Reseved configuration options
Here is a list of reserved configuration options:
$c = {
cmd => ...,
script_dir => ...
no_post_task => ...,
tmp_dir => ...,
stderr_dir => ...,
stdout_dir => ...,
result_dir => ...,
log_dir => ...,
idx_dir => ...,
test => ...,
mail => ...,
smtp_server => ...,
no_prompt => ...,
lib => ...,
input => ...,
extra => ...,
parts => ...,
combinations_per_job => ...,
job_name => ...,
job_id => ...,
mode => ...,
_worker_config_file => ...,
_worker_env_script => ...,
submit_bin => ...,
submit_params => ...,
perl_bin => ...,
working_dir => ...,
iterator => ...,
args => ...,
The attribute args
is special, normally the main executable is hard-coded in the cl_* script, but the arguments are changing per configuration. Therefore Bio::Grid::Run::SGE::Master provides the convenience attribute $c->{args}