RPC::Object - A lightweight implementation for remote procedure calls


On server

use RPC::Object::Broker;
$b = $RPC::Object::Broker->get_instance($port, @preload_modules);

On client

use RPC::Object;
$o = RPC::Object->new("$host:$port", 'method_a', 'TestModule');
my $ans1 = $o->method_b($arg1, $arg2);
my @ans2 = $o->method_c($arg3, $arg4);

# or access the global instance
$o2 = RPC::Object->get_instance("$host:$port", 'method_x', 'TestModule2');


package TestModule;
use threads;
sub method_a {
    my $class = shift;
    my $self : shared;
    return bless $self, $class;

sub method_b {


package TestModule2;
use threads;
   my $instance : share;
   sub method_x {
       return $instance;

Please see more examples in the test scripts.


RPC::Object is designed to be very simple and only works between Perl codes, This makes its implementation only need some core Perl modules, e.g. IO and Storable.

Other approaches like SOAP or XML-RPC are too heavy for simple tasks.

Thread awareness

All modules and objects invoked by RPC::Object should aware the multi-threaded envrionment.

Constructor and Destructor

The Module could name its constructor any meaningful name. it do not have to be new, or create, etc...

There is no guarantee that the destructor will be called as expected.

Global instance

To allocate and access global instances, use the RPC::Object::get_instance() method.


Jianyuan Wu <>


Copyright 2006 by Jianyuan Wu <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.