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use strict;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
use Carp;
sub new {
my ($pkg) = @_;
bless { songs => [ App::Music::ChordPro::Song->new ] }, $pkg;
my $def_context = "";
my $in_context = $def_context;
my $xpose;
my @used_chords;
my %used_chords;
my $re_meta;
my $diag; # for diagnostics
sub parsefile {
my ( $self, $filename, $options ) = @_;
my $fh;
if ( ref($filename) ) {
my $data = encode("UTF-8", $$filename);
$filename = "__STRING__";
open($fh, '<', \$data)
or croak("$filename: $!\n");
else {
open($fh, '<', $filename)
or croak("$filename: $!\n");
push( @{ $self->{songs} }, App::Music::ChordPro::Song->new )
if exists($self->{songs}->[-1]->{body});
$self->{songs}->[-1]->{structure} = "linear";
$xpose = $options->{transpose};
@used_chords = ();
%used_chords = ();
$diag->{format} = $options->{diagformat}
|| $::config->{diagnostics}->{format};
$diag->{file} = $filename;
# Build regex for the known metadata items.
if ( $::config->{metadata}->{keys} ) {
$re_meta = '^(' .
join( '|', map { quotemeta } @{$::config->{metadata}->{keys}} )
. ')$';
$re_meta = qr/$re_meta/;
else {
undef $re_meta;
while ( <$fh> ) {
$diag->{line} = $.;
$diag->{orig} = $_;
my $line;
if ( $options->{encoding} ) {
$line = decode( $options->{encoding}, $_, 1 );
else {
eval { $line = decode( "UTF-8", $_, 1 ) };
$line = decode( "iso-8859-1", $_ ) if $@;
$_ = $line;
next if /^#/;
# For practical reasons: a prime should always be an apostroph.
if ( /\{(.*)\}\s*$/ ) {
? $self->global_directive( $1, 1 )
: $self->directive($1);
if ( $in_context eq "tab" ) {
$self->add( type => "tabline", text => $_ );
if ( $in_context eq "grid" ) {
$self->add( type => "gridline", $self->decompose_grid($_) );
if ( /\S/ ) {
$self->add( type => "songline", $self->decompose($_) );
else {
$self->add( type => "empty" );
my $showgrids;
if ( exists($self->{songs}->[-1]->{settings}->{showgrids} ) ) {
$showgrids = $self->{songs}->[-1]->{settings}->{showgrids};
$showgrids &&= $::config->{chordgrid}->{show} || "all";
else {
$showgrids = $::config->{chordgrid}->{show};
if ( $showgrids ) {
if ( $showgrids eq "user" ) {
@used_chords =
grep { safe_chord_info($_)->{origin} == 1 } @used_chords;
elsif ( $showgrids eq "all" ) {
else {
@used_chords = (); # "none"
if ( $::config->{chordgrid}->{sorted} ) {
@used_chords =
sort App::Music::ChordPro::Chords::chordcompare @used_chords;
$self->add( type => "chord-grids",
origin => "song",
chords => [ @used_chords ] );
# $self->{songs}->[-1]->structurize;
return 1;
sub add {
my $self = shift;
push( @{$self->{songs}->[-1]->{body}},
{ context => $in_context,
@_ } );
sub safe_chord_info {
my ( $c ) = @_;
my $info = App::Music::ChordPro::Chords::chord_info($c);
return $info || { origin => 0 };
sub chord {
my ( $c ) = @_;
return $c unless length($c);
my $parens = $c =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/;
if ( exists $used_chords{$c} ) {
return $parens ? "($used_chords{$c})" : $used_chords{$c};
my $info = App::Music::ChordPro::Chords::chord_info($c);
unless ( $info ) {
do_warn("Unknown chord: $c\n");
$info = App::Music::ChordPro::Chords::add_unknown_chord($c)
if $::config->{chordgrid}->{auto};
my $xc = App::Music::ChordPro::Chords::transpose( $c, $xpose );
if ( $xc ) {
$used_chords{$c} = $xc;
else {
$xc = $c;
push( @used_chords, $xc ) if $info;
return $parens ? "($xc)" : $xc;
sub cxpose {
my ( $t ) = @_;
$t =~ s/\[(.+?)\]/chord($1)/ge;
return $t;
sub decompose {
my ($self, $line) = @_;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
my @a = split(/(\[.*?\])/, $line, -1);
die("Illegal line $.:\n$_\n") unless @a; #### TODO
if ( @a == 1 ) {
return ( phrases => [ $line ] );
shift(@a) if $a[0] eq "";
unshift(@a, '[]') if $a[0] !~ /^\[/;
my @phrases;
my @chords;
while ( @a ) {
my $t = shift(@a);
$t =~ s/^\[(.*)\]$/$1/;
push(@chords, chord($t));
push(@phrases, shift(@a));
return ( phrases => \@phrases, chords => \@chords );
sub decompose_grid {
my ($self, $line) = @_;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
my $rest;
my $orig;
if ( $line =~ /(.*\|\S*)\s([^\|]*)$/ ) {
$line = $1;
$rest = cxpose( $orig = $2 );
my @tokens = map { chord($_) } split( ' ', $line );
return ( tokens => \@tokens,
$rest ? ( comment => $rest, orig => $orig ) : () );
sub dir_split {
my ( $d ) = @_;
$d =~ s/^[: ]+//;
$d =~ s/\s+$//;
my $dir = lc($d);
my $arg = "";
if ( $d =~ /^(.*?)[: ]\s*(.*)/ ) {
( $dir, $arg ) = ( lc($1), $2 );
$dir =~ s/[: ]+$//;
( $dir, $arg );
sub directive {
my ($self, $d) = @_;
my ( $dir, $arg ) = dir_split($d);
