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DBIx::DWIW - Robust and simple DBI wrapper to Do What I Want (DWIW)


When used directly:

  use DBIx::DWIW;

  my $db = DBIx::DWIW->Connect(DB   => $database,
                               User => $user,
                               Pass => $password,
                               Host => $host);

  my @records = $db->Array("select * from foo");

When sub-classed for full functionality:

  use MyDBI;  # class inherits from DBIx::DWIW

  my $db = MyDBI->Connect('somedb') or die;

  my @records = $db->Hashes("SELECT * FROM foo ORDER BY bar");


NOTE: This module is currently specific to MySQL, but needn't be. We just haven't had a need to talk to any other database server.

DBIx::DWIW was developed (over the course of roughly 1.5 years) in Yahoo! Finance ( to suit our needs. Parts of the API may not make sense and the documentation may be lacking in some areas. We've been using it for so long (in one form or another) that these may not be readily obvious to us, so feel free to point that out. There's a reason the version number is currently < 1.0.

This module was recently extracted from Yahoo-specific code, so things may be a little strange yet while we smooth out any bumps and blemishes left over form that.

DBIx::DWIW is intended to be sub-classed. Doing so will give you all the benefits it can provide and the ability to easily customize some of its features. You can, of course, use it directly if it meets your needs as-is. But you'll be accepting its default behavior in some cases where it may not be wise to do so.

The DBIx::DWIW distribution comes with a sample sub-class in the file examples/ which illustrates some of what you might want to do in your own class(es).

This module provides three main benefits:

Centralized Configuration

Rather than store the various connection parameters (username, password, hostname, port number, database name) in each and every script or application which needs them, you can easily put them in once place--or even generate them on the fly by writing a bit of custom cdoe.

If this is all you need, consider looking at Brian Aker's fine DBIx::Password module on the CPAN. It may be sufficient.

API Simplicity

Taking a lesson from Python (gasp!), this module promotes one obvious way to do most things. If you want to run a query and get the results back as a list of hashrefs, there's one way to do that. The API may sacrifice speed in some cases, but new users can easily learn the simple and descriptive method calls. (Nobody is forcing you to use it.)

Fault Tolerance

Databases sometimes go down. Networks flake out. Bad stuff happens. Rather than have your application die, DBIx::DWIW provides a way to handle outages. You can build custom wait/retry/fail logic which does anything you might want (such as ringing your pager or sending e-mail).


The following methods are available from DBIx::DWIW objects. Any function or method not documented should be considered private. If you call it, your code may break someday and it will be your fault.

The methods follow the Perl tradition of returning false values when an error cocurs (an usually setting $@ with a descriptive error message).

Any method which takes an SQL query string can also be passed bind values for any placeholders in the query string:

  C<$db->Hashes("SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = ?", $id);

Any method which takes an SQL query string can also be passed a prepared DWIW statement handle:

  C<$db->Hashes($sth, $id);

Any method which takes an SQL query string will internally call DBI's prepare_cached. This ensures that a memory leak does not occur from repeatedly preparing the same SQL string. Note that calling a method which accepts an SQL query string while another method using the same SQL query string is active will cause the first statement to be reset.


The Connect() constructor creates and returns a database connection object through which all database actions are conducted. On error, it will call die(), so you may want to eval {...} the call. The NoAbort option (described below) controls that behavior.

Connect() accepts ``hash-style'' key/value pairs as arguments. The arguments which is recognizes are:


The name of the host to connect to. Use undef to force a socket connection on the local machine.


The database to user to authenticate as.


The password to authenticate with.


The name of the database to use.



The path to the Unix socket to use.


The port number to connect to.


Set to true to connect to a DBI::ProxyServer proxy. You'll also need to set ProxyHost, ProxyKey, and ProxyPort. You may also want to set ProxyKey and ProxyCypher.


The hostname name of the proxy server.


The port number on which the proxy is listening. This is probably different than the port number on which the database server is listening.


If the proxy server you're using requires encryption, supply the encryption key (as a hex string).


