Changes for version 0.40

  • Improvements
    • Reverse order of 2nd and 3rd arguments in compute() (old order will still work)
    • Throw error if arguments passed to clear()
  • Fixes
    • Fix CHI::Driver::Metacache::meta_cache to build lazily, eliminating intermittent bug and making compatible with Moose 1.99+ (autarch)
    • Check if get_object defined in purge - RT #63699 (forrest)


Manual for developing new CHI drivers


Unified cache handling interface
Contains information about cache entries
Internal constants
Base class for all CHI drivers
Caches that delegate to a contained cache
CHI wrapper for Cache::Cache
Shared memory interprocess cache via mmap'ed files
File-based cache using one file per entry in a multi-level directory structure
In-process memory based cache
Metacache for internal CHI use
Nothing is cached
Record and report per-namespace cache statistics


in lib/CHI/Driver/Role/
in lib/CHI/Driver/Role/
in lib/CHI/Driver/Role/
in lib/CHI/Serializer/
in lib/CHI/Serializer/
in lib/CHI/
in lib/CHI/