HTML::Mason FAQ - frequently asked questions about HTML::Mason
HTML::Mason is a perl-based web site development and delivery engine. This document is designed to answer questions that arise when using HTML::Mason to develop new and convert existing applications.
What is HTML::Mason
HTML::Mason is a Perl-based web site development and delivery engine. In addition to supporting embedded Perl in HTML pages, HTML::Mason provides facilities for many common web development issues: templating, caching, debugging, profiling, page previewing, and more. Although it can be used with CGI or even stand-alone, HTML::Mason works best in conjunction with Apache and mod_perl.
Does HTML::Mason have an official web site?
Yes, at
Where do I obtain HTML::Mason?
HTML::Mason is available from CPAN (the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network). Details about CPAN are available at
Where can I ask questions about HTML::Mason or report bugs?
You are encouraged to use the HTML::Mason mailing list; that way many people can answer questions and/or benefit from the answer. Write to You may want to browse past messages in the archive first. Go to for more information or to subscribe (although you can post without being subscribed).
If the question is more generally about mod_perl, you may wish to post additionally (or only) to the mod_perl mailing list at
If you have a question or comment that you don't feel is appropriate for the group, write to one of the HTML::Mason authors: Jonathan Swartz ( or Mark Schmick (
What is a component?
A component is a file that contains some combination of text (typically HTML), perl code and HTML::Mason directives.
Some components are accessed directly by web browsers. These are called top-level components. A top-level component might consist purely of static HTML.
Other components are support components, which are called by top-level compoennts or other support components. These components are analogous to perl subroutines -- they allow you to create small packages of code that you can reuse throughout your project.
How do components communicate with each other?
Components can return values to their callers, just like subroutines.
Some components may have very simple return values. As an example, consider a component called isNetscape which returns a true value when the client's browser is Netscape and undef when it is not. The isNetscape component could then be used easily in an if() or other control statement.
Of course, components can also return strings of text, arrays, hashes or other arbitarily complex perl data structures.
How do I use modules in components?
Technically you can just say "use module-name" at the beginning of a component. The disadvantages of this method are that:
the module will be used separately by every httpd child process, costing both time and memory.
it is difficult to keep track of all the modules being used on a site.
A more efficient method is to put the use line in the or use the PerlModule directive. If you want components to be able to refer to symbols exported by the module, you need to use the module inside the HTML::Mason::Commands package. See the "Pieces of an Installation/" section of the administration manual (Admin.pod).
Can I define subroutines in components?
You can define named subroutines inside the <%once> section of any component. Defining the subroutine in a <%perl> or <%init> section is not reliable because such a definition would end up residing inside another subroutine, and Perl doesn't like that.
You can define anonymous subroutines anywhere:
my $foo = sub {...};
Finally, consider using a separate component instead of a subroutine; they are functionally equivalent, and this is playing to Mason's strengths.
Can I serve images through a HTML::Mason server?
If you put images in the same directories as components, you need to make sure that the images don't get handled through HTML::Mason. The reason is that HTML::Mason will try to parse the images and may inadvertently find HTML::Mason syntax (e.g. "<%"). Most images will probably pass through successfully but a few will cause HTML::Mason errors.
The simplest remedy is to have HTML::Mason decline image and other non-HTML requests, thus letting Apache serve them in the normal way. The following line, placed in the handler() subroutine of your,
return -1 if defined($r->content_type) && $r->content_type !~ m|^text/|io;
declines all requests with a content type not starting with "text/". This allows text/html and text/plain to pass through but not much else. It is included in the default
Another solution is to put all images in a separate directory; it is then easier to tell Apache to serve them in the normal way. See the next question.
For performance reasons you should consider serving images from a completely separate (non-HTML::Mason) server. This will save a lot of memory as most requests will go to a thin image server instead of a large mod_perl server. See Vivek Khera's performance FAQ for a more detailed explanation.
How can I prevent a particular subdirectory from being handled by HTML::Mason?
Suppose you have a directory under your document root, "/plain", and you would like to serve these files normally instead of using the HTML::Mason handler. One solution is to use a Location directive like:
<Location /plain>
SetHandler default-handler
Apparently these will work as well:
SetHandler text/html
SetHandler */*
Another solution is to put a line like this at the top of the handler() subroutine of your
return -1 if $r->uri() =~ m|^/plain|;
Can I run HTML::Mason outside a web server?
Yes, in fact HTML::Mason can be useful for generating a set of web pages offline or as a general templating tool. See "running HTML::Mason stand-alone" in the administration manual (
Can I run HTML::Mason via CGI?
Yes, as part of a Perl CGI program you could theoretically create a new HTML::Mason interpreter and execute components based on the request. However, since HTML::Mason takes some time to load and initialize, performance will be poor.
Although mod_perl is the recommended environment for running HTML::Mason, if mod_perl cannot be used, other packages that allow CGI programs to run persistantly, such as SpeedyCGI (see may allow you to increase the performance of HTML::Mason.