If the proxy server requires encryption, supply the name of the package which provies encryption. Typically this will be something like Crypt::DES or Crypt::Blowfish.


A boolean which controls connection reuse.

If false (the default), multiple Connects with the same connection parameters (User, Pass, DB, Host) will return the same open connection. If Unique is true, it will return a connection distinct from all other connections.

If you have a process with an active connection that fork(s), be aware that you can NOT share the connection between the parent and child. Well, you can if you're REALLY CAREFUL and know what you're doing. But don't do it.

Instead, acquire a new connection in the child. Be sure to set this flag when you do, or you'll end up with the same connection and spend a lot of time pulling your hair out over why the code does mysterous things.


Turns verbose reporting on. See Verbose().


Turns off warning messages. See Quiet().


If true, the Connect() will fail immediately if it can't connect to the database. Normally, it will retry based on calls to RetryWait(). NoRetry affects only Connect, and has no effect on the fault-tolerance of the package once connected.


If there is an error in the arguments, or in the end the database can't be connected to, Connect() normally prints an error message and dies. If NoAbort is true, it will put the error string into $@ and return false.


The amount of time (in seconds) after which Connect() will give up and return. You may use fractional seconds, such as 0.5, 1.0, 6.9, or whatever. A Timeout of zero is the same as not having one at all.

If you set the timeout, you probably also want to set NoRetry to a true value. Otherwise you'll be surprised when a server is down and your retry logic is running.

There are a minimum of four components to any database connection: DB, User, Pass, and Host. If any are not provided, there may be defaults that kick in. A local configuration package, such as the MyDBI example class that comes with DBIx::DWIW, may provide appropriate default connection values for several database. In such a case, a client my be able to simply use:

    my $db = MyDBI->Connect(DB => 'Finances');

to connect to the Finances database.

as a convenience, you can just give the database name:

    my $db = MyDBI->Connect('Finances');

See the local configuration package appropriate to your installation for more information about what is and isn't preconfigured.


Like the Timeout argument to Connect(), the amount of time (in seconds) after which queries will give up and return. You may use fractional seconds, such as 0.5, 1.0, 6.9, or whatever. A Timeout of zero is the same as not having one at all.

Timeout() called with any (or no) arguments will return the current timeout value.


Closes the connection. Upon program exit, this is called automatically on all open connections. Returns true if the open connection was closed, false if there was no connection, or there was some other error (with the error being returned in $@).


Calls the DBI quote() function on each value, returning a list of properly quoted values. As per quote(), NULL will be returned for items that are not defined.


Returns the return code from the most recently Execute()d query. This is what Execute() returns, so there's little reason to call it direclty. But it didn't used to be that way, so old code may be relying on this.


Executes the given SQL, returning true if successful, false if not (with the error in $@).

Do() is a synonym for Execute()


Prepares the given sql statement, but does not execute it (just like DBI). Instead, it returns a statement handle $sth that you can later execute by calling its Execute() method:

  my $sth = $db->Prepare("INSERT INTO foo VALUES (?, ?)");

  $sth->Execute($a, $b);

The statement handle returned is not a native DBI statement handle. It's a DBIx::DWIW::Statement handle.


Returns the DBI statement handle ($sth) of the most-recently successfuly executed statement.


Returns the DBI statement handle ($sth) of the most-recently prepared DBI statement handle (which may or may not have already been executed).


Returns the mysql_insertid associated with the most recently executed statement. Returns nothing if there is none.

Synonyms: InsertID(), LastInsertID(), and LastInsertId()


Returns the number of rows affected for the most recently executed statement. This is valid only if it was for a non-SELECT. (For SELECTs, count the return values). As per the DBI, the -1 is returned if there was an error.


Returns the sql of the most recently executed statement.


Returns the sql of the most recently prepared statement. (Useful for showing sql that doesn't parse.)


A generic query routine. Pass an SQL statement that returns a single record, and it will return a hashref with all the key/value pairs of the record.

