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Revision history for Poet
** denotes an incompatible change
0.13 Oct 7, 2012
* Improvements
- Add standard error pages and 500 error response for errors in live mode
* Fixes
- Retain response object ($m->res) when creating subrequests via $m->go and $m->visit
0.12 Aug 15, 2012
* Fixes
- Fix overriding of Conf and Import
- Require Mason::Plugin::Cache 0.04, for $m->cache
- Fix pod typos - RT #77676 (Florian)
- Add missing make_immutable calls
* Documentation
- Add Poet::Plack::Request and Poet::Plack::Response to list of subclasses
(Tomohiro Hosaka)
0.11 Jun 5, 2012
* Improvements
- Change $env to $poet to avoid confusion for existing PSGI developers. $env still works
and will be supported indefinitely for backward compatibility. RT #77592 (Matt Trout)
0.10 Jun 4, 2012
* Improvements
- Add $conf->get_secure, for sensitive configuration entries
- Add $conf->generate_dynamic_config, for generating configuration files for external software
0.09 May 15, 2012
* Improvements
- Referring to an unknown conf key in ${interpolated} syntax throws error instead of
inserting blank string
* Fixes
- Allow for older File::Path versions - RT #77206 (Gavin Carr)
- Fix PSGIHandler test from using the same component paths for multiple test cases
0.08 May 9, 2012
* Fixes
- Handle Log::Any::Adapter::Log4perl being missing as well
- Use #!/usr/bin/perl for poet, MakeMaker will adjust on install
- Handle .svn and .git in share/generate.skel
* Documentation
- Fix blog article date/time issue in tutorial (Pat McNamee)
0.07 May 6, 2012
* Fixes
- Fix for Moose 2.06 - RT #76793 (doy)
0.06 May 6, 2012
* Fixes
- Require Mason 2.19
* Documentation
- Improve clarity of tutorial (Horia Cristescu)
- Include tutorial files in distro, in eg/blog (Debi)
0.05 May 1, 2012
* Fixes
- Generate the appropriate shebang line in bin/*.pl via Config
* Improvements
- Various changes to scaffolding produced by 'poet new'
0.04 Apr 26, 2012
* Improvements
- DWIM with lowercase and/or underscored argument to "poet new"
* Fixes
- Fix #! line on get.pl (Pedro Melo)
* Documentation
- Various documentation and generated environment tweaks
* Backend
- Remove some files from pause indexing
- Switch to Test::Class::Most for all tests
0.02 Apr 23, 2012
- Add JSON::XS dependency, remove use of JSON.pm
- Fix $m->cache to use Poet::Cache / MyApp::Cache
0.01 Apr 20, 2012
- Initial version