version 0.19
The Database:
The Schema of Job::Machine is in sql/create_tables.sql. Just install it into your database. It is environmental friendly (will not pollute your namespace). By default it installs in a new jobmachine schema (PostgreSQL schema, not e,g, DBIC schema).
Starting wirh version 0.18, Job::Machine needs at least PostgreSQL 9.0.
Using pg_notify means we need PostgreSQL >= 9.0
The Client
my $client = Job::Machine::Client->new(queue => 'job.task');
my $id = $client->send({foo => 'bar'});
The Worker
The Worker is a subclass
use base 'Job::Machine::Worker';
sub process {
my ($self, $data) = @_;
$self->reply({baz => 'Yeah!'}) if $data->{foo} eq 'bar';
and then use the worker
my $worker = Worker->new(queue => 'job.task');
Back at the Client:
if ($client->check('reply')) {
print $client->receive->{baz};
A small, but versatile system for sending jobs to a message queue and, if necessary, communicating answers back to the sender.
Job::Machine uses LISTEN / NOTIFY from PostgreSQL to send signals between clients and workers. This ensures very efficient message passing, giving any worker that is awake the chance to start working immediately.
Database Connection
Both client and worker accepts a Database Handle (dbh), or a Data Source Name (dsn).
From scratch:
my $client = Job::Machine::Client->new(
dsn => 'dbi:Pg:dbname=jobqueue',
queue => 'my.queue',
Hot Handle:
my $dbh = $self->existing_dbh;
my $client = Job::Machine::Client->new(
dbh => $dbh,
queue => 'my.queue',
Normally the queue name is passed as a parameter to new, but it can be overriden for any method call.
The queue can be named anything PostgreSQL accepts. A good idea is to maintain a hierarchical structure. e.g. gl.accounting or
Extra Parameters
You might have some already initialized data you want to pass to your worker instance. Job::Machine just pushes any extra parameter you send it into the object, so you can always access it from your process method.
There's no reason to repeat your configuration process in the worker if you already have it when the worker starts:
my $config = C<some lenghty process>
my $worker = SMSio::Worker::CPA->new(
config => $config,
You can access $self->{config} e.g. in your worker's startup and process methods.
Job::Machine - Job queue handling
Report tickets to
Kaare Rasmussen <>.
Copyright (C) 2009,2014, Kaare Rasmussen
This module is free software; you can redistribute it or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Kaare Rasmussen <kaare at cpan dot net>
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Kaare Rasmussen.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.