DBIx::Simple::Comparison - DBIx::Simple in DBI jargon
This is just a simple and inaccurate overview of what DBI things the DBIx::Simple things represent, or the other way around.
This document can be useful to find the foo equivalent of bar.
means that DBI doesn't have an equivalent or that I couldn't find one.
means that DBIx::Simple provides a direct wrapper to the DBI function.
means that DBIx::Simple's method does more or less the same, but usually in a more high level way: context sensitive, combining things, automatically taking care of something.
Note that DBIx::Simple is a wrapper around DBI. It is not "better" than DBI. In fact, DBIx::Simple cannot work without DBI.
Using DBI directly is always faster than using DBIx::Simple's equivalents. (For the computer, that is. For you, DBIx::Simple is supposed to be faster.)
Classes, common names
use DBI ~ use DBIx::Simple
$DBI::errstr = DBIx::Simple->error
DBI::db ~ DBIx::Simple
$dbh ~ $db
$dbh->errstr = $db->error
connect ~ connect
connect ~ new
DBI::st ~ DBIx::Simple::Result
<undef> ~ DBIx::Simple::Dummy
$sth ~ $result
my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($query);
~ DBIx::Simple
my $result = $db->query($query, $values);
DBI DBIx::Simple
bind_columns ~ bind
fetchrow_arrayref/fetch = fetch
fetchrow_array ~ list
*1 ~ flat
[@{fetchrow_arrayref}] = array
fetchall_arrayref ~ arrays
fetchrow_hashref() *2*3 = hash
fetchall_arrayref({}) *4 ~ hashes
fetchall_hashref *2 = map_hashes
? ? map_arrays
fetchall_hashref(1) *2 = map
$sth->{NAME_lc/NAME} = $result->columns
*1 There's no fetch variant, but you can do { @{ $dbh->selectcol_arrayref('SELECT ...', { Slice => [] }) } }
*2 To receive the keys (column names) lowercased, use $db->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc'
. DBIx::Simple lower cases them by default.
*3 Or supply an argument, 'NAME_lc'
*4 No, arrayref isn't a typo. When supplied an empty hash reference, DBI's fetchall_arrayref actually returns hashrefs. This DBI method does not support lower casing of keys, DBIx::Simple does.
Direct access
DBI DBIx::Simple
$dbh = $db->dbh
$sth->{$foo} = $result->attr($foo)
func = func
begin_work = begin_work
commit = commit
rollback = rollback
last_insert_id = last_insert_id
rows = rows
disconnect ~ disconnect
finish ~ finish
DBIx::Simple specific (?)
iquery (via SQL::Interp)
select, insert, update, delete (via SQL::Abstract)
abstract (via SQL::Abstract)
There is no license. This software was released into the public domain. Do with it what you want, but on your own risk. The author disclaims any responsibility.
Juerd Waalboer <> <>