The example at the bottom of page 50 of DuBois's MySQL book would return a value similar to:

  my $hashref = {
     last_name  => 'McKinley',
     first_name => 'William',

On error, $@ has the error text, and false is returned. If the query doesn't return a record, false is returned, but $@ is also false.

Use this routine only if the query will return a single record. Use Hashes() for queries that might return multiple records.

Because calling Hashes() on a larger recordset can use a lot of memory, you may wish to call Hash() once with a valid query and call it repetedly with no SQL to retrieve records one at a time. It'll take more CPU to do this, but it is more memory efficient:

  $db->Hash("SELECT * FROM big_table");

  while (defined $stuff = $db->Hash())
      # ... do stuff

This seems like it breaks the priciple of having only one obvious way to do things with this package. But it's really not all that obvious, now is it? :-)


A generic query routine. Given an SQL statement, returns a list of hashrefs, one per returned record, containing the key/value pairs of each record.

The example in the middle of page 50 of DuBois's MySQL would return a value similar to:

 my @hashrefs = (
  { last_name => 'Tyler',    first_name => 'John',    birth => '1790-03-29' },
  { last_name => 'Buchanan', first_name => 'James',   birth => '1791-04-23' },
  { last_name => 'Polk',     first_name => 'James K', birth => '1795-11-02' },
  { last_name => 'Fillmore', first_name => 'Millard', birth => '1800-01-07' },
  { last_name => 'Pierce',   first_name => 'Franklin',birth => '1804-11-23' },

On error, $@ has the error text, and false is returned. If the query doesn't return a record, false is returned, but $@ is also false.


Similar to Hash(), but returns a list of values from the matched record. On error, the empty list is returned and the error can be found in $@. If the query matches no records, the an empty list is returned but $@ is false.

The example at the bottom of page 50 of DuBois's MySQL would return a value similar to:

  my @array = ( 'McKinley', 'William' );

Use this routine only if the query will return a single record. Use Arrays() or FlatArray() for queries that might return multiple records.


A generic query routine. Given an SQL statement, returns a list of hashrefs, one per returned record, containing the values of each record.

The example in the middle of page 50 of DuBois's MySQL would return a value similar to:

 my @arrayrefs = (
  [ 'Tyler',     'John',     '1790-03-29' ],
  [ 'Buchanan',  'James',    '1791-04-23' ],
  [ 'Polk',      'James K',  '1795-11-02' ],
  [ 'Fillmore',  'Millard',  '1800-01-07' ],
  [ 'Pierce',    'Franklin', '1804-11-23' ],

On error, $@ has the error text, and false is returned. If the query doesn't return a record, false is returned, but $@ is also false.


A generic query routine. Pass an SQL string, and all matching fields of all matching records are returned in one big list.

If the query matches a single records, FlatArray() ends up being the same as Array(). But if there are multiple records matched, the return list will contain a set of fields from each record.

The example in the middle of page 50 of DuBois's MySQL would return a value similar to:

     my @items = (
         'Tyler', 'John', '1790-03-29', 'Buchanan', 'James', '1791-04-23',
         'Polk', 'James K', '1795-11-02', 'Fillmore', 'Millard',
         '1800-01-07', 'Pierce', 'Franklin', '1804-11-23'

FlatArray() tends to be most useful when the query returns one column per record, as with

    my @names = $db->FlatArray('select distinct name from mydb');

or two records with a key/value relationship:

    my %IdToName = $db->FlatArray('select id, name from mydb');

But you never know.


A generic query routine. Pass an SQL string, and a scalar will be returned to you.

If the query matches a single row column pair this is what you want. Scalar() is useful for computational queries, count(*), max(xxx), etc.

my $max = $dbh->Scalar('select max(id) from personnel');

If the result set would have been an array, scalar return the first item on the first row and print a warning.