# Context flags.
if ( $dir eq "soc" ) { $dir = "start_of_chorus" }
elsif ( $dir eq "sot" ) { $dir = "start_of_tab" }
elsif ( $dir eq "eoc" ) { $dir = "end_of_chorus" }
elsif ( $dir eq "eot" ) { $dir = "end_of_tab" }
if ( $dir =~ /^start_of_(\w+)\s*(.*)$/ ) {
do_warn("Already in " . ucfirst($in_context) . " context\n")
if $in_context;
$in_context = $1;
my $par = $2;
if ( $1 eq "grid" && $par && $par =~ /^(\d+)(?:x(\d+))?$/ ) {
do_warn("Invalid grid params: $par (must be non-zero)"), return
unless $1;
$self->add( type => "control",
name => "gridparams",
value => [ $1, $2 ] );
else {
do_warn("Garbage in start_of_$1: $par (ignored)\n")
if $par;
if ( $dir =~ /^end_of_(\w+)$/ ) {
do_warn("Not in " . ucfirst($1) . " context\n")
unless $in_context eq $1;
$in_context = $def_context;
if ( $dir =~ /^chorus$/i ) {
$self->add( type => "rechorus" );
# Song settings.
my $cur = $self->{songs}->[-1];
# Breaks.
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:colb|column_break)$/i ) {
$self->add( type => "colb" );
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:new_page|np|new_physical_page|npp)$/i ) {
$self->add( type => "newpage" );
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:new_song|ns)$/i ) {
return unless $self->{songs}->[-1]->{body};
push(@{$self->{songs}}, App::Music::ChordPro::Song->new );
# Comments. Strictly speaking they do not belong here.
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:comment|c|highlight)$/ ) {
$self->add( type => "comment", text => cxpose($arg),
orig => $arg );
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:comment_italic|ci)$/ ) {
$self->add( type => "comment_italic", text => cxpose($arg),
orig => $arg );
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:comment_box|cb)$/ ) {
$self->add( type => "comment_box", text => cxpose($arg),
orig => $arg );
# Images.
if ( $dir eq "image" ) {
use Text::ParseWords qw(shellwords);
my @args = shellwords($arg);
my $uri;
my %opts;
foreach ( @args ) {
if ( /^(width|height|border|center)=(\d+)$/i ) {
$opts{lc($1)} = $2;
elsif ( /^(scale)=(\d(?:\.\d+)?)$/i ) {
$opts{lc($1)} = $2;
elsif ( /^(center|border)$/i ) {
$opts{lc($_)} = 1;
elsif ( /^(src|uri)=(.+)$/i ) {
$uri = $2;
elsif ( /^(title)=(.*)$/i ) {
$opts{title} = $1;
elsif ( /^(.+)=(.*)$/i ) {
do_warn( "Unknown image attribute: $1\n" );
else {
$uri = $_;
unless ( $uri ) {
do_warn( "Missing image source\n" );
$self->add( type => "image",
uri => $uri,
opts => \%opts );
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:title|t)$/ ) {
$cur->{title} = $arg;
push( @{ $self->{songs}->[-1]->{meta}->{title} }, $arg );
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:subtitle|st)$/ ) {
push(@{$cur->{subtitle}}, $arg);
push( @{ $self->{songs}->[-1]->{meta}->{subtitle} }, $arg );
# Metadata extensions (legacy). Should use meta instead.
# Only accept the list from config.
if ( $re_meta && $dir =~ $re_meta ) {
if ( $xpose && $1 eq "key" ) {
$arg = App::Music::ChordPro::Chords::transpose( $arg, $xpose );
push( @{ $self->{songs}->[-1]->{meta}->{$1} }, $arg );
# More metadata.
if ( $dir =~ /^(meta)$/ ) {
if ( $arg =~ /([^ :]+)[ :]+(.*)/ ) {
my $key = lc $1;
my $val = $2;
if ( $xpose && $key eq "key" ) {
$val = App::Music::ChordPro::Chords::transpose( $val, $xpose );
if ( $re_meta && $key =~ $re_meta ) {
# Known.
push( @{ $self->{songs}->[-1]->{meta}->{$key} }, $val );
elsif ( $::config->{metadata}->{strict} ) {
# Unknown, and strict.
do_warn("Unknown metadata item: $key");
