use strict;
use Carp();
our @ISA = qw(Rose::Object);
our $VERSION = '0.59';
our $Debug = 0;
# Object data
'scalar' =>
'scalar --get_set_init' =>
# Object methods
sub init_hash { {} }
sub init_parent { 'Rose::DB' }
sub add_entries
my($self) = shift;
# Smuggle parent in with an otherwise nonsensical arrayref arg
my $parent = shift->[0] if(ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY');
$parent ||= $self->parent;
my $entries = $self->hash;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $item (@_)
my($domain, $type, $entry);
if(ref $item eq 'HASH')
if($entry = delete $item->{'entry'})
$domain = delete $item->{'domain'};
$type = delete $item->{'type'};
Carp::croak "If an 'entry' parameter is passed, no other ",
"parameters (other than 'domain' and 'type') ",
"may be passed";
$entry = Rose::DB::Registry::Entry->new(%$item);
elsif(ref $item && $item->isa('Rose::DB::Registry::Entry'))
$entry = $item;
else { Carp::croak "Don't know how to add registry entry '$item'" }
$domain = $entry->domain unless(defined $domain);
$type = $entry->type unless(defined $type);
unless(defined $domain)
$domain = $parent->default_domain;
unless(defined $type)
$type = $parent->default_type;
Carp::croak "Missing domain for registry entry '$item'"
unless(defined $domain);
Carp::croak "Missing type for registry entry '$item'"
unless(defined $type);
Carp::croak "Missing driver for registry entry '$item'"
unless(defined $entry->driver);
$i++ unless(defined $entries->{$domain}{$type});
$entries->{$domain}{$type} = $entry;
return $i;
sub add_entry
my($self) = shift;
# Smuggle parent in with an otherwise nonsensical arrayref arg
my $parent = shift if(ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY');
if(@_ == 1 || (ref $_[0] && $_[0]->isa('Rose::DB::Registry::Entry')))
return $self->add_entries(($parent ? $parent : ()), @_);
return $self->add_entries(($parent ? $parent : ()), { @_ });
sub entry_exists
my($self, %args) = @_;
Carp::croak "Missing required 'type' argument"
unless(defined $args{'type'});
Carp::croak "Missing required 'domain' argument"
unless(defined $args{'domain'});
return exists $self->hash->{$args{'domain'}}{$args{'type'}};
sub delete_entry
my($self, %args) = @_;
return undef unless($self->entry_exists(%args));
return delete $self->hash->{$args{'domain'}}{$args{'type'}};
sub entry
my($self, %args) = @_;
return undef unless($self->entry_exists(%args));
return $self->hash->{$args{'domain'}}{$args{'type'}};
sub delete_domain
my($self, $domain) = @_;
my $entries = $self->hash;
delete $entries->{$domain};
=head1 NAME
Rose::DB::Registry - Data source registry.
use Rose::DB::Registry;
$registry = Rose::DB::Registry->new;
domain => 'development',
type => 'main',
driver => 'Pg',
database => 'dev_db',
host => 'localhost',
username => 'devuser',
password => 'mysecret',
server_time_zone => 'UTC');
$entry = Rose::DB::Registry::Entry->new(
domain => 'production',
type => 'main',
driver => 'Pg',
database => 'big_db',
host => '',
username => 'dbadmin',
password => 'prodsecret',
server_time_zone => 'UTC');
$entry = $registry->entry(domain => 'development', type => 'main');
$registry->entry_exists(domain => 'foo', type => 'bar'); # false
$registry->delete_entry(domain => 'development', type => 'main');
C<Rose::DB::Registry> objects manage information about L<Rose::DB> data sources. Each data source has a corresponding L<Rose::DB::Registry::Entry> object that contains its information. The registry entries are organized in a two-level namespace based on a "domain" and a "type." See the L<Rose::DB> documentation for more information on data source domains and types.
C<Rose::DB::Registry> inherits from, and follows the conventions of, L<Rose::Object>. See the L<Rose::Object> documentation for more information.
=over 4
=item B<new PARAMS>
Constructs a C<Rose::DB::Registry> object based on PARAMS, where PARAMS are
name/value pairs. Any object method is a valid parameter name.
=over 4
=item B<add_entries ENTRY1 [, ENTRY2, ...]>
Add registry entries. Each ENTRY must be either a L<Rose::DB::Registry::Entry>-derived object or reference to a hash of name/value pairs. The name/value pairs must be valid arguments for L<Rose::DB::Registry::Entry>'s constructor.
Each ENTRY must have a defined domain and type, either in the L<Rose::DB::Registry::Entry>-derived object or in the name/value pairs. A fatal error will occur if these values are not defined.
If a registry entry for the specified domain and type already exists, then the new entry will overwrite it. If you want to know beforehand whether or not an entry exists under a specific domain and type, use the C<entry_exists()> method.
=item B<add_entry ENTRY>
Add a registry entry. ENTRY must be either a L<Rose::DB::Registry::Entry>-derived object or a list of name/value pairs. The name/value pairs must be valid arguments for L<Rose::DB::Registry::Entry>'s constructor.
The ENTRY must have a defined domain and type, either in the L<Rose::DB::Registry::Entry>-derived object or in the name/value pairs. A fatal error will occur if these values are not defined.
If a registry entry for the specified domain and type already exists, then the new entry will overwrite it. If you want to know beforehand whether or not an entry exists under a specific domain and type, use the C<entry_exists()> method.
=item B<delete_domain DOMAIN>
Delete an entire domain, including all the registry entries under that domain.
=item B<delete_entry PARAMS>
Delete the registry entry specified by PARAMS, where PARAMS must be name/value pairs with defined values for C<domain> and C<type>. A fatal error will occur if either one is missing or undefined.
If the specified entry does not exist, undef is returned. Otherwise, the deleted entry is returned.
=item B<entry PARAMS>
Get the registry entry specified by PARAMS, where PARAMS must be name/value pairs with defined values for C<domain> and C<type>. A fatal error will occur if either one is missing or undefined. If the specified entry does not exist, undef is returned.
=item B<entry_exists PARAMS>
Returns true if the registry entry specified by PARAMS exists, false otherwise. PARAMS must be name/value pairs with defined values for C<domain> and C<type>. A fatal error will occur if either one is missing or undefined.
=head1 AUTHOR
John C. Siracusa (
Copyright (c) 2005 by John C. Siracusa. All rights reserved. This program is
free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
as Perl itself.