module would pull the exact same data, but parse it differently
The debugger works differently on read/write to the eeprom. The next example shown below used the function setArts('OFF'), the function which tunrs arts off.
[FT817]@/dev/ttyUSB0$ set arts off
(eepromDecode:DEBUG) - READING FROM ------> [00x79]
(eepromDecode:DEBUG) - PACKET BUILT ------> [00790000BB]
(eepromDecode:DEBUG) - OUTPUT HEX -------> [81]
(eepromDecode:DEBUG) - OUTPUT BIN -------> [10000001]
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - OUTPUT FROM [00x79]
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - PACKET BUILT ------> [00790000BB]
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - BYTE1 (81) BYTE2 (1F) from [00x79]
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - BYTE1 BINARY IS [10000001]
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - CHANGING BIT(0) to (0)
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - BYTE1: BINARY IS [00000001] AFTER CHANGE
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - CHECKING IF [1] needs padding
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - Padded to [01]
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - BYTE1 (01) BYTE2 (1F) to [00x79]
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - WRITING ----------> (01) (1F)
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - PACKET BUILT ------> [0079011fBC]
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - SHOULD BE: (01) (1F)
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - IS: -----> (01) (1F)
(writeEeprom:DEBUG) - VALUES MATCH!!!
ARTS set to OFF sucessfull!
The output shows all of the transactions and modifications conducted by the system functions
- agreeWithwarning()
$agree = $FT817->agreeWithwarning(#); Turns on and off the internal flag that says. You undrstand the risks of writing to the EEPROM Activated when any value is in the (). Good practive says () or (1) for OFF and ON. Returns the argument sent to it on success.
- catClarifier()
$setclar = $FT817->catClarifier([ON/OFF]); Enables or disables the clarifier Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catClarifierfreq()
$clarifierfreq = $FT817->catClarifierfreq([####]); Uses 4 digits as an argument to set the Clarifier frequency. Leading and trailing zeros required where applicable 1.234 KHZ would be 1234 Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catCtcssdcs()
$ctcssdcs = $FT817->catCtcssdcs({DCS/CTCSS/ENCODER/OFF}); Sets the CTCSS DCS mode of the radio Returns 'OK' on success or something else on failure
- catCtcsstone()
$ctcsstone = $FT817->catCtcsstone([####]); Uses 4 digits as an argument to set the CTCSS tone. Leading and trailing zeros required where applicable 192.8 would be 1928 as an argument Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure On 'f0' verbose(1) displays all valid tones
- catDcscode()
$dcscode = $FT817->catDcscode([####]); Uses 4 digits as an argument to set the DCS code. Leading and trailing zeros required where applicable 0546 would be 546 as an argument Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure On 'f0' verbose(1) displays all valid tones
- catgetFrequency()
$frequency = $FT817->catgetFrequency([#]); Returns the current frequency of the rig eg. B<14712000> with B<catgetFrequency()> Returns the current frequency of the rig eg. B<147.120.00> MHZ with B<catgetFrequency(1)>
- catgetMode()
$mode = $FT817->catgetMode(); Returns the current Mode of the Radio : AM / FM / USB / CW etc.......
- catLock()
$setlock = $FT817->catLock([ON/OFF]); Enables or disables the radio lock. Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catOffsetfreq()
$offsetfreq = $FT817->catOffsetfreq([########]); Uses 8 digits as an argument to set the offset frequency. Leading and trailing zeros required where applicable 1.230 MHZ would be 00123000 Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catOffsetmode()
$setoffsetmode = $FT817->catOffsetmode([POS/NEG/SIMPLEX]); Sets the mode of the radio with one of the valid modes. Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catPower()
$setPower = $FT817->catPower([ON/OFF]); Sets the power of the radio on or off. Note that this function, as stated in the manual only works Correctly when connected to DC power and NO Battery installed Returns '00' on success or 'null' on failure
- catPtt()
$setptt = $FT817->catPtt([ON/OFF]); Sets the Push to talk of the radio on or off. Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catRxstatus()
$rxstatus = $FT817->catRxstatus([VARIABLES/HASH]); Retrieves the status of SQUELCH / S-METER / TONEMATCH / DESCRIMINATOR in one command and posts the information when verbose(1). Returns with variables as argument $squelch $smeter $smeterlin $desc $match Returns with hash as argument %rxstatus
- catsetFrequency()
$setfreq = $FT817->catsetFrequency([########]); Uses 8 digits as an argument to set the frequency. Leading and trailing zeros required where applicable 147.120 MHZ would be 14712000 14.070 MHZ would be 01407000 Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catsetMode()
$setmode = $FT817->catsetMode([LSB/USB/CW/CWR/AM/FM/DIG/PKT/FMN/WFM]); Sets the mode of the radio with one of the valid modes. Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catSplitfreq()
$setsplit = $FT817->catSplitfreq([ON/OFF]); Sets the radio to split the transmit and receive frequencies Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- catTxstatus()
$txstatus = $FT817->catTxstatus([VARIABLES/HASH]); Retrieves the status of POWERMETER / PTT / HIGHSWR / SPLIT in one command and posts the information when verbose(1). Returns with variables as argument $pometer $ptt $highswr $split Returns with hash as argument %txstatus
- catvfoToggle()
$vfotoggle = $FT817->catvfotoggle(); Togles the VFO between A and B Returns '00' on success or 'f0' on failure
- closePort()
$FT817->closePort(); This function should be executed at the end of the program. This closes the serial port and removed the lock file if applicable. If you do not use this, and exit abnormally, you will need to manually remove the lock file if it was enabled in the settings.