else {
# Allow.
push( @{ $self->{songs}->[-1]->{meta}->{$key} }, $val );
else {
do_warn("Incomplete meta directive: $d\n");
return if $self->global_directive( $d, 0 );
# Warn about unknowns, unless they are x_... form.
do_warn("Unknown directive: $d\n") unless $d =~ /^x_/;
sub global_directive {
my ($self, $d, $legacy ) = @_;
my ( $dir, $arg ) = dir_split($d);
my $cur = $self->{songs}->[-1];
# Song / Global settings.
if ( $dir eq "titles"
&& $arg =~ /^(left|right|center|centre)$/i ) {
$cur->{settings}->{titles} =
lc($1) eq "centre" ? "center" : lc($1);
return 1;
if ( $dir eq "columns"
&& $arg =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
$cur->{settings}->{columns} = $arg;
return 1;
if ( $dir eq "pagetype" || $dir eq "pagesize" ) {
$cur->{settings}->{papersize} = $arg;
return 1;
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:grid|g)$/ ) {
$cur->{settings}->{showgrids} = 1;
return 1;
if ( $dir =~ /^(?:no_grid|ng)$/ ) {
$cur->{settings}->{showgrids} = 0;
return 1;
# Private hacks.
if ( $d =~ /^([-+])([-\w.]+)$/i ) {
return if $legacy;
$self->add( type => "set",
name => $2,
value => $1 eq "+" ? 1 : 0,
return 1;
if ( $dir =~ /^\+([-\w.]+)$/ ) {
return if $legacy;
$self->add( type => "set",
name => $1,
value => $arg,
return 1;
# Formatting.
if ( $dir =~ /^(text|chord|tab|grid|title|footer|toc)(font|size|colou?r)$/ ) {
my $item = $1;
my $prop = $2;
my $value = $arg;
return if $legacy
&& ! ( $item =~ /^(text|chord|tab)$/ && $prop =~ /^(font|size)$/ );
$prop = "color" if $prop eq "colour";
if ( $prop eq "size" ) {
unless ( $value =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)?\%?$/ ) {
do_warn("Illegal value \"$value\" for $item$prop\n");
return 1;
if ( $prop =~ /^colou?r$/ ) {
my $v;
unless ( $v = get_color($value) ) {
do_warn("Illegal value \"$value\" for $item$prop\n");
return 1;
$value = $v;
$self->add( type => "control",
name => "$item-$prop",
value => $prop eq 'font' ? $value : lc($value) );
return 1;
# define A: base-fret N frets N N N N N N
# define: A base-fret N frets N N N N N N
# optional: base-fret N (defaults to 1)
# optional: N N N N N N (for unknown chords)
if ( $d =~ /^
(define|chord) [: ]+
([^: ]+) [: ] \s*
(?: base-fret \s+ (\d+) \s+ )?
((?: \s+ [0-9---xX])*
\s+ [0-9---xX])?
) {
my $show = $1 eq "chord";
return if $legacy && $show;
my @f = split(' ', $4||'');
my $ci = { name => $2,
base => $3 || 1,
frets => [ map { $_ =~ /^\d+/ ? $_ : -1 } @f ],
push( @{$cur->{define}}, $ci );
if ( @f ) {
my $res =
( $ci->{name}, $ci->{base} || 1, $ci->{frets} );
if ( $res ) {
do_warn("Invalid chord: ", $ci->{name}, ": ", $res, "\n");
$show = 0;
else {
App::Music::ChordPro::Chords::add_unknown_chord( $ci->{name} );
if ( $show) {
# Combine consecutive entries.
if ( $self->{songs}->[-1]->{body}->[-1]->{type} eq "chord-grids" ) {
push( @{ $self->{songs}->[-1]->{body}->[-1]->{chords} },
$ci->{name} );
else {
$self->add( type => "chord-grids",
show => "user",
origin => "chord",
chords => [ $ci->{name} ] );
return 1;
sub structurize {
my ( $self ) = @_;
foreach my $song ( @{ $self->{songs} } ) {
sub get_color {
sub msg {
my $m = join("", @_);
$m =~ s/\n+$//;
my $t = $diag->{format};
$t =~ s/\%f/$diag->{file}/g;
$t =~ s/\%n/$diag->{line}/g;
$t =~ s/\%l/$diag->{orig}/g;
$t =~ s/\%m/$m/g;
$t =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$t =~ s/\\t/\t/g;
sub do_warn {
sub new {
my ( $pkg, %init ) = @_;
bless { structure => "linear", settings => {}, %init }, $pkg;
sub structurize {
my ( $self ) = @_;
return if $self->{structure} eq "structured";
my @body;
my $context = $def_context;
foreach my $item ( @{ $self->{body} } ) {
if ( $item->{type} eq "empty" && $item->{context} eq $def_context ) {
$context = $def_context;
if ( $context ne $item->{context} ) {
push( @body, { type => $context = $item->{context}, body => [] } );
if ( $context ) {
push( @{ $body[-1]->{body} }, $item );
else {
push( @body, $item );
$self->{body} = [ @body ];
$self->{structure} = "structured";