Changes for version 0.076

  • Fixed a bug that caused incorrect counts in get_objects_count() when using the require_object parameter with "... to many" relationships.
  • Added bulk update and delete methods to Manager.
  • Added cascaded delete, plus a plea inthe documentation for users to do this in the database instead.
  • Added "many to one" relationship and made it the new default relationship type for foreign keys.
  • Added *_now and *_on_save method types for foreign keys and "... to one" relationships.
  • Made get_set_on_save and delete_on_save the default auto method types for foreign keys and "... to one" relationships.
  • load() now returns the object itself on success, which allows for the convenient $obj = MyObject->new(id => 123)->load;
  • save() now returns the object itself on success, which allows for the convenient $obj = MyObject->new(id => 123)->save;


Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper.
Memory cached object representation of a single row in a database table.
Iterate over a series of Rose::DB::Objects.
Create date-related methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
Create generic object methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
Create PostgreSQL-specific object methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
Create object methods related to Rose::DB::Object::Std-derived objects.
Fetch multiple Rose::DB::Object-derived objects from the database using complex queries.
Database object metadata.
Base class for database column metadata objects.
Binary large object column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(1) column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(2) column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(3) column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(4) column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(5) column metadata.
Datetime year to minute column metadata.
Datetime year to second column metadata.
Floating-point column metadata.
PostgreSQL CHKPASS column metadata.
Variable-length character column metadata.
Base class for table relationship metadata objects.
One to many table relationship metadata object.
Many to one table relationship metadata object.
One to many table relationship metadata object.
One to one table relationship metadata object.
Build SQL queries on behalf of Rose::DB::Object::Manager.
Standardized object representation of a single row in a database table.
Memory cached standardized object representation of a single row in a database table.
Standardized database object metadata.
Utility functions for use in Rose::DB::Object subclasses and method makers.


in lib/Rose/DB/Object/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/Auto/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/Auto/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/Auto/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/