Changes for version 0.972 - 2018-11-06
- Add a2crd script.
- Minimize all configs to only override what is necessary.
- Split german notes into scandinavian (..., A, Bb/A#, H, C) and german (..., A, Ais/B, H, C).
- Use String::Interpolate::Named.
- (Experimental) Allow %{..} interpolations on the output file name, e.g. --output="%{artist|%{} - }%{title}.pdf". Command line only.
- Fix memorize problem with the first chord.
- Upgrade WxChordPro to 0.972.
A lyrics and chords formatting program
Built-in configuration
Convert ASCII Crd to ChordPro
A lyrics and chords formatting program
a simple Wx-based GUI wrapper for ChordPro
A lyrics and chords formatting program
Built-in configuration
a simple Wx-based GUI wrapper for ChordPro