A generic query routine. Pass an SQL string, and a CSV scalar will be returned to you.

my $max = $dbh->CSV('select * from personnel');

The example in the middle of page 50 of DuBois\'s MySQL would return a value similar to:

     my $item = '"Tyler","John","1790-03-29"\n
                 "Polk","James K","1795-11-02"\n

Returns the value of the verbose flag associated with the connection. If a value is provided, it is taken as the new value to install. Verbose is OFF by default. If you pass a true value, you'll get some verbose output each time a query executes.

Returns the current value.


When errors occur, a message will be sent to STDOUT if Quiet is true (it is by default). Pass a false value to disble it.

Returns the current value.


Enable or disable "safe" mode (on by default). In "safe" mode, you must prefix a native DBI method call with "dbi_" in order to call it. If safe mode is off, you can call native DBI mathods using their real names.

For example, in safe mode, you'd write something like this:


but in unsafe mode you could use:


The rationale behind having a safe mode is that you probably don't want to mix DBIx::DWIW and DBI method calls on an object unless you know what you're doing. You need to opt-in.

Safe() returns the current value.


Returns the real DBI database handle for the connection.


This method is called each time there is a error (usually caused by a network outage or a server going down) which a sub-class may want to examine and decide how to continue.

If RetryWait() returns 1, the operation which was being attempted when the failure occured will be retried. If it returns 0, the action will fail.

The default implementation causes your application to emit a message to STDOUT (via a warn() call) and then sleep for 30 seconds before retrying. You probably want to override this so that it will eventually give up. Otherwise your application may hang forever. It does maintain a count of how many times the retry has been attempted in $self-{RetryCount}>.

Local Configuration

There are two ways to to configure DBIx::DWIW for your local databases. The simplest (but least flexible) way is to create a package like:

    package MyDBI;
    @ISA = 'DBIx::DWIW';
    use strict;

    sub DefaultDB   { "MyDatabase"         }
    sub DefaultUser { "defaultuser"        }
    sub DefaultPass { "paSSw0rd"           }
    sub DefaultHost { "" }
    sub DefaultPort { 3306                 }

The four routines override those in DBIx::DWIW, and explicitly provide exactly what's needed to contact the given database.

The user can then use

    use MyDBI
    my $db = MyDBI->Connect();

and not have to worry about the details.

A more flexible approach appropriate for multiple-database or multiple-user installations is to create a more complex package, such as the which was included in the examples sub-directory of the DBIx::DWIW distribution.

In that setup, you have quit a bit of control over what connection parameters are used. And, since it's Just Perl Code, you can do anything you need in there.

The following methods are provided to support this in sub-classes:


Passed a configuration name, LocalConfig() should return a list of connection parameters suitable for passing to Connect().

By default, LocalConfig() simply returns undef.


Returns the default database name for the given configuration. Calls LocalConfig() to get it.


Returns the default username for the given configuration. Calls LocalConfig() to get it.


Returns the default password for the given configuration. Calls LocalConfig() to get it.


Returns the default hostname for the given configuration. Calls LocalConfig() to get it.


Returns the default Port number for the given configuration. Calls LocalConfig() to get it.

The DBIx::DWIW::Statement CLASS

Calling Prepre() on a database handle returns a DBIx::DWIW::Statement object which acts like a limited DBI statement handle.


The following methods can be called on a statement object.


    Executes the statement. If values are provided, they'll be substituted for the appropriate placeholders in the SQL.


DBIx::DWIW evolved out of some Perl modules that we developed and used in Yahoo! Finance ( The folowing people contributed to its development:

  Jeffrey Friedl (
  rayg (
  John Hagelgans (
  Jeremy Zawodny (


The following folks have provded feedback, patches, and other help along the way:

  Eric E. Bowles (
  David Yan (

Please direct comments, questions, etc to Jeremy for the time being. Thanks.


DBIx::DWIW is Copyright (c) 2001, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.

You may distribute under the same terms of the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file.


DBI, perl

Jeremy's presentation at the 2001 Open Source Database Summit, which introduced DBIx::DWIW is availble from:

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 1894:

You can't have =items (as at line 1939) unless the first thing after the =over is an =item