my $dist = CPANPLUS::Dist->new(
                            format  => 'build',
                            module  => $modobj,


CPANPLUS::Dist is a base class for any type of CPANPLUS::Dist:: modules.



Returns the CPANPLUS::Module object that parented this object.


Returns the Object::Accessor object that keeps the status for this module.


All accessors can be accessed as follows: $deb->status->ACCESSOR


Boolean indicating whether the dist was created successfully. Explicitly set to 0 when failed, so a value of undef may be interpreted as not yet attempted.


Boolean indicating whether the dist was installed successfully. Explicitly set to 0 when failed, so a value of undef may be interpreted as not yet attempted.


Boolean indicating whether the dist was uninstalled successfully. Explicitly set to 0 when failed, so a value of undef may be interpreted as not yet attempted.


The location of the final distribution. This may be a file or directory, depending on how your distribution plug in of choice works. This will be set upon a successful create.

$dist = CPANPLUS::Dist->new( module => MODOBJ, [format => DIST_TYPE] );

Create a new CPANPLUS::Dist object based on the provided MODOBJ. The optional argument format is used to indicate what type of dist you would like to create (like makemaker for a CPANPLUS::Dist::MM object, build for a CPANPLUS::Dist::Build object, and so on ). If not provided, will default to the setting as specified by your config dist_type.

Returns a CPANPLUS::Dist object on success and false on failure.

@dists = CPANPLUS::Dist->dist_types;

Returns a list of the CPANPLUS::Dist::* classes available

prereq_satisfied( modobj => $modobj, version => $version_spec )

Returns true if this prereq is satisfied. Returns false if it's not. Also issues an error if it seems "unsatisfiable," i.e. if it can't be found on CPAN or the latest CPAN version doesn't satisfy it.


Makes sure prerequisites are resolved

XXX Need docs, internal use only

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 92:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'