Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PopUpMenu - Object representation of a pop-up menu in an HTML form.
$field = Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PopUpMenu->new(name => 'fruits');
$field->options(apple => 'Apple',
orange => 'Orange',
grape => 'Grape');
print $field->value_label('apple'); # 'Apple'
print $field->internal_value; # 'orange'
print $field->html;
Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PopUpMenu is an object representation of a pop-up menu field in an HTML form.
This class inherits from, and follows the conventions of, Rose::HTML::Form::Field. Inherited methods that are not overridden will not be documented a second time here. See the Rose::HTML::Form::Field documentation for more information.
Valid attributes:
Required attributes:
Boolean attributes:
- new PARAMS
Constructs a new Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PopUpMenu object based on PARAMS, where PARAMS are name/value pairs. Any object method is a valid parameter name.
- add_option OPTION
Convenience alias for add_options().
- add_options OPTIONS
Adds options to the pop-up menu. OPTIONS may take the following forms.
A reference to a hash of value/label pairs:
$field->add_options ( { value1 => 'label1', value2 => 'label2', ... } );
An ordered list of value/label pairs:
$field->add_options ( value1 => 'label1', value2 => 'label2', ... );
(Option values and labels passed as a hash reference are sorted by value according to the default behavior of Perl's built-in sort() function.)
A reference to an array of containing only plain scalar values:
$field->add_options([ 'value1', 'value2', ... ]);
A list or reference to an array of Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option or Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup objects:
$field->add_options ( Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option->new(...), Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup->new(...), Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option->new(...), ... ); $field->add_options ( [ Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option->new(...), Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup->new(...), Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option->new(...), ... ] );
A list or reference to an array containing a mix of value/label pairs, value/hashref pairs, and Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option or Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup objects:
@args = ( # value/label pair value1 => 'label1', # option group object Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup->new(...), # value/hashref pair value2 => { label => 'Some Label', id => 'my_id', ... }, # option object Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option->new(...), ... ); $field->add_options(@args); # list $field->add_options(\@args); # reference to an array
Please note: the second form (passing a reference to an array) requires that at least one item in the referenced array is not a plain scalar, lest it be confused with "a reference to an array of containing only plain scalar values."
All options are added to the end of the existing list of options.
Option groups may also be added by nesting another level of array references. For example, this:
$field = Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PopUpMenu->new(name => 'fruits'); $field->options(apple => 'Apple', orange => 'Orange', grape => 'Grape'); $group = Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup->new(label => 'Others'); $group->options(juji => 'Juji', peach => 'Peach'); $field->add_options($group);
is equivalent to this:
$field = Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PopUpMenu->new( name => 'fruits', options => [ apple => 'Apple', orange => 'Orange', grape => 'Grape', Others => [ juji => { label => 'Juji' }, peach => { label => 'Peach' }, ], ]); $field->add_options($group);
- choices [OPTIONS]
This is an alias for the options method.
- has_value VALUE
Returns true if VALUE is selected in the pop-up menu, false otherwise.
- labels [LABELS]
Get or set the labels for all values. If LABELS is a reference to a hash or a list of value/label pairs, then LABELS replaces all existing labels. Passing an odd number of items in the list version of LABELS causes a fatal error.
Returns a hash of value/label pairs in list context, or a reference to a hash in scalar context.
- option VALUE
Returns the first option (according to the order that they are returned from options()) whose "value" HTML attribute is VALUE, or undef if no such option exists.
- options OPTIONS
Get or set the full list of options in the pop-up menu. OPTIONS may be a reference to a hash of value/label pairs, an ordered list of value/label pairs, a reference to an array of values, or a list of objects that are of, or inherit from, the classes Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option or Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup. Passing an odd number of items in the value/label argument list causes a fatal error. Options passed as a hash reference are sorted by value according to the default behavior of Perl's built-in sort() function.
To set an ordered list of option values along with labels in the constructor, use both the options() and labels() methods in the correct order. Example:
$field = Rose::HTML::Form::Field::PopUpMenu->new( name => 'fruits', options => [ 'apple', 'pear' ], labels => { apple => 'Apple', pear => 'Pear' });
Remember that methods are called in the order that they appear in the constructor arguments (see the Rose::Object documentation), so options() will be called before labels() in the example above. This is important; it will not work in the opposite order.
Returns a list of the pop-up menu's Rose::HTML::Form::Field::Option and/or Rose::HTML::Form::Field::OptionGroup objects in list context, or a reference to an array of the same in scalar context. These are the actual objects used in the field. Modifying them will modify the field itself.
- value [VALUE]
Simply calls input_value(), passing all arguments.
- value_label [VALUE [, LABEL]]
If no arguments are passed, it returns the label of the selected option, or the value itself if it has no label. If no option is selected, undef is returned.
With arguments, it will get or set the label for the option whose value is VALUE. The label for that option is returned. If the option exists, but has no label, then the value itself is returned. If the option does not exist, then undef is returned.
John C. Siracusa (
Copyright (c) 2007 by John C. Siracusa. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.