cpanp - The CPANPLUS launcher



cpanp [ --[no]option... ] [-]af [ author... ]

cpanp [ --[no]option... ] [-]moitudlrczb [ module... ]


This script launches the CPANPLUS utility to perform various operations from the command line. If it's invoked without arguments, an interactive shell is executed by default.

Optionally, it can take a single-letter switch and one or more argument, to perform the associated action on each arguments. The commands are:

a AUTHOR...     # search by author(s)
m MODULE...     # search by module(s)
f AUTHOR...     # list all distributions by an author(s)
i MODULE...     # install module(s)
t MODULE...     # test module(s)
u MODULE...     # uninstall module(s)
d MODULE...     # download module(s) into current directory
l MODULE...     # display detailed information about module(s)
r MODULE...     # display README files of module(s)
c MODULE...     # check for module report(s) from cpan-testers
z MODULE...     # extract module(s) and open command prompt in it
o [ MODULE... ] # list installed module(s) that aren't up to date
b               # make autobundle of currently installed modules

Each command may be prefixed with one or more options. If preceded by no, the corresponding option will be set to 0, otherwise it's set to 1. The valid options includes cpantest, debug, flush, force, prereqs, storable, verbose, md5 and signature; please consult CPANPLUS::Configure for an explanation to their meanings.




Autrijus Tang <>


Copyright 2001, 2002 by Autrijus Tang <>.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
