StandupGenerator - package giving the user a simple way to create and open standup files
The main module surfaces methods from other modules and repackages them with descriptive names. Instead of forcing a user to implement a nested namespace, the key methods from the package are thus easily accessible at the root.
This method lets the user create a new standup file for a given directory. The method will return the name of the newly created file. It will also open the file in the user's default editor (e.g., TextEdit). It only takes one parameter:
-- A string containing the full file path for the directory containing standup files for the current project. It should begin with /Users/.
Assuming your standups directory contains standup files and that yesterday's standup file was s3d07.txt, then executing the below command from the CLI will create the file s3d08.txt within the same directory and immediately open it.
perl -e 'use StandupGenerator; create_standup("/Users/johndoe/projects/super-important-project/standups")'
This method lets the user open a single standup file stored in a specific directory. If the .txt file exists, then the method will open it in the user's default editor (e.g., TextEdit). It takes three parameters:
-- A string containing the full file path for the directory containing the standup file. It should begin with /Users/.$sprint
-- A number representing the sprint of the standup.$day
-- A string containing a two-digit representation of the day of the standup. Single digit numbers will begin with '0'.
Executing the below command from the CLI will open the file s3d07.txt, stored within the standups directory within the super-important-project directory.
perl -e 'use StandupGenerator; open_standup("/Users/johndoe/projects/super-important-project/standups", 3, "07")'
This method lets the user open a collection of standup files stored in a specific directory. The intent is to open all standups for the past week. It assumes the last standup in the given directory is either a Friday or Monday, and it opens six files as a result (Monday's through Friday's along with the following Monday's). If the path leads to a directory that contains .txt files formatted with the standups naming convention, then the method will open six of those files in the user's default editor (e.g., TextEdit). It only takes one parameter:
-- A string containing the full file path for the directory containing the standup files. It should begin with /Users/.
Executing the below command from the CLI will open six files stored within the standups directory within the super-important-project directory.
perl -e 'use StandupGenerator; view_standups_from_week("/Users/johndoe/projects/super-important-project/standups")'
This method lets the user easily execute commands from this package via the CLI by editing their configuration file to contain certain shortcuts to key methods. It only takes one parameter:
-- A string containing the full file path for the directory to store standup files. It should begin with /Users/. It should only ever contain .txt files in the standup format.
Executing the below command in the CLI will add osu
, csu
, and wsu
shortcuts to the user's configurations. As a result, executing any of those will interact with standup files stored in the standups folder within the larger super-important_project folder.
perl -e 'use StandupGenerator; set_aliases("/Users/johndoe/projects/super-important-project/standups")'