Changes for version 0.751

  • The Loader is now much, much faster when loading many tables.
  • Added a tables_are_singular() method to the default ConventionManager.
  • Improved detection of ambiguous columns in QueryBuilder.
  • Removed a potentially dubious optimization of the with_objects argument to the get_objects() and get_objects_count() methods.
  • Added support for auto-initialization in setup() calls.
  • Added prime_caches(), auto_prime_caches(), and prime_all_caches() Metadata methods to help increase shared memory when running under mod_perl and other similar environments.
  • The Loader's include_tables and exclude_tables attributes now accept references to arrays of table names as well as regular expressions.
  • The Loader's include_tables and exclude_tables attributes are now case-insensitive by default.
  • Fixed a bug that caused save() with sub-objects to fail in some cases. (Reported by Wiggins d'Anconia)
  • Added examples of the add_on_save relationship methods to the tutorial.


A guided tour of the basics of Rose::DB::Object


Extensible, high performance RDBMS-OO mapper.
Memory cached object representation of a single row in a database table.
Provide missing metadata by convention.
A singleton convention manager that does nothing.
A mix-in class containing convenience methods for Rose::DB::Object.
Iterate over a series of Rose::DB::Objects.
Automatically create Rose::DB::Object subclasses for all the tables in a database.
Create object methods for arbitrary-precision numeric attributes for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
Create date-related methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
Create generic object methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
Create PostgreSQL-specific object methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
Create object methods related to Rose::DB::Object::Std-derived objects.
Create time-related methods for Rose::DB::Object-derived objects.
Fetch multiple Rose::DB::Object-derived objects from the database using complex queries.
Database object metadata.
Base class for database column metadata objects.
Big integer column metadata.
Big serial column metadata.
Binary large object column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(1) column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(2) column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(3) column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(4) column metadata.
Datetime year to fraction(5) column metadata.
Datetime year to minute column metadata.
Datetime year to second column metadata.
Enumerated column metadata.
Seconds since the epoch column metadata.
Fractional seconds since the epoch column metadata.
Floating-point column metadata.
PostgreSQL BYTEA column metadata.
PostgreSQL CHKPASS column metadata.
Variable-length character column metadata.
Base class for table relationship metadata objects.
One to many table relationship metadata object.
Many to one table relationship metadata object.
One to many table relationship metadata object.
One to one table relationship metadata object.
A base class for mix-ins.
Build SQL queries on behalf of Rose::DB::Object::Manager.
Standardized object representation of a single row in a database table.
Memory cached standardized object representation of a single row in a database table.
Standardized database object metadata.
Utility functions for use in Rose::DB::Object subclasses and method makers.


in lib/Rose/DB/Object/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/Auto/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/Auto/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/Auto/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/Auto/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/Auto/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/
in lib/Rose/DB/Object/Metadata/