CGI::WeT::Theme - Theme loader for the CGI::WeT package


use CGI::WeT::Theme ();


This module provides a well-defined interface between the rendering engine and the theme definition loaders. It is designed to work with or without mod_perl. All theme loader classes must be defined in the CGI::WeT::Theme::Loader namespace during the construction of a CGI::WeT::Theme object.

This module is used by the rendering engine and should not be needed outside of that engine. This documentation is to aid those building a theme loader.

All theme loaders need the following method defined:


This will produce a properly blessed object which represents the definition for theme. If such an object can not be produced (theme not defined by that particular loader), this will return undef.

The object returned by the factory method must provide the following methods:


This function will return an object representing the information needed to layout a page of the type in list. Since this is a list, the first item is most desired while the last is least desired. It will return the information for the best desired match it can find. If none can be returned, it must return undef.

The object returned by this function must provide LAYOUT and may provide BODY, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT. LAYOUT provides an anonymous array describing the layout of the page. BODY returns a hash reference describing various body attributes. BODY is deprecated in favor of CSS which returns a reference to an array with the Cascading Style Sheet to use for this layout. JAVASCRIPT returns a reference to an array with any JavaScript required for this layout.

2 POD Errors

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 58:

=back doesn't take any parameters, but you said =back 4

Around line 63:

=over without closing =back