use 5.006000;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.04';
my %commands = (
'debian' => 'dpkg',
'gentoo' => 'equery',
'redflag' => 'rpm',
'redhat' => 'rpm',
'slackware' => 'pkgtool',
'suse' => 'rpm',
'ubuntu' => 'dpkg',
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(distribution_packages distribution_write format);
sub new {
my $package = shift;
my $options = shift;
my $self = {
'command' => '',
'format' => 'native',
'_data' => '',
'output_file' => ''
foreach my $option (keys %{$options}){
$self->{$option} = $options->{$option};
bless $self, $package;
return $self;
sub distribution_packages {
my $self = shift || new();
if ($commands{$self->{'DISTRIB_ID'}}){
bless $self, 'Linux::Distribution::Packages::' . $commands{$self->{'DISTRIB_ID'}};
} else {
print "Distribution [ $self->{'DISTRIB_ID'} ] not supported\n";
sub distribution_write {
my $self = shift;
my $options = shift;
foreach my $option (keys %{$options}){
$self->{$option} = $options->{$option};
my $print_function = '_list_' . $self->{'format'};
if ( $self->{'format'} ne 'xml'){
if ( $self->{'format'} ne 'xml'){
return 1;
sub format {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'format'} = shift || 'native';
sub _retrieve_all {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'_data'} = ` $self->{'command'} `;
die "Error $? running \'$self->{'command'}\'\n" if $?;
sub _list_native {
my $self = shift;
my $output = $self->{'output_file_handle'};
print { $output || *STDOUT } $self->{_data};
sub _list_xml {
require XML::Writer;
my $self = shift;
my $writer;
my $writer_options = {DATA_MODE => 1, DATA_INDENT => 2};
my $output;
if (defined $self->{'output_file'}){
require IO::File;
$output = new IO::File(">$self->{'output_file'}");
$writer_options->{'OUTPUT'} = $output;
if ($self->{'format'} =~ m/xml/i){
$writer = new XML::Writer(%{$writer_options});
$writer->startTag('distribution', "name" => $self->{'DISTRIB_ID'}, "release" => $self->distribution_version());
my $hash = $self->_parse($writer);
sub _list_csv {
my $self = shift;
sub _row_csv {
my $self = shift;
my $output = $self->{'output_file_handle'};
print { $output || *STDOUT } "\'" . join("\',\'", @_) . "\'\n";
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
my $row_func='_row_' . $self->{'format'};
my @data = split '\n', $self->{'_data'};
foreach my $row (@data){
sub _open_output_fh {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{'output_file'}){
open FH, ">>$self->{'output_file'}";
$self->{'output_file_handle'} = *FH;
} else {
delete $self->{'output_file_handle'};
delete $self->{'output_file'};
sub _close_output_fh {
my $self = shift;
if ($self->{'output_file'}){
close $self->{'output_file_handle'};
delete $self->{'output_file_handle'};
sub _command {
my ( $self, $command ) = @_;
# Add options not really yet implemented
if ($self->{'options'}){ $command .= ' ' . $self->{'options'}; }
$self->{'command'} = $command;
return 1;
sub _command {
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::_command('equery list');
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
my @data = split '\n', $self->{_data};
my $writer=shift;
foreach my $row (@data){
my ($dir, $pkg, $ver);
next if $row =~ m/.*installed packages.*/;
if ($row =~ m/\-(r\d+)$/){
($dir, $pkg, $ver) = $row =~ m/(.+)\/(.+)\-(.+(\-(r\d+)))$/;
} else {
($dir, $pkg, $ver) = $row =~ m/(.+)\/(.+)\-(.+)/;
if ($self->{'format'} =~ m/xml/i){ $writer->emptyTag('package', 'name' => $pkg, 'version' => $ver , 'category' => $dir); next; }
my $row_func='_row_' . $self->{'format'};
$self->$row_func($dir, $pkg, $ver, '');
return 1;
sub _command {
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::_command('dpkg --list');
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
my @data = split '\n', $self->{_data};
my $writer=shift;
foreach my $row (@data){
my ($ii, $desc, $pkg, $ver);
next if $row =~ m/^(Desired|\||\+).*/;
($ii, $pkg, $ver, $desc) = $row =~ m/^(.+?)\s+(.+?)\s+(.+?)\s+(.+)$/;
if ($self->{'format'} =~ m/xml/i){ $writer->emptyTag('package', 'name' => $pkg, 'version' => $ver , 'description' => $desc); next; }
my $row_func='_row_' . $self->{'format'};
$self->$row_func('', $pkg, $ver, $desc);
return 1;
sub _command {
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::_command('rpm -qa');
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
my @data = split '\n', $self->{_data};
my $writer=shift;
foreach my $row (@data){
my ($pkg, $ver);
next if $row =~ m/^(Desired|\||\+).*/;
($pkg, $ver) = $row =~ m/^(.+)\-+(.+\-.+)$/;
if ($self->{'format'} =~ m/xml/i){ $writer->emptyTag('package', 'name' => $pkg, 'version' => $ver ); next; }
my $row_func='_row_' . $self->{'format'};
$self->$row_func('', $pkg, $ver, '');
sub _command {
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::_command('ls /var/log/packages');
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
my @data = split '\n', $self->{_data};
my $writer=shift;
foreach my $row (@data){
my ($pkg, $ver);
($pkg, $ver) = $row =~ m/^(.+)\-(.+)\-.+\-\d+$/;
if ($self->{'format'} =~ m/xml/i){ $writer->emptyTag('package', 'name' => $pkg, 'version' => $ver ); next; }
my $row_func='_row_' . $self->{'format'};
$self->$row_func('', $pkg, $ver, '');
return 1;
=head1 NAME
Linux::Distribution::Packages - list all packages on various Linux distributions
use Linux::Distribution::Packages qw(distribution_packages distribution_write);
$linux = new Linux::Distribution::Packages({'format' => 'csv', 'output_file' => 'packages.csv'});
# Or you can (re)set the options when you write.
$linux->distribution_write({'format' => 'xml', 'output_file' => 'packages.xml'});
# If you want to reload the package data
This is a simple module that uses Linux::Distribution to guess the linux
distribution and then uses the correct commands to list all the packages
on the system and then output them in one of three formats: native, csv,
and xml.
Distributions currently working: debian, ubuntu, redhat, suse, gentoo,
slackware, redflag.
The module inherits from Linux::Distribution, so can also use its calls.
=head2 EXPORT
None by default.
=head1 TODO
* Add the capability to correctly get packages for all recognized distributions.
* Seperate out parsing from writing. Parse data to hash and give access to hash.
Then write the formatted data from the hash.
=head1 AUTHORS
Judith Lebzelter, E<lt>judith@osdl.orgE<gt>
Alberto Re, E<lt>alberto@accidia.netE<gt>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.