- dec2bin()
Simple internal function for converting decimal to binary. Has no use to the end user.
- eepromDecode()
An internal function to retrieve code from an address of the eeprom and convert the first byte to binary, dumping the second byte.
- eepromDecodenext()
An internal function to retrieve code from an address of the eeprom returning hex value of the next memory address up.
- getAgc()
$agc = $FT817->getAgc(); Returns the current setting of the AGC: AUTO / FAST / SLOW / OFF
- getAntenna ()
$antenna = $FT817->getAntenna({HF/6M/FMBCB/AIR/VHF/UHF}); %antenna = $FT817->getAntenna({ALL}); %antenna = $FT817->getAntenna(); Returns the FRONT/BACK configuration of the antenna for the different types of bands. Returns one value when an argument is used. If the argument ALL or no argument is used will print a list of the configurations or all bands and returns a hash or the configuration
- getArts ()
$arts = $FT817->getArts(); Returns the status of ARTS: ON / OFF
- getArtsmode ()
$artsmode = $FT817->getArtsmode(); MENU ITEM # 9 - Returns the status of ARTS BEEP: OFF / RANGE /ALL
- getBacklight ()
$backlight = $FT817->getBacklight(); MENU ITEM # 10 - Returns the status of the Backlight: OFF / ON / AUTO
- getBeepfreq ()
$beepfreq = $FT817->getBeepfreq(); MENU ITEM # 12 - Returns the BEEP Frequency of the radio : 440 / 880
- getBeepvol ()
$beepvol = $FT817->getBeepvol(); MENU ITEM # 13 - Returns the BEEP VOLUME of the radio : 0 - 100
- getBk ()
$bk = $FT817->getBk(); Returns the status of Break-in (BK) ON / OFF
- getCharger()
$charger = $FT817->getCharger(); Returns the status of the battery charger. Verbose will show the status and if the status is on, how many hours the battery is set to charge for.
- getChargetime()
$chargetime = $FT817->getChargetime(); MENU ITEM # 11 - Returns how many hours the charger is set for in the config. 6/8/10
- getChecksum()
$checksum = $FT817->getChecksum(); Returns the checksum bits in EEPROM areas 0x00 through 0x03
- getColor()
$color = $FT817->getColor(); MENU ITEM # 15 - Returns the Color of the LCD display (BLUE/AMBER)
- getConfig()
$config = $FT817->getConfig(); Returns the two values that make up the Radio configuration. This is set by the soldier blobs of J4001-J4009 in the radio.
- getContrast()
$contrast = $FT817->getContrast(); MENU ITEM # 16 - Returns the Contrast of the LCD display (1-12)
- getCwid()
$cwspeed = $FT817->getCwspeed(); MENU ITEM # 18 - Shows if CW ID is ON / OFF
- getCwpaddle()
$cwpaddle = $FT817->getCwpaddle(); MENU ITEM # 19 - Shows if CW Paddle is NORMAL / REVERSE
- getCwspeed()
$cwspeed = $FT817->getCwspeed(); MENU ITEM # 21 - Returns the speed of CW in WPM
- getDsp()
$dsp = $FT817->getDsp(); Returns the current setting of the Digital Signal Processor (if applicable) : ON / OFF
- getEeprom()
$value = $FT817->getEeprom(); Currently returns just the value you send it. In verbose mode however, it will display a formatted output of the memory address specified.
