File::PerlMove - Rename files using Perl expressions


use File::PerlMove;
move(sub { $_ = lc }, \@filelist, { verbose => 1 });


File::PerlMove provides a single subroutine: File::PerlMove::move.

move takes three arguments: transform, filelist, and options.

transform must be a string or a code reference. If it is not a string, it is assumed to be a valid Perl expression that will be turned into a anonymous subroutine that evals the expression. If the expression is any of uc, lc, of ucfirst, the resultant code will behave as if these operations would modify $_ in-place.

When transform is invoked it should transform a file name in $_ into a new file name.

filelist must be an array reference containing the list of file names to be processed.

options is a hash reference containing options to the operation.

Options are enabled when set to a non-zero (or otherwise 'true') value. Possible options are:


Show the changes, but do not rename the files.

Link instead of rename.

Symlink instead of rename.


Process the files in reversed order.


Overwrite existing files.


Create target directories if necessary.


More verbose information.


See pmv for examples.


Johan Vromans <>


This programs is Copyright 2004,2007 Squirrel Consultancy.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Perl Artistic License or the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.