ALPM - ArchLinux Package Manager backend library.
This version of ALPM is compatible with pacman 3.5.
use ALPM ( root => '/',
dbpath => '/var/lib/pacman/',
cachedirs => [ '/var/cache/pacman/pkg' ],
logfile => '/var/log/pacman.log',
xfercommand => '/usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u' );
# It's easier just to load a configuration file:
use ALPM qw(/etc/pacman.conf);
# My new favorite way to get/set options. A tied hash. (TMTOWTDI)
my %alpm;
tie %alpm, 'ALPM';
$alpm{root} = '/';
printf "Root Dir = %s\n", $alpm{root};
my ($root, $dbpath, $cachedir) = @alpm{qw/root dbpath cachedir/};
# Callback options...
$alpm{logcb} = sub { my ($lvl, $msg) = @_; print "[$lvl] $msg\n" };
# Querying databases & packages
my $localdb = ALPM->localdb;
my $pkg = $localdb->find('perl');
# Lots of different ways to get package attributes...
my $attribs_ref = $pkg->attribs_ref;
my $name = $pkg->name;
my ($size, $isize) = $pkg->attribs('size', 'isize');
print "$name $attribs_ref->{version} $attribs_ref->{arch} $size/$isize";
my $syncdb = ALPM->register( 'extra',
'$repo/os/$arch' );
my @perlpkgs = $syncdb->search('perl');
printf "%d perl packages found.\n", scalar @perlpkgs;
# Search all databases/repos.
print map { sprintf "%10s: %s %s\n", $_->db->get_name, $_->name,
$_->version } ALPM->search('perl');
# Find a database by name of repository.
my $coredb = ALPM->db('core');
# Transactions
my $trans = ALPM->trans( type => 'sync' );
$trans->sync( 'perl', 'perl-alpm', 'pacman' );
undef $trans; # this forces releasing the transaction
# Miscellanious functions
my $cmp = ALPM->vercmp( '0.01', '0.02' );
print ( $cmp == -1 ? "less than\n" :
$cmp == 0 ? "equal\n" :
$cmp == 1 ? "greater than\n" );
my @syncdbs = ALPM->syncdbs;
my $found = ALPM->find_dbs_satisfier( \@syncdbs, 'findme' );
# $found is undef or package object for findme
$found = ALPM->find_satisfier( [ ALPM->db('extra')->pkgs ],
'findme' );
Archlinux uses a package manager called pacman. Pacman internally uses the alpm library for handling its database of packages. This module is an attempt at creating a perlish object-oriented interface to the libalpm C library.
There are a few different options you can specify after use ALPM
. These help to set configuration options for ALPM. These options are global for everyone who is using the module. You can specify either:
- 1. The path to a pacman.conf configuration file.
use ALPM qw( /etc/pacman.conf );
This is particularly useful on the command-line:
perl -MALPM=/etc/pacman.conf -e '$i=0; printf qq{%d %d %s\n}, ++$i, $_->size, $_->name for sort { $a->size <=> $b->size } ALPM->localdb->pkgs'
- 2. A hash of options to use for ALPM.
use ALPM qw( root => '/', dbpath => '/var/lib/pacman/', cachedirs => [ '/var/cache/pacman/pkg' ], logfile => '/var/log/pacman.log' );
It is important to set options as soon as possible. Or stuff breaks.
ALPM has a number of options corresponding to the alpm_option_get_...
and alpm_option_set...
C functions in the library. Options which take multiple values (hint: they have a plural name) expect an array reference as an argument. Similarly the same options return multiple values as an array reference.
Read-write options
- root
root directory of entire system
- dbpath
path to the ALPM/pacman database
- cachedirs*
paths containing package caches
- logfile
path to the pacman logfile
- usesyslog
if true, log to the system log as well
- noupgrades*
a list of package names to not upgrade
- noextracts*
a list of package names to not extract
- ignorepkgs*
a list of package names to ignore for upgrade
- holdpkgs*
a list of package names to hold off upgrading
- ignoregrps*
a list of groups to ignore for upgrade
- xfercommand
shell command to use for downloading (ie wget)
- nopassiveftp+
if true, do not use passive ftp mode
- usedelta+
should you use deltas? not really sure, never tried it...
Read-only options
- lockfile
path to the lockfile
- localdb
the ALPM::DB object representing the local database
- syncdbs*
an array-ref of sync databases as ALPM::DB objects
* = the option is set with (and returns) an arrayref
+ = the option is boolean and is either 0 or 1
Callback options
Callbacks can only be set to code references.
- logcb - Generic logging
The log message and level are passed to the provided code ref as arguments. level can be: error, warning, debug, function, or unknown.
- dlcb - Download callback
The filename, bytes transfered, and bytes total are passed to the provided code ref as arguments.
- totaldlcb - Total download callback
The total number of bytes downloaded so far is passed to the provided code ref as the only argument.
This is probably the easiest way to manipulate ALPM's options. Perl has an old mechanism which allows reading or writing to hashes act sort of like objects. Basically, you can tie ALPM's options to a hash variable and any changes to that hash change the same option.
# Taken from SYNOPSIS
tie my %alpm, 'ALPM';
$alpm{root} = '/';
print "Root Dir = $alpm{root}\n";
my ($root, $dbpath, $cachedir) = @alpm{qw/root dbpath cachedir/};
But you cannot delete a key or empty the hash. In fact assigning undef also does not work for options that don't use arrayrefs.
