# $File: //member/autrijus/cpanplus/dist/bin/cpansmoke $ $Author: autrijus $
# $Revision: #5 $ $Change: 3825 $ $DateTime: 2002/04/09 11:17:33 $
use strict;
use Config;
my $VERSION = '0.02';
=head1 NAME
cpansmoke - CPAN Smoke Tester
B<cpansmoke> S<[ -B<acdflpv> ]> S<[ -B<t> I<timeout> ]> I<packages>...
This script uses B<CPANPLUS> to test one or more distributions from
CPAN. It accept both distribution names with absolute author directory
(e.g. C<K/KA/KANE/CPANPLUS-0.01.tar.gz>), or module names (e.g.
C<CPANPLUS::Backend>), in which case the latest distribution containing
the module is tested.
=head1 OPTIONS
-a Automatically send reports without prompting or editing
-c Always Cc: to the module author (only on FAIL by default)
-d Display each package's existing result before testing it
-f Force re-fetching cached packages and checksum data
-l Use user-configured hosts; www.cpan.org is preferred by default
-p Install prerequisite modules; this is disabled by default
-s Skip modules that have testing results from the same settings
-v Print verbose proceeding informations
-t Sets timeout for each package's install; default to 300
### Parse Options ##########################################################
show_usage() unless @ARGV;
my %args; getopts('acdflpsvt:', \%args);
my ($auto, $cc, $display, $force, $local, $prereq, $skip, $verbose, $timeout)
= @args{qw|a c d f l p s v t|};
### Initialize Environment #################################################
my $cp = CPANPLUS::Backend->new; # CPANPLUS Backend object
my $conf = $cp->configure_object; # Configuration for this session
my $shell = bless({}, 'main'); # fake shell object
$cp->{_shell} = $shell;
$ENV{VISUAL} = 'echo' if $auto; # let cpantest skip editing
$conf->set_conf( prereq => $prereq );
$conf->set_conf( force => $force );
$conf->set_conf( verbose => $verbose );
$conf->set_conf( cpantest => $args{c} ? 'always_cc' : 1 );
$conf->_set_ftp(urilist => [ { # prefers www.cpan.org
path => '/',
scheme => 'http',
host => 'www.cpan.org',
}, @{ $conf->_get_ftp('urilist') } ]) unless $local;
### Start Smoking ##########################################################
foreach my $pkg (@ARGV) {
$pkg =~ s|.*authors/id||; # strip leading paths
$pkg = "/$pkg" if $pkg =~ m|^[^/].*/|; # add leading / if needed
### Translate module names to package names
my $dist = ($pkg =~ m|^/|) ? $pkg : _distname($cp->module_tree->{$pkg})
or (print("No such module: $pkg, skipping.\n"), next);
return unless defined $dist;
my $report = $cp->reports( modules => [ $dist ] )
if $display or $skip;
my $is_there;
my $my_platform = join(' ', $^O, $Config{osvers}, $Config{archname});
while( my($name, $href) = each (%$report) ) {
while( my ($dist, $pf_ref) = each (%$href) ) {
print "[$dist]\n" if $display;
for my $platform (sort keys %{$pf_ref}) {
printf "%8s %s\n", $pf_ref->{$platform}, $platform if $display;
$is_there = 1 if $platform eq $my_platform;
if ($skip and $is_there) {
print "$dist already tested on this configuration; skipping.\n";
print "Testing: ".($pkg =~ m|^/| ? $pkg : "$pkg ($dist)")."\n";
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "\n" }; # alarm handler
alarm ($timeout || 300); # default timeout is 5 mins
$cp->install( # perform the install
modules => [ $dist ], # one module at a time
target => 'test', # but stop after 'make test'
alarm 0; # reset alarm
warn $@ if $@; # warns any errors
sub _distname {
my $module = shift or return;
my ($author, $package) = @{$module}{qw|author package|};
return join(
'/', '', substr($author, 0, 1), substr($author, 0, 2),
$author, $package,
### Fake shell method to confirm sending out report ###
sub _ask_report {
my $obj = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $dist = $args{dist};
my $grade = $args{grade};
return 1 if $auto;
require Term::ReadLine;
$obj->{_term} ||= Term::ReadLine->new($0);
return $obj->{_term}->readline(
"Report ${dist}'s testing result (\U$grade\E)? [y/N]: "
) =~ /^[yY]/;
### Display usage info ###
sub show_usage {
print << ".";
$0 [ -acflpv ] [ -t timeout ] <module | distribution> ...
-a Automatically send reports without prompting or editing
-c Always Cc: to the module author (only on FAIL by default)
-d Display each package's existing result before testing it
-f Force re-fetching cached packages and checksum data
-l Use user-configured hosts; www.cpan.org is preferred by default
-p Install prerequisite modules; this is disabled by default
-s Skip modules that have testing results from the same settings
-v Print verbose proceeding informations
-t Sets timeout for each package's install; default to 300
### Answers whether to install prerequisites -- should never be called ###
sub _ask_prereq {
return $prereq;
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<CPANPLUS>, L<cpantest>
=head1 AUTHORS
Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2001, 2002 by Autrijus Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.