With one argument it will display the information about a memory address
[FT817]@/dev/ttyUSB0$ get eeprom 005f ADDRESS BINARY DECIMAL VALUE ___________________________________________________ 005F 11100101 229 E5
With two arguments it will display information on a range of addresses
[FT817]@/dev/ttyUSB0$ get eeprom 005f 0062 ADDRESS BINARY DECIMAL VALUE ___________________________________________________ 005F 11100101 229 E5 0060 00011001 25 19 0061 00110010 50 32 0062 10001000 136 88
- getFasttuning()
$fasttune = $FT817->getFasttuning(); Returns the current setting of the Fast Tuning mode : ON / OFF
- getFlags()
$flags = $FT817->getFlags(); Returns the current status of the flags : DEBUG / VERBOSE / WRITE ALLOW / WARNED
- getHome()
$home = $FT817->getHome(); Returns the current status of the rig being on the Home Frequency : Y/N
- getKyr()
$kyr = $FT817->getKyr(); Returns the current status of the Keyer (KYR) : ON/OFF
- getLock()
$lock = $FT817->getLock(); Returns the current status of the Lock : ON/OFF
- getMainstep()
$mainstep = $FT817->getMainstep(); MENU ITEM # 33 - Returns the Main Step COURSE / FINE
- getMtqmb()
$mtqmb = $FT817->getMtqmb(); Returns the current Status of MTQMB : ON / OFF
- getMtune()
$mtune = $FT817->getMtune(); Returns the current Status of MTUNE : MTUNE / MEMORY
- getNb()
$nb = $FT817->getNb(); Returns the current Status of the Noise Blocker : ON / OFF
- getPktrate()
$pktrate = $FT817->getPktrate(); MENU ITEM # 40 - Returns the Packet Rate 1200 / 9600 Baud
- getPbt()
$pbt = $FT817->getPbt(); Returns the status of Pass Band Tuning: ON /OFF
- getPwrmtr()
$pwrmtr = $FT817->getPwrmtr(); Returns the current Setting of the Power meter : PWR / ALC / SWR / MOD
- getQmb()
$qmb = $FT817->getQmb(); Returns the current Status of QMB : ON / OFF
- getResumescan()
$resumescan = $FT817->getResumescan(); MENU ITEM # 41 - Returns the RESUME(scan) setting OFF / 3,5,10 SEC
- getRfknob()
$rfknob = $FT817->getRfknob(); MENU ITEM # 45 - Returns the current Functionality of the RF-GAIN Knob : RFGAIN / SQUELCH
- getScope()
$scope = $FT817->getScope(); MENU ITEM # 43 - Returns the Setting for SCOPE : Continuous / CHK (every 10 sec)
- getSoftcal()
$softcal = $FT817->getSoftcal({console/digest/file filename.txt}); This command currently works with verbose and write to file. Currently there is no usefull return information Except for digest. With no argument, it defaults to console and dumps the entire 76 software calibration memory areas to the screen. Using digest will return an md5 hash of the calibration settings. Using file along with a file name writes the output to a file. It's a good idea to keep a copy of this in case the eeprom gets corrupted and the radio factory defaults. If you dont have this information, you will have to send the radio back to the company for recalibration.
- getTuner()
$tuner = $FT817->getTuner(); Returns the current tuner setting : VFO / MEMORY
- getTxpower()
$txpower = $FT817->getTxpower(); Returns the current Transmit power level : HIGH / LOW3 / LOW2 / LOW1
- getVfo()
$vfo = $FT817->getVfo(); Returns the current VFO : A / B
- getVfoband()
$vfoband = $FT817->getVfoband([A/B]); Returns the current band of a given VFO
- getVlt()
$vlt = $FT817->getVlt(); Returns if the voltage display is ON or OFF
- getVox()
$vox = $FT817->getVox(); Returns the status of VOX : ON / OFF
- hex2bin()
Simple internal function for convrting hex to binary. Has no use to the end user.
- hexAdder()
Internal function to incriment a given hex value off a base address
- hexDiff()
Internal function to return decimal value as the difference between two hex numbers
- moduleVersion()
$version = $FT817->moduleVersion(); Returns the version of to the software calling it.
- new()
my $FT817 = new Ham::Device::FT817COMM ( serialport => '/dev/ttyUSB0', baud => '38400', lockfile => '/var/lock/ft817' ); Creates an instance of the device that is the Radio. Called at the begining of the program. See the Constructors section for more info.
