Changes for version 1.02

  • Completely redesigned error display. The new display includes a contextual source listing and readable stacktrace. You can access the old error behavior with the raw_html and raw_fatal error modes. (implemented by Matthew Lewinski)
  • Fixed $m->file to close its filehandle between uses. (reported by Matthew Lewinski)
  • Fixed bad interaction with Mason 1.01 and CPAN module, by adding version number to
  • Fixed $m->top_comp to work as documented, and made documentation a bit more explicit. (reported by Gordon Henriksen)
  • Fixed specification of a component root as "foo => /foo" in httpd.conf. (reported by Chuck O'Donnell)
  • Added MasonDeclineDirs, accidentally omitted in 1.01. (reported by David Wheeler)
  • Changed sql examples in Devel.pod to use bind variables. (suggested by Austin S. Lin)


High-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
Mason Administrator's Guide
Former Developer's Guide
Mason Developer's Manual


A bundle to install the HTML::Mason package
Mason/mod_perl interface
Old Mason command reference
Mason Component Class
Mason Component Interpreter
Used to create simple get & get/set methods in other classes
Mason Component Parser
Mason Request Class
Test harness for testing Mason


in lib/Apache/
in lib/HTML/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/Component/
in lib/HTML/Mason/Component/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/Resolver/
in lib/HTML/Mason/
in lib/HTML/Mason/