
clone job directory
Information about cluster scripts of Bio::Grid::Run::SGE
get notified if a job finishes
clusterscript to run interpro scans
show your muscles on the cluster.


Distribute (biological) analyses on the local SGE grid
Provides an interface to load index classes.
dummy index for testing purposes
Creates an index from a list of files
Provides an interface to load iterator classes.
Runs all elements of one index against each other
Runs all elements of one index against each other, without repetitions
iterate over two different indices
iterate consecutively through an index
Basic role for all indices
iterator role/base class
Utility functions for Bio::Grid::Run::SGE
basic blast utitlity functions for cluster-wide operations
Run the cluster script
Locate directory of original perl script


in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Index/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Index/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Index/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Index/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Iterator/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Iterator/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Iterator/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Log/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Log/Notify/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Log/Notify/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Log/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/
in lib/Bio/Grid/Run/SGE/Util/
in misc/