- readMemvfo ()
my $option = $FT817->readMemvfo('[A/B]', '[BAND]', '[OPTION]'); Reads and returns information from the VFO memory given a VFO [A/B] and a BAND [20M/40M/70CM] etc.. This is only for VFO memory's and not the Stored Memories nor Home Memories. Leave OPTION empty to Return a hash with all OPTIONS below Returns information based on one of the valid options: MODE - Returns the mode in memory - update only appears after toggling the VFO NARFM - Returns if Narrow FM os ON or OFF NARCWDIG - Returns if the CW or Digital Mode is on Narrow RPTOFFSET - Returns the Repeater offset TONEDCS - Returns type type of tone being used ATT - Returns if ATT is on if applicable, if not shows OFF IPO - Returns if IPO is on if applicable, if not shows OFF FMSTEP - Returns the setting for FM STEP in KHZ AMSTEP - Returns the setting for AM STEP in KHZ SSBSTEP - Returns the setting for SSB STEP in KHZ CTCSSTONE - Returns the currently set CTCSS Tone DCSCODE - Returns the currently set DCS Code CLARIFIER - Returns if the CLARIFIER is on or off CLAROFFSET - Returns the polarity and offset frequency of the clarifier stored on EEPROM RXFREQ - Returns the stored Receive Frequency RPTOFFSETFREQ - Returns the stored Repeater offset Frequency The CLAROFFSET is the stored value in the VFO not the active one. The EEPROM doesnt write everytime you turn the clarifer adjustment. When using the CAT command to set the CLARIFIERFREQ this value will not update, only when set directly in the VFO mem will it show a live update
- restoreEeprom()
$restorearea = $FT817->restoreEeprom(); This restores a specific memory area of the EEPROM back to a known good default value. This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. This command does not allow for an arbitrary address to be written. Currently [0055] [0057] [0058] [0059] [005B] [005C] [005D] [005F] [0062] [0079] [007A] and [007B] are allowed restoreEeprom('005F'); Returns 'OK' on success. Any other output an error.
- sendCat()
Internal function, if you try to call it, you may very well end up with a broken radio. You have been warned.
- setAgc()
$status = $FT817->setAgc([AUTO/FAST/SLOW/OFF]; Sets the agc This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0057');
- setAntenna()
$status = $FT817->setAntenna([HF/6M/FMBCB/AIR/VHF/UHF] [FRONT/BACK]); Sets the antenna for the given band as connected on the FRONT or REAR of the radio This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('007A');
- setArts()
$arts = $FT817->setArts([ON/OFF]); Sets the ARTS function of the radio to ON or OFF This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0079');
- setArtsmode()
$artsmode = $FT817->setArts([OFF/RANGE/BEEP]); MENU ITEM # 9 Sets the ARTS function of the radio when ARTS is enabled This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005D');
- setBacklight()
$status = $FT817->setBacklight([OFF/ON/AUTO]); MENU ITEM # 10 Sets the Backlight of the radio This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005B');
- setBeepfreq()
$status = $FT817->setBeepfreq([440/880]); MENU ITEM # 13 Sets the frequency of the radio beep This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005C');
- setBeepvol()
$status = $FT817->setBeepvol([1-100]); MENU ITEM # 13 Sets the volume of the radio beep This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005C');
- setBk()
$status = $FT817->setBk([ON/OFF]); Sets the CW Break-in (BK) ON or OFF This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0058');
- setCharger()
$charger = $FT817->setCharger([ON/OFF]); Turns the battery Charger on or off This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('007B');
- setChargetime()
$chargetime = $FT817->setChargetime([6/8/10]); MENU ITEM # 11 Sets the Battery charge time to 6, 8 or 10 hours. If the charger is currently on, it will return an error and not allow the change. Charger must be off. This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following commands that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0062'); restoreEeprom('007B'); Returns 'OK' on success. Any other output an error.
- setColor()
$output = $FT817->setColor([BLUE/AMBER]); MENU ITEM # 15 Sets the Color of the LCD screen This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005B');
- setContrast()
$output = $FT817->setContrast([1-12]); MENU ITEM # 16 Sets the Contrast of the LCD screen, this seems to only update the screen after a power cycle, either manually, or by CAT command This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005B');
- setCwid()
$output = $FT817->setCwid([ON/OFF]); MENU ITEM # 18 Sets the CW ID to ON or OFF This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005D');
- setCwpaddle()
$output = $FT817->setCwpaddle([NORMAL/REVERSE]); MENU ITEM # 19 Sets the CW paddle to NORMAL or REVERSE This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0058');
- setDebug()
$debug = $FT817->setDebug([#]); Turns on and off the internal debugger. Provides information on all serial transactions when on. Activated when any value is in the (). Good practive says () or (1) for OFF and ON. Returns the argument sent to it on success.