# Doesn't work!
delete $alpm{root};
undef $alpm{root};
%alpm = ();
ALPM has all its package specific and database specific functions inside the package and database classes as methods. Everything else is accessed through class methods to ALPM.
As far as I can tell you cannot run multiple instances of libalpm. Class methods help remind you of this. The class method notation also helps to differentiate between globally affecting ALPM functions and package or database-specific functions.
Usage : print ALPM->version(), "\n";
Returns : The version of libalpm being used, a string.
Params : Pass set_options a hash or hashref to set many options at
Returns : 1
Usage : ALPM->set_opt( 'root', '/' );
Params : An option name and new option value.
Returns : 1
Usage : my %alpm_opts = ALPM->get_options();
my ($root, $dbpath) = ALPM->get_options( 'root', 'dbpath' );
Params : * When no params are given, returns a hash of all options.
* Otherwise, return a list of option values in the same order
as the parameters.
Notes : Unset options are undefined.
Returns : A hashref or list.
Usage : my $root = ALPM->get_opt('root');
Params : An option name.
Returns : The given option's value or undef if it is unset.
Usage : my $syncdb = ALPM->register
( 'core' => '$repo/os/$arch' );
Params : 1) The name of the repository to connect to.
2) The URL to the repository's online files.
Notes : Like with pacman's mirrorlist config file, $repo will be
replaced with the repository name (argument 1) and
$arch will be replaced with the architecture.
Use single quotes when using $'s!
Precond : You must set options before using register.
Throws : An 'ALPM DB Error: ...' message is croaked on errors.
Returns : An ALPM::DB object.
Usage : my $db = ALPM->localdb;
Returns : The local system database as an ALPM::DB object.
Precond : You must set certain options first.
Notes : This is what is called by register_db without arguments.
Usage : my @dbs = ALPM->syncdbs;
Purpose : Nicer looking wrapper to ALPM->get_option('syncdbs');
Params : None.
Returns : A list (not an arrayref) of sync databases.
Usage : my $comm_db = ALPM->db('community');
my $comm_db = ALPM->repodb('community');
Params : The name of a repository.
Returns : An ALPM::DB object matching the repo name.
Usage : my @dbs = ALPM->dbs;
Params : None
Returns : A list of each database that is registered.
Usage : my $pkgfile = ALPM->load_pkgfile('perl-alpm-0.2.pkg.tar.gz');
Params : The path to a package tarball.
Returns : An ALPM::Package object.
Notes : Technically we return an ALPM::PackageFree object that will
automatically free itself from memory when it goes out of scope.
See ALPM::Package
Usage : ALPM->load_config('/etc/pacman.conf');
Params : The path to a pacman.conf configuration file.
Returns : 1
See also ALPM::LoadConfig for more advanced needs.
Usage : my $t = ALPM->trans( flags => 'nodeps force',
event => sub { ... },
conv => sub { ... },
progress => sub { ... } );
Purpose : Initializes a transaction
Params : A hash of the transaction settings
Throws : An 'ALPM Error: ...' is thrown if a transaction is
already active.
Returns : An ALPM::Transaction object.
See ALPM::Transaction.
Transactions have many named parameters, passed as a hash.
- flags - A string of flags, each separated by whitespace.
- event - A coderef, used as an event callback.
When an event occurs, the coderef is passed a hashref representing the event.
- conv - A coderef, used as a conversation callback.
This callback is called when a question should be asked to the user. It is passed a hashref representing the question. The callback returns 1 or 0 to answer yes or no.
- progress - A coderef, used as a progress callback.
This callback is called to report on the progress of the operations of the transaction.
Callbacks are explained in greater detail in the ALPM::Transaction document.
Usage : if ( ALPM->vercmp( $leftver, $rightver ) == -1 ) { ... }
Purpose : Compare two version strings, similiar to strcmp.
Returns : -1 if left version is below right version,
0 if both versions are equal
1 if left version is above right version
Usage : my $found = ALPM->find_satisfier( $pkgs_ref, "pkgname>1" );
Purpose : Searches through the provided package objects ($pkgs_ref,
an arrayref) for a package that satisfies the given
Params : 1) An arrayref of ALPM::Package objects.
2) A dependency string that must be satisfied.
Returns : undef if no satisfier was found or an ALPM::Package object.
Notes : The conversation callback of an active transaction is used
to ask about ignoring a package if a matching satisfier
is on the ignore list.
Usage : my $found = ALPM->find_dbs_satisfier( $dbs_ref, "pkgname>1" );
Purpose : Same as find_satisfier, except we search the provided
Params : 1) An arrayref of ALPM::DB objects.
2) A dependency string that must be satisfied.
Returns : undef if no satisfier was found or an ALPM::Package object.
Notes : The conversation callback of an active transaction is used
to ask about ignoring a package if a matching satisfier
is on the ignore list.
Global ALPM errors are thrown with croak
. The error messages match the errors that the C library provides. These errors are prefixed with ALPM Error:
. Errors that occur when using a ALPM::DB object are prefixed with ALPM DB Error:
Transaction errors are prefixed with ALPM Transaction Error:
. These are described fully at ALPM::Transaction.
TODO: Common error messages and how to fix them?
Unimplemented functions:
alpm_checkdeps, alpm_dep_compute_string, alpm_trans_interrupt,
alpm_checkconflicts, alpm_compute_md5sum, alpm_sync_newversion,
alpm_delta_... functions
SEE ALSO - git repository for pacman/libalpm - libalpm doxygen docs - git repo for this module.
Justin Davis, <juster at cpan dot org>
Copyright (C) 2011 by Justin Davis
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.