Bio::Grid::Run::SGE::Role::Indexable - Basic role for all indices
use Mouse;
with 'Bio::Grid::Run::SGE::Role::Indexable';
# you have to implement these methods
sub num_elem { ... }
sub create { ... }
sub get_elem { ... }
sub type { ... }
sub close { ... }
This role provides (and requires) the basic functionality every index must have.
- $idx->writeable
You can open the index in writable or in read only mode.
- $idx->idx_file
Every index needs a file to store the index raw data.
- $idx->idx
This attribute gives access to the raw index in memory.
- $idx->chunk_size
It returns or sets the chunk size. The chunk size determins the number of atomic elements glued together in one index element.
- $idx->num_elem()
Return the number of elements in the index.
- $idx->create(...)
Create the index, in
you might have to supply additional arguments, such as file names. This function is dependent on the class implementing it. - $idx->get_elem()
Retrieve a certain element from the index. Zero-based.
- $idx->type()
Not used, yet.
- $idx->close()
Close the index.
- $idx->type()
Indicates if Bio::Grid::Run::SGE should store the data returned by the index in a tempoary file and delete it afterwards, or not.
Returns one of three different options:
The index extracts chunks of data and returns them. An example would be a sequence from a fasta file. Usually the data is stored in a tempoary file and the file is deleted after the task.
Bio::Grid::Run::SGE stores retrieved elements in a tempoary file.
Bio::Grid::Run::SGE DELETES the tempoary file after the task finished.
The index is returning not data, but information. This might be something like a number, if the index is supposed to iterate through a range of numbers. It could also be a file name to already existing files on the cluster.
Bio::Grid::Run::SGE supplies retrieved elements directly to a cluster script.
Bio::Grid::Run::SGE DOES NOT TRY TO DELETE a tempoary file after the task finished.
jw bargsten, <jwb at cpan dot org>