- setDsp()
$output = $FT817->setDsp([ON/OFF]); Turns the DSP on or off if available This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0057');
- setFasttuning()
$output = $FT817->setFasttuning([ON/OFF]); Sets the Fast Tuning of the radio to ON or OFF This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0057');
- setHome()
$output = $FT817->setHome([ON/OFF]); Sets the Radio to HOME frequency or back to normal frequencies This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0055');
- setKyr()
$output = $FT817->setKyr([ON/OFF]); Sets the CW Keyer (KYR) on or off This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0058');
- setLock()
$output = $FT817->setLock([ON/OFF]); Sets the Radio Lock on or off. Similar to catLock() but calls it directly This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0057');
- setMainstep()
$status = $FT817->setMainstep([COURSE-FINE]); MENU ITEM # 33 Sets the Main step This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005D');
- setMtqmb()
$output = $FT817->setMtqmb([ON/OFF]); Sets the MTQMB to ON or OFF This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0055');
- setMtune()
$output = $FT817->setMtune([MTUNE/MEMORY]); Sets the MTUNE to MTUNE or MEMORY This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0055');
- setNb()
$output = $FT817->setNb([ON/OFF]); Turns the Noise Blocker on or off This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0057'); Returns 'OK' on success. Any other output an error.
- setPktrate()
$output = $FT817->setCwpaddle([NORMAL/REVERSE]); MENU ITEM # 40 Sets the Packet rate This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005D');
- setPbt()
$status = $FT817->setPbt([OFF/ON]; Enables or disables the Pass Band Tuning This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0057');
- setPwrmtr()
$status = $FT817->setPwrmtr([PWR/ALC/SWR/MOD]; Sets the active display of the Power Meter This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0058');
- setQmb()
$output = $FT817->setQmb([ON/OFF]); Sets the QMB to ON or OFF This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0055');
- setResumescan()
$status = $FT817->setResumescan([OFF/3/5/10]); MENU ITEM # 41 - SETS THE Resume (scan) functionality. This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005D'); Returns 'OK' on success. Any other output an error.
- setRfknob()
$rfknob = $FT817->setRfknob([RFGAIN/SQUELCH]); MENU ITEM # 45 - SETS THE RF-GAIN knob functionality. This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005F'); Returns 'OK' on success. Any other output an error.
- setScope()
$output = $FT817->setScope([CONT/CHK]); MENU ITEM # 43 Sets the Scope This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('005D');
- setTuner()
$output = $FT817->setTuner([VFO/MEMORY]); Sets the Tuner to VFO or memory This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0055'); Returns 'OK' on success. Any other output an error.
- setVfo()
$status = $FT817->setVfo([A/B]; Sets the VFO to A or B This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0055');
- setVfoband()
$setvfoband = $FT817->setVfoband([A/B] [160M/75M/40M/30M/20M/17M/15M/12M/10M/6M/2M/70CM/FMBC/AIR/PHAN]); Sets the band of the selected VFO Returns 'OK' on success or '1' on failure This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0059');
- setVlt()
$status = $FT817->setVlt([ON/OFF]; Enables or disables the voltage display This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0058');
- setVox()
$setvox = $FT817->setVox([ON/OFF]); Sets the VOX feature of the radio on or off. Returns 'OK' on success or '1' on failure This is a WRITEEEPROM based function and requires both setWriteallow() and agreeWithwarning() to be set to 1. In the event of a failure, the memory area can be restored with. The following command that also requires both flags previously mentioned set to 1. restoreEeprom('0058');
- setWriteallow()
$writeallow = $FT817->setWriteallow([#]); Turns on and off the write Flag. Provides a warning about writing to the EEPROM and requires the agreeWithwarning() to also be set to 1 after reading the warning Activated when any value is in the (). Good practive says () or (1) for OFF and ON. Returns the argument sent to it on success.
- writeBlock()
Internal function, if you try to call it, you may very well end up with a broken radio. You have been warned.
- writeEeprom()
Internal function, if you try to call it, you may very well end up with a broken radio. You have been warned.
Jordan Rubin KJ4TLB, <jrubin at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-ham-device-ft817comm at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Ham::Device::FT817COMM
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Thank you to Clint Turner KA7OEI for his research on the FT817 and discovering the mysteries of the EEprom FT817 and Yaesu are a registered trademark of Vertex standard Inc.
Copyright 2014 Jordan Rubin.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at:
Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license.
If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license.
This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed.