apachectlp - a more featureful Perl-based replacement for apachectl
apachectlp [-f conf_file] [-d server_root] [-b httpd_binary] [-v]
-k start|stop|restart|ping|graceful|graceful-stop
apachectlp -h
uses Server::Control::Apache to start, stop, restart or ping (show status of) an Apache httpd server.
Checks server status both by looking at the pid file, and by contacting the server's port
Tails the error log when server fails to start
Detects and handles corrupt or out-of-date pid files
Uses sudo by default when using restricted (< 1024) port
Required options: -k, and either -d or -f.
-b, --httpd-binary Specify an httpd binary - defaults to the first httpd in user's PATH
-c, --class Specify a customized class to use instead of Server::Control::Apache
-d, --server-root Specify the server root - will determine from configuration file if given
-f, --conf-file Specify the httpd conf file - defaults to conf/httpd.conf under server root
-h, --help Print help message
-k, --action Specify action - start, stop, restart, or ping
-q, --quiet Show only errors and warnings
-v, --verbose Show verbose output
-I Library paths to include
needs the values below and usually gets them by parsing the Apache configuration file, but you may pass any of them if the parsing isn't working.
And in general, any constructor parameter to Server::Control or Server::Control::Apache
can be passed here (replacing underscores with dashes), e.g.
You may place options in an rc file called serverctl.yml in the server root, e.g.
# This is my serverctl.yml
use_sudo: 1
wait_for_status_secs: 5
You can also specify the path of the rc file with --serverctlrc.
Jonathan Swartz
apachectl, httpd, Server::Control::Apache
Copyright (C) 2007 Jonathan Swartz.
This software is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.