Changes for version 0.10
- Added a Search::InvertedIndex backend; currently only tested with the MySQL version of Search::InvertedIndex. When running make test, if the Search::InvertedIndex tests are being run, the following tests will warn 'testdb is not open. Can't lock.' (but should pass): 005_setup_mysql_search_invertedindex.t 011_cgi_wiki.t
- NOTE INTERFACE CHANGE **** Cleaned up the initialisation of the Wiki object, at the expense of a small interface change - you now need to create your store and (optional) search objects yourself and pass them as arguments to CGI::Wiki->new - read 'perldoc CGI::Wiki' (once installed) for details, or see examples/wiki.cgi in the tarball.
set up a DBIx::FullTextSearch backend for CGI::Wiki
set up a MySQL storage backend for CGI::Wiki
set up a Postgres storage backend for CGI::Wiki
set up a SQLite storage backend for CGI::Wiki
A toolkit for building Wikis.
DBIx::FullTextSearch search plugin for CGI::Wiki
Search::InvertedIndex search plugin for CGI::Wiki
set up fulltext indexes for CGI::Wiki
set up tables for CGI::Wiki in a MySQL database.
set up tables for CGI::Wiki in a Postgres database.
set up Search::InvertedIndex indexes for CGI::Wiki
set up tables for CGI::Wiki in a SQLite database.
parent class for database storage backends for CGI::Wiki
MySQL storage backend for CGI::Wiki
Postgres storage backend for CGI::Wiki
SQLite storage backend for CGI::Wiki