What platforms does HTML::Mason run on?
So far I am aware of successful installations on Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows NT. Because HTML::Mason consists of only Perl code (no C), it should work on all Unix systems and most other systems where Perl runs. HTML::Mason does use a few nonstandard modules (notably MLDBM) and some file access code that may break on obscure systems, but I am not yet aware of such problems.
I'm getting a warning "Mason: filename xxx is outside component root; returning 404" in the error logs. What does it mean?
This means that the filename that Apache has resolved to does not fall underneath the component root you specified when you created the interpreter in HTML::Mason requires the file to fall under the component root so that it can call it as a top-level component. (For various reasons, such as object file creation, HTML::Mason cannot treat files outside the component root as a component.)
If you believe the file is in fact inside the component root and HTML::Mason is in error, it may be because you're referring to the Apache document root or the HTML::Mason component root through a symbolic link. The symbolic link may confuse HTML::Mason into thinking that two directories are different when they are in fact the same. This is a known "bug", but there is no obvious fix at this time. For now, you must refrain from using symbolic links in either of these configuration items.
How do I exit from all components including the ones that called me?
Use mc_abort, documented in the commands manual (
How do I access GET or POST arguments?
GET and POST arguments are automatically parsed and placed into named component arguments just as if you had called the component with <& &> or mc_comp. So you can get at GET/POST data by pre-declaring argument names and/or using the %ARGS hash which is always available.
Should I use to read GET/POST arguments?
No! HTML::Mason automatically parses GET/POST arguments and places them in declared component arguments and %ARGS (see previous question). If you create a CGI object in the usual way for a POST request, it will hang the process trying to read $r->content a second time.
Can I use to output HTML constructs?
Yes. To get a new CGI object, use
my $query = new CGI('');
You have to give the empty string argument or CGI will try to read GET/POST arguments.
To print HTML constructs returned by CGI functions, just enclose them in <%%>, e.g.
How do I modify the outgoing HTTP headers?
Use the usual functions, such as $r->header_out, from within the top component's <%perl_init%> section. See the "Sending HTTP Headers" section in the component developers manual (Components.pod).
Some of my pages are being served with content type xxx instead of text/html. How do I get HTML::Mason to properly set the content type?
HTML::Mason doesn't actually touch the content type -- it relies on Apache to set it correctly. You can affect how Apache sets your content type in the configuration files (e.g. srm.conf). The most common change you'll want to make is to add the line
DefaultType text/html
This indicates that files with no extension and files with an unknown extension should be treated as text/html. By default, Apache would treat them as text/plain.
I have a line in my to stop HTML::Mason from processing anything but text files, but I want to generate a dynamic image using HTML::Mason. How can I get HTML::Mason to set the correct MIME type?
Use mod_perl's $r->content_type function to set the appropriate MIME type. This will allow you to output, for example, a GIF file, even if your component is called dynamicImage.html.
How do I put comments in components?
Put general comments in the <%perl_doc> section.
In the <%perl_init> and <%perl_cleanup> sections, and in a <%perl> block, use standard Perl comments ('#').
In the primary section, begin a line with %# to make it a comment
If you are producing HTML, you can use standard HTML comments delimited by <!-- -->.
The difference between 3 and 4 is that %# comments will not appear in the output, while <!-- --> comments will appear. Both have their advantages.
What's a good way to temporarily comment out code in a component?
For HTML, you might be tempted to surround the section with <!-- -->. But be careful! Any code inside the section will still execute. Here's a example of commenting out a call to an ad server:
<!-- temporarily comment out
<& FetchAd &>
The ad will still be fetched and counted, but not displayed!
A better way to block out a section is if (0):
%if (0) {
Code blocked out in this way will neither be executed nor displayed, and multiple if (0) blocks can be nested inside each other (unlike HTML comments).
How can I capture the output of a component (and modify it, etc.) instead of having it automatically output?
Use the STORE option to mc_comp. STORE takes a scalar reference as a parameter; the output of the component and all its children will be placed in the scalar instead of being output. See the mc_comp section of the commands manual (
Can I use globals in components?
All HTML::Mason components run in the same package (HTML::Mason::Commands), so if you set a global variable in one you'll be able to read it in all the others. You can also initialize global variables in the handler() subroutine in as long as you explicitly put them in the HTML::Mason::Commands package.
The only problem is that Mason by default parses components with strict mode on, so you'll get a warning about the global (and Mason considers all such warnings fatal). To get around this you need to declare the global in a "use vars" statement inside the HTML::Mason::Commands package:
package HTML::Mason::Commands;
use vars qw(...);
or use the Parser allow_globals parameter. See the section on globals in the Administrator's Manual.
Alternatively you can turn off strict entirely by passing:
use_strict => 0
when you create the Parser object. Then you can use all the globals you want. Doing this is terribly silly, however, and is bound to get you in